Title: The Delta in Crisis
1The Delta in Crisis
- and what do we do about it.
Riverside County Water Symposium June 21, 2007
John Woodling CA Department of Water Resources
2The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
Sacramento River
San Joaquin River
San Francisco
3Water Flow to State and Federal Pumps
Sacramento River
San Joaquin River
Middle River
Old River
SWP Pumps
CVP Pumps
4Some Delta Background
- Home to more than 500,000 people
- Over 500,000 acres of agriculture
- Habitat for 700 native plant and animal species
- Water for more than 25 million Californians
- Water for 3 million acres of agriculture
- Two deep water ports, rail and road corridors
- Pipeline and communications rights-of-way
- 12 million recreational visitor days
- Vital to California economy
5Delta Levees
- Reclamation began late 1850s, completed by 1930s
- Over 1100 miles of levees
- 1/3 state-federal project levees
- 2/3 locally maintained levees
- 57 reclaimed islands
6Risks to the Delta
- Non-engineered levees composed of dredge spoils
- Subsidence of levee foundations
- Subsidence of peat
- soils on islands
8Historic Levee Failure
- Over 160 levee failures over last century leading
to island inundation - Jones Tract (2004)
- Six months to repair and pump-out island
- Costs exceeded 90 million
9Seismic Vulnerability
106.5 Magnitude Earthquake
30 levee breaches Inundation of 16
islands 30-60 billion economic costs 300
billion gallons of saltwater over several days
11Climate Change
Changes in precipitation
Changes in runoff
Sea level rise
12Sea Level Rise
2 ft.
1 ft.
Source IPCC, 2001
13Sea Level Rise
Source Roos 2003
14Changes in Peak Flows
American River Annual One-Day Maximum Unimpaired
Flows at Fair Oaks
Folsom Dam completed
From Roos, 2003
15Twitchell Island 2006
16The Environment
- Toxicity
- Exotic species
- Delta Operations
Pelagic Organism Decline
17Delta Imperatives
- Cant recover Delta environment and maintain
reliable water exports - Cant upgrade all the levees to withstand
earthquakes and sea level rise - Cant maintain Delta agriculture as land subsides
- Cant divert Delta water and avoid Delta fish
18Responding to Delta Risks
19Curtailed Pumping
- Cessation of Pumping at Banks Pumping Plant in
early June 2007 - Minimization of pumping at Tracy (CVP) pumps
- Protection of Delta Smelt in vicinity of pumps
20Delta Vision
- Build on CALFED to address all the resources,
uses, and challenges in the Delta - Recognition that the Delta is not sustainable
environmentally or economically - Executive Order
- Blue Ribbon Task Force
- Phase 1 Recommendations - January 2008
- Phase 2 Strategic Plan December 2008
21Delta Risk Management Strategy DRMS
- Evaluate current and future risk
- Identify consequences
- Identify risk reduction measures
- Evaluate alternatives
- Preliminary Findings
- 160-260 levee failures over next 100 years
- 12-15 simultaneous failures in major flood event
- 28 chance of 30 islands failing in seismic
event in next 25 years
23Levee Repairs
- Governor declares State of Emergency February
2006 - 33 critical sites repaired by following winter
- 71 new repair sites identified
- Propositions 1E and 84 will continue short and
long term flood control system improvements - Minimum 775 million for Delta levees
24Alternative Conveyance
- PPIC Report identified 9 alternatives
- CALFED end of Phase 1 evaluate effectiveness of
through Delta conveyance
25"We need to build more storage, and we have to
build conveyance, the canal, and all of those
kinds of things."
- Strategic Growth Plan
- SB 59 (2007)
- 2 billion for surface storage
- 500 million for GW storage
- Sites Reservoir
- Temperance Flat Reservoir
27Whats Next
- We have an unprecedented opportunity for a
genuine Delta fix - Funding
- Public awareness
- Legislative and administration attention
- We are beginning to construct a sustainable flood
control system - Construction
- Public policy
- We can provide water for the States future needs
- Statewide systems
- Regional and local investment
- Business as usual is not an option