Title: Converging on Transformative Learning
1Academic Plan
Transformative Learning
2Transformative Learning
- Experiential Education (Traditional vs
Progressive) - - John Dewey (1938)
- Perspective Transformation (Disorientation)
- - Jack Mezirow (1978)
- Practice-Oriented Education (The Third Way)
- - Richard Freeland (2004)
3Transformative Learning _at_ UCO
- Leadership,
- Research, Scholarly Creative Activities,
- Service Learning Civic Engagement
- Global Cultural Competency
4 Research (Functional Definition) Student-ce
ntered activities, mentored by one or more
faculty members, that lead to products
(publications, performances, etc.) recognized as
legitimate scholarly or creative contributions to
the discipline fostering these activities.
5Components of Faculty-Student Learning
Faculty Development
Student Learning
New Knowledge
(Elgren, 2004)
6Benefits of Undergraduate Research
(Seymour et al. 2004 - from Lopatto, 2004)
7UCO 1st Year Retention vs Summer Bridge
8- "There was a time not so long ago when the great
faculty divide was between faculty who performed
research and faculty who did not. Now, however,
with most faculty engaged in research, the new
line of demarcation is instead between faculty
who engage students in their research and those
who do not. - (Malachowski, 2005)
9Transformative Learning _at_ UCO
- Leadership,
- Research, Scholarly Creative Activities,
- Service Learning Civic Engagement
- Global Cultural Competency
10Leadership at UCOFrom Marquee to Meaning
- Preparing college graduates for effective
citizenship and leadership is a primary goal of
American higher education. - Marcia Baxter Magolda
- Scholarship and Research Updates Concepts and
- Leadership development has been a focus of higher
education since the inception of colleges and
universities. - John Shertzer John Schuh (2004). College
Student Perceptions of Leadership Empowering
and Constraining Beliefs NASPA Journal.
Academic Mission
Global and Cultural Competency
Service Learning and Civic Engagement
Research and Creative Activities
opportunities in leadership development broaden
the academic component of higher education.
(Buckner Williams, 1995)
student leadership programs should be an
integral part of academic and co-curricular
offerings. (Roberts Ullom, 1989)
12UCOs Leadership LENS
Systemic Relevant Authentic Meaningful Collaborat
ive Developmental Intradisciplinary Interdisciplin
13- Leaderships Contributions to
- Transformative Education
- Raise Awareness
- Demonstrate Relevance
- Increase Commitment
- Empower People
- Develop and Support Programs
- Develop Leadership Skills
- Create Partnerships
14In isolation and without context, leadership is
meaningless. Woven into the tapestry of
transformative education, leadership informs our
work and becomes for students who they are and
thus broadens the academic component of higher
education. (Buckner and Williams, 1995)
15Transformative Learning _at_ UCO
- Leadership,
- Research, Scholarly Creative Activities,
- Service Learning Civic Engagement
- Global Cultural Competency