Course Goal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Course Goal


... code in C and Java using all the 'state-of-the-art' tools and techniques ... e.g., a program that plays music and shows some cool visualization ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: henrica
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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Course Goal

Course Goal
  • A hands-on course
  • There is a lot of theory that we could go into
  • Instead well take a pragmatic approach and
    experience general principles of concurrent
    programming, with a high-performance emphasis
  • By the end of the class you should be able to
  • Write correct and efficient multi-threaded code
    in C and Java using all the state-of-the-art
    tools and techniques
  • Understand how to accelerate code via
  • Have notions of and some experience with
    distributed memory computing

Course Website
  • Located at
  • http//
  • Linked from my homepage
  • Accessible from the ICS homepage
  • Contains
  • All lecture notes (posted at least one week
    before the corresponding lecture)
  • No textbook in this course
  • Pointers to useful on-line material
  • All assignments
  • Announcements
  • A link to the PDF Syllabus

Lectures and Office Hours
  • Lectures Tue Thu, 300PM-415PM
  • Office Hours Mon/Wed, 3PM-415PM
  • POST 310C
  • phone 956-2649

  • Programming Assignments
  • 1 or 2 weeks
  • Write code
  • Run it
  • Sometimes write a brief report on the
  • a few graphs
  • a sentence/paragraph about the graphs when
  • Turn in the source code and the report (via

Last Assignment / Project
  • The last programming assignment will be longer (3
  • We will
  • Take a real-world piece of software
  • Try to use anything weve learned during the
    class to make it faster
  • I will benchmark the turned-in code for all
  • I will create an (anonymous) ranking
  • Extra-credit will be awarded based on achieved
  • Data from last time I did this

Exams, Grading
  • Exams
  • One midterm exam
  • One comprehensive final exam
  • Grading
  • Programming Assignments 60 (not all equal)
  • Midterm 15
  • Final 25

Academic Dishonesty
  • The PDF syllabus contains the usual academic
    dishonesty statement
  • Programming Assignments
  • Some code may be found on the Web
  • True for the first question of some classic
  • Difficult to work with code you havent developed
  • So although this kind of cheating makes life
    easier for Question 1, it makes it much harder
    for 2, 3, etc.
  • And exam questions will be in part about the
    programming assignments
  • Using the Web for references and examples is OK
  • I encourage you to do your own research on-line
    regarding concurrent programming and come up with
    questions, suggestions for things we should look
    at, etc.

  • Questions about the Syllabus?

  • Definition Execution of multiple tasks at the
    same time
  • You are used to writing non-concurrent, or
    sequential, programs
  • At any point, you could stop the program and say
    exactly which execution is being executed, what
    the calling sequence is, etc.
  • And there is a single answer to the above
  • In a concurrent program, you design the program
    in terms of tasks, where each task as a life of
    its own
  • Each task has a specific job to do
  • Tasks may need to talk to each other
  • Tasks are in different regions of the code a the
    same time
  • A different way of thinking/programming
  • The state of the program has more than one

Concurrent Programs
  • A program consists of multiple files/modules/class

Concurrent Programs
  • A sequential program does this

Concurrent Programs
  • A concurrent program does this
  • a blue task
  • a red task

Concurrent Programs
  • or this
  • a blue task
  • a red task
  • a green task

Concurrent Programs
  • Thinking about what a concurrent program does is
    more difficult than for a sequential program
  • One must keep a mental picture of what each task
    is doing
  • Questions like While task 1 is in function f
    where is task 2? are difficult
  • Two executions of the same program may not be
  • Well explain this in more details
  • As a result, concurrent programs are
  • Sometimes more difficult to design for
  • Sometimes more difficult to read
  • Almost always more difficult to debug
  • So, why do we bother at all?

Why Concurrency?
  • Some programs are naturally concurrent
  • e.g., a video game in which I have
    computer-generated autonomous characters
  • Each character is a task
  • e.g., an ecology simulation
  • Each animal is a task
  • e.g., a program that plays music and shows some
    cool visualization
  • The player is a task, the visualization is a task
  • If we had a programming language in which we
    could specify concurrent tasks, then such
    programs would be must simpler to write

Concurrent GUI
  • A common application of concurrent programming is
    for designing Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
  • Example
  • Say you want to write a program that renders 3-D
  • You have a clickable button to launch the
  • But rendering takes a long time
  • You dont want the GUI to appear frozen while
  • For instance, you want the Quit, Cancel
    buttons to still work, at the least

Concurrent GUI
  • One way to avoid the frozen problem is to write
    your code with breaking down a task into
    sub-tasks and interleaving execution of sub-tasks
  • Typically, code fragments will be written in
    C/C-like pseudo-code or in Java, without
    declarations, etc.

void render(...) for (step0 steplt100
step) this.doSomeRendering(...) if
(gui.cancelButton.clicked()) break
Concurrent GUI
  • There are many reasons why you dont want to have
    to do the task interleaving by hand
  • Its cumbersome
  • What if you want to do 7 tasks?
  • Its no always doable
  • Perhaps the task is not easily done in multiple
    distinct steps
  • Perhaps the task is a call to a library which
    code you cant or dont want to modify
  • What if some tasks have some real-time
  • e.g., you want to have an animated symbol that
    changes every t milliseconds but other tasks may
    call library functions that take more than t

Concurrent GUI
  • Youd rather write your code like this

render.start() while (render.notDone()) if
render.kill() break
sleep(0.001) task render(...) ...
Concurrent Tasks Abstraction
  • Fortunately, the underlying system can support
    the concurrent tasks abstraction
  • the interleaving can be done for you
  • and better than anything you could do by hand
  • This can be done by
  • A special library
  • A virtual machine like the JVM
  • The Operating System
  • A combination of some of the above
  • In this class we will
  • Understand how to use concurrent tasks
  • Discuss how it all works underneath
  • Look at several benefits of concurrent tasks

Simultaneous tasks?
  • Can we really have simultaneous concurrent tasks?
  • Well talk about this at length in a future
    lecture, but basically there are two kinds of
  • True concurrency two or more things happen at
    the same instant in time
  • False concurrency only one thing happens at a
    time, but the illusion of concurrency is given by
    rapid context switching
  • context switching the interleaving from a couple
    of slides ago, but done transparently by the O/S

True/False Concurrency
  • Consider a program that defines two concurrent
    tasks, T1 and T2
  • On a single-processor system, only one task can
    use the CPU
  • The concurrent tasks use false concurrency
  • On a multi-processor system, each task can be on
    a different core
  • The concurrent tasks use true concurrency

True/False Concurrency
one processor
  • False concurrency between the red task, the green
    task, and the blue task

True/False Concurrency
one processor
one processor
  • True concurrency between the yellow task and the
    green task, the grey and the blue, etc.

True/False Concurrency
  • The programmer shouldnt have to care/know
    whether concurrency will be true or false
  • Typically, the programmer doesnt know on which
    computer the program will run!
  • A concurrent program with 10 tasks should work on
    a single-core processor, a quad-core processor, a
    32-core processor, etc.
  • However, there is an impact on performance

Concurrency and Performance
  • True concurrency, whenever possible, leads to
    better performance than false concurrency
  • Two processors cores used concurrently
  • False concurrency is still useful for creating
    more interactive applications
  • And in fact, what at first glance looks like
    false concurrency (e.g., one processor core) can
    in fact still use hardware concurrently
  • One processor core used concurrently with the
  • One processor core used concurrently with the
  • One processor core used concurrently with the
  • We will talk at length about opportunities for
    concurrent use of hardware resources

Example Concurrent App
  • Consider an application that reads files that
    contain images and enhances the images
  • A sequential execution would look like this

. . .
read img1
enhance img1
read img2
enhance img2
read img3
enhance img3
  • While an image is being read, the CPU is mostly
  • Perhaps ok if you run other applications at the
    same time, otherwise its wasteful

Example Concurrent App
  • Rewrite the application as two concurrent tasks
  • Task 1 Reads images
  • Task 2 Enhances images
  • Now the execution (could) look like this

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
. . .
read img1
read img2
read img3
  • Essentially, the cost of reading images is hidden
    after the first one

Example Concurrent App
. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
enhance img4
. . .
read img1
read img2
read img3
read img4
read img5
read img6
read img7
read img8
  • In our scenario, image reading takes less time
    than image enhancing
  • This can lead to a problem a limited number of
    images can be held in memory
  • If one tries to keep too many in memory, then the
    application will start swapping things back to
  • See your virtual memory lectures (ICS431, ICS412)

Example Concurrent App
  • Solution 1 Read only one image ahead of time
  • Requires some synchronization between tasks
  • which we will see how to do

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
enhance img4
read img1
read img2
read img3
read img4
read img5
  • Problem If we have images of different sizes,
    then reading image i1 may take longer than
    processing image i
  • i3 above leads to idle time

Example Concurrent App
  • Solution 2 Read only N image ahead of time
  • Making sure that N images always fit in memory

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
enhance img4
read img1
read img2
read img3
read img4
read img5
  • In the above example, N 3
  • If images are very different, it could be
    difficult to determine the smallest N
  • Best bet just keep at most X MBytes of image
    data in memory

Example Concurrent App
  • What if enhancing takes less time than reading?

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
. . .
read img1
read img2
read img3
  • The cost of enhancing images is hidden after the
    first one
  • Good news One doesnt have to know which
    operation takes less time ahead of time
  • Difficult to know anyway, depends on the computer
  • Lesson Just create concurrent tasks and make
    sure memory doesnt become a problem

Example Concurrent App
  • The previous application is really a 2-stage
    software pipeline
  • Pipelining in hardware for a RISC processor (see
  • Each instruction consists of X one-cycle stages
  • Two instructions can be in different stages at
    the same time at no extra cost
  • But extra complexity of the CPU design
  • Performance is best when all stages take the same
  • Similar concept here, but in software
  • Application design is more complicated
  • Things would be easy if image reading and image
    enhancing were to take the same exact time
  • Rarely the case (unlike for a RISC process)
  • When stages dont take the same time, we can do
    things ahead of time, e.g., hold up to N images
    in memory
  • Not an option in hardware pipelining

No Extra Cost??
enhance img2
  • In hardware two instructions can be in different
    stages at the same time at no performance cost
  • In software its not generally 100 true
  • A task that reads data from disk still needs to
    execute some instructions at the CPU
  • But they are not very frequent because the task
    spends most of its time waiting for the disk
  • Furthermore, running more than one task at a time
    has some overhead
  • The interleaving of instruction requires some
    extra work by the CPU, O/S
  • So we lose a little bit in general

read img3
enhance img2
read img3
Example Concurrent App
  • The ideal picture looks like this

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
enhance img4
read img1
read img2
read img3
read img4
read img5
  • The real picture could look like this

. . .
enhance img1
enhance img2
enhance img3
enhance img4
read img1
read img2
read img3
read img4
read img5
Example Concurrent App
  • The big question is how much performance benefit
    can we really get from concurrency?
  • Its a difficult question because the answer
  • depends on the application
  • depends on the computer
  • depends on the operating system
  • depends on the language
  • One could rely on benchmarks and other
    application runs to get a reasonable guess
  • Fortunately, concurrency is rarely a bad idea as
    long as one knows how to write good concurrent
  • Which is what we will learn in this course

Other Concurrent Apps
  • In many cases concurrency can help get better
    performance by using multiple hardware resources
    at the same time
  • Examples
  • A concurrent Web browser Network CPU
  • A concurrent Web server Network CPU Disk
  • An image renderer CPU1 CPU2 CPU3
  • All the above applications can also use
    concurrency for interactivity/responsiveness
  • Example
  • You dont want a Web server to appear frozen to
    Web clients because it is currently serving a
    long request
  • Especially true in 3-tier apps like airline
    reservation systems
  • Lesson Concurrency is useful in many ways
  • In fact, some argue that create a bunch of
    concurrent tasks and throw them in cant be a
    bad idea

Why Should You Care?
  • Having faster and more responsive apps is good
  • The advent of multi-core processors has a
    profound effect on the way software is written
  • More opportunities for concurrency for
  • Cannot count on increasing clockrates anymore to
    increase performance like weve been doing in the
  • Therefore
  • Knowing how to write good concurrent code is
    extremely important for todays computer
  • Many companies are engaged in making their code
    concurrent as we speak
  • Theyre looking for people to do it

In the News and the Industry
  • Herb Sutter, A Fundamental Turn Toward
    Concurrency in Software Dr. Dobb's Journal ,
    March 2005
  • Video Games that are CPU-bound (not GPU-bound)
  • The SourceTM Engine (Half Life) current
    development almost completely focuses on
  • Quote from an interview The short summary is
    that creating efficient and powerful
    multithreaded code is extremely difficult, and
    there's a very real possibility that developers
    will need to throw away a lot of their existing
    code base.
  • Harmotion Game Engine wins 1st place in Intels
    multithreading gamecontest
  • Photoshop has some multithreading, but could use
  • You can Google for variations on the word
    multithreading and youll find many pointers to
    companies working on making their applications

Why this course?
  • Concurrency is increasingly important in industry
  • In 2 years it went from that cool thing that
    some people know how to do to that fundamental
    thing youd better know how to do
  • Writing concurrent programs is difficult when one
    has never been exposed to concurrency
  • Some people put the shock of going from
    sequential to concurrent in the same category as
  • Going from imperative programming to Functional
    or Logic programming
  • C to LISP or Prolog
  • Going from imperative programming to Object
    Oriented programming
  • Going from C to Java
  • I am not sure I agree, but its clearly a new way
    of thinking
  • After taking this course you should be proficient
    in concurrent programming

Concurrency in this Course
  • Well look at the three important/difficult
    issues with concurrency
  • Correctness
  • Responsiveness
  • Performance
  • Well look at
  • Java Threads
  • Java the new java.util.concurrent package
  • C pthreads
  • C OpenMP
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