Title: Capital Adequacy Chapter 20
1Capital AdequacyChapter 20
- Financial Institutions Management, 3/e
- By Anthony Saunders
2Importance of Capital Adequacy
- Preserve confidence in the FI
- Protect uninsured depositors
- Protect FI insurance funds and taxpayers
- To acquire real investments in order to provide
financial services
3Cost of Equity
- P0 D1/(1k) D2/(1k)2
- Or if growth is constant,
- P0 D0(1g)/(k-g)
- May be expressed in terms of P/E ratio as
- P0 /E0 (D0/E0)(1g)/(k-g)
4Capital and Insolvency Risk
- Capital
- net worth
- book value
- Market value of capital
- credit risk
- interest rate risk
5Capital and Insolvency Risk (continued)
- Book value of capital
- par value of shares
- surplus value of shares
- retained earnings
- loan loss reserve
- Credit risk
- Interest rate risk
6Discrepancy Between Market and Book Values
- Factors underlying discrepancies
- interest rate volatility
- examination and enforcement
- Market value accounting
- market to book
- arguments against market value accounting
7Capital Adequacy in Commercial Banking and Thrifts
- Actual capital rules
- Capital-assets ratio (Leverage ratio)
- L Core capital/Assets
- 5 categories associated with set of mandatory and
discretionary actions - Prompt corrective action
8Leverage Ratio
- Problems with leverage ratio
- Market value may not be adequately reflected by
leverage ratio - Asset risk ratio fails to reflect differences in
credit and interest rate risks - Off-balance-sheet activities escape capital
requirements in spite of attendant risks
9Risk-based Capital Ratios
- Basle agreement
- Enforced alongside traditional leverage ratio
- Minimum requirement of 8 total capital (Tier I
core plus Tier II supplementary capital) to
risk-adjusted assets ratio. - Also, Tier I (core) capital ratio
- Core capital (Tier I) / Risk-adjusted
assets must meet minimum of 4. - Crudely mark to market on- and off-balance sheet
10Calculating Risk-based Capital Ratios
- Tier I includes
- book value of common equity, plus perpetual
preferred stock, plus minority interests of the
bank held in subsidiaries, minus goodwill. - Tier II includes
- loan loss reserves (up to maximum of 1.25 of
risk-adjusted assets) plus various convertible
and subordinated debt instruments with maximum
11Calculating Risk-based Capital Ratios
- Risk-adjusted assets
- Risk-adjusted assets Risk-adjusted
on-balance-sheet assets Risk-adjusted
off-balance-sheet assets - Risk-adjusted on-balance-sheet assets
- Assets assigned to one of four categories of
credit risk exposure. - Risk-adjusted value of on-balance-sheet assets
equals the weighted sum of the book values of the
assets, where weights correspond to the risk
12Risk-adjusted Off-balance-sheet Activities
- Off-balance-sheet contingent guaranty contracts
- Conversion factors used to convert into credit
equivalent amountsamounts equivalent to an
on-balance-sheet item. Conversion factors used
depend on the guaranty type. - Two-step process
- Derive credit equivalent amounts as product of
face value and conversion factor. - Multiply credit equivalent amounts by appropriate
risk weights (dependent on underlying
13Risk-adjusted Off-balance-sheet Activities
- Off-balance-sheet market contracts or derivative
instruments - Issue is counterparty credit risk
- Basically a two-step process
- Conversion factor used to convert to credit
equivalent amounts. - Second, multiply credit equivalent amounts by
appropriate risk weights. - Credit equivalent amount divided into potential
and current exposure elements.
14Credit Equivalent Amounts of Derivative
- Credit equivalent amount of OBS derivative
security items Potential exposure Current
exposure - Potential exposure credit risk if counterparty
defaults in the future. - Current exposure Cost of replacing a derivative
securities contract at todays prices. - Risk-adjusted asset value of OBS market contracts
Total credit equivalent amount risk weight.
15Risk-adjusted Asset Value of OBS Derivatives With
- With netting, total credit equivalent amount
equals net current exposure net potential
exposure. - Net current exposure sum of all positive and
negative replacement costs. - If the sum is positive, then net current exposure
equals the sum. - If negative, net current exposure equals zero.
- Anet (0.4 Agross ) (0.6 NGR Agross )
16Interest Rate Risk, Market Risk, and Risk-based
- Risk-based capital ratio is adequate as long as
the bank is not exposed to - undue interest rate risk
- market risk
17Criticisms of Risk-based Capital Ratio
- Risk weight categories may not closely reflect
true credit risk. - Balance sheet incentive problems.
- Portfolio aspects Ignores credit risk portfolio
diversification opportunities. - Reduces incentives for banks to make loans.
18Criticisms (continued)
- All commercial loans have equal weight.
- Ignores other risks such as FX risk, asset
concentration and operating risk. - Adversely affects competitiveness.
19Capital Requirements for Other FIs
- Securities firms
- Broker-dealers
- Net worth / total assets ratio must be no less
than 2 calculated on a day-to-day market value
20Capital Requirements (continued)
- Life insurance
- C1 Asset risk
- C2 insurance risk
- C3 interest rate risk
- C4 Business risk
21Capital Requirements (continued)
- Risk-based capital measure for life insurance
companies - RBC (C1 C3)2 C22 1/2 C4
- If
- (Total surplus and capital) / (RBC) lt 1.0,
- then subject to regulatory scrutiny.
22Capital Requirements (continued)
- Property and Casualty insurance companies
- similar to life insurance capital requirements.
- Six (instead of four) risk categories