- Documenting Our Accomplishments in a Time of
Accountability, Competition, and Limited Resources
2Need for Documentation
- Political Context
- Fiscal Context
- Focus on OUTCOMES
- Continuous Improvement and High Quality
3Previous CSU Methods for Collecting Information
- CSU Specific
- GCS/LSA Database
- Campus Profile for Annual Report
- Listserv inquiries
- Various systemwide questionnaires
- Technology Survey
- Other Venues
- Campus Compact Annual Survey
- Listserv postings
- Campus Cares
4Expectations for 2002-2003
- Continued use of methods in the past
- GCS Database June 30, 2003
- LSA Database August 29, 2003
- Campus Profile for the Annual Report June 30,
2003 - Listserv inquiries
- New method APDB
5Academic Planning Data Base
California State University
- Collect, analyze, and provide statistic data on
faculty workload and on courses taught - Conduct special statistical studies with data as
needed for CSU administrators and state
- The Academic Planning Data Base (APDB) is a
Computerized Information System based upon two
separate but coordinated files - The Faculty File contains information on al l
persons compensated from instructional or
administrative accounts, and having teaching
responsibilities in the CSU, regardless of
funding sources. - The Section File contain information on all
courses offered during a given term. - The two files are linked by Social Security
Number (SSN) -
8Campus Faculty File
Key elements are Year Term Campus Code Faculty
SSN Faculty Name Assigned Dept School
Code Salary Range Code Instructional Faculty
Fraction Instructional Admin Fraction Administrati
ve Level Code Assigned Time Code Assigned Time
WTU Other Support Fraction
9Campus Course File
Key elements are Service-Learning
Indicator Discipline Code Course Level School
Code Department Code Course Abbreviation Course
Number Course Suffix Section Number Course
Classification (CS) Number Course Credit
Units Enrollment Space Type Begin End
Time Meeting Days Faculty SSN Team Teaching
10APDBStandard Term Reports
11New APDB Report in 02-03
12Key Benefits
- Monitor faculty workload
- Monitor student faculty ratios
- Monitor course offerings, enrollments, class
sizes and mode of instruction by course level
(LD, UD GD) - Monitor space utilization
13Key Benefit to Service Learning
- Identify service-learning sections throughout the
CSU - Generate systemwide reports on service-learning
offerings and enrollments.
14APDB System Overview
Data Element Important to Community Service
15Service-Learning Indicator
Definition This data element is used to identify
courses designated as "service learning" by a
particular CSU campus. In general terms, a
service-learning course actively involves the
student in a community service experience that
directly relates to the content area of the
course in question. Each CSU campus has a
coordinator who implements and maintains policies
and procedures for designating particular courses
as service learning. Values Blank Course
section in question is not classifiable as
service learning (blank is defaulted to
no) Y Course section in question has been
classified as service learning by the reporting
campusN Course section in question is not
classifiable as service learning
16Implications for CSL
- The campus designates service-learning sections
in APDB. - Therefore, the campus must develop a process to
identify and designate service-learning sections. - The campus must also develop a process to educate
about, and implement, the service-learning course
designation policy. - Campus will submit APDB data file on June 23,
17Models for Consideration
- Developing a Service-Learning Course Designation
Policy - San Jose State University
- Using the Service-Learning Course Designation
Policy - CSU Fresno
20Next Steps
- Meet with your APDB coordinator
- Ask APDB coordinator what information management
system is used on your campus to generate the
APDB files (i.e. Banner) - Determine the process for marking
service-learning sections in that information
management system - Determine on campus who else should be involved
- Based on the information that has been shared,
what do you think your next steps will be on
campus? Share your ideas with your colleagues and
get some feedback - What support will you need in order to facilitate
those steps?