Title: Recent Trends in Coffee Consumption in India
1Consumer attitudes towards coffee drinking
2- Attitude towards Coffee Drinking
- Research Objectives
- Understand consumer perceptions and attitudes
towards Coffee in the context of other beverages. - Understand the attitude towards coffee with
respect to quality, variety, price, additives
especially chicory, positive and negative
associations related to consumption as well as
drivers and barriers to coffee consumption. - Regular drinkers Drink 1-2 times or more
everyday including yesterday - Occasional Drinker Drunk once in the last 6
months, but not yesterday - Non-Drinker Not drunk at all in the last 12
months / cannot remember when last drunk coffee
3Spontaneously Recalled Beverages
- Spontaneous Recall
- Spontaneous recall measures whether a respondent
recalls a beverage spontaneously without any
aiding. - Both coffee and tea enjoy high spontaneous
recall. These are followed by Plain Milk and
Carbonated Soft drinks
Plain Milk
Carbonated beverages
All figures in
4Top of Mind Recalled Beverages
Top of Mind Category recall Starting with recall
of beverages, the first beverage recalled is
referred to commonly as the Top of Mind (TOM)
beverage. While 66 of the respondents recall
Tea, only 22 recall coffee as the first
beverage. TOM recall of coffee is higher in
traditional coffee strong holds such as TN and
KN. Across the country TOM recall for Coffee is
higher among SEC A, B C than SEC D (the lowest
socio-economic strata)
Plain Milk
Carbonated beverages
All figures in
5Regular Beverage Consumption Urban
In KN and TN, percentage of heavy drinkers (who
drink coffee more than 2 times a day) is higher
than in other regions
Maltova/ Complan/ Horlicks/ Boost/ Bournvita
Plain Milk
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
Drink more than 2 times everyday including
All figures in
Drink 1-2 times everyday including yesterday
6Regular Beverage Consumption Rural
A similar pattern as earlier is observed in the
rural markets as well
Maltova/ Complan/ Horlicks/ Boost/ Bournvita
Plain Milk
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
Drink more than 2 times everyday including
All figures in
Drink 1-2 times everyday including yesterday
7Top beverages consumed by Coffee Drinkers
8Choice of Beverages By coffee drinker Type
9Beverage Perceptions
- In TN, coffee has moderate associations on family
beverage but strongly associated with special
occasions and hence has high status associations. - In KN, coffee has very strong associations with
Family beverage. Interestingly, it also has
special/high status perceptions. - In AP, perception of Tea is very close to Coffee
on key dimensions. Tea comes across as mainly an
evening cup. - In Kerala, Tea has higher positive associations
on key dimensions of family, health and status. - In the North, East and West, coffee is largely a
Social or outside home drink. Coffee is
associated with high status, modernity, ideal for
cold weather suggesting it is a special and
occasional drink.
Best Beverage Largely Family beverage
(Healthy Modern keeping up with times)
10Barriers for coffee consumption
Health is a big barrier to more frequent
consumption among those who drink only 1 cup of
coffee a day. Among occasional coffee drinkers
and non-drinkers, habit, non-consumption by other
family members and price are key barriers. Taste
is an additional barrier among non-drinkers in
North, East and West and TN.
Reasons Reasons Total South Urban South Urban South Urban South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban South Rural South Rural South Rural South Rural
Reasons Reasons Total TN KN AP Ker North East West TN KN AP Ker
REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among those who drink coffee only 1 or 2 times a day
It is too expensive to drink more cups It is too expensive to drink more cups 22 5 10 23 23 38 27 28 6 12 34 21
It is not healthy to drink more It is not healthy to drink more 56 89 60 50 33 56 71 46 85 41 36 9
It is too much effort to make more cups It is too much effort to make more cups 12 7 5 9 18 12 17 19 8 0 10 9
I drink with other family members, they do not drink more times I drink with other family members, they do not drink more times 24 8 21 30 49 15 14 35 9 47 22 42
REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers REASONS FOR LOW CONSUMPTION, Among Occasional and non drinkers
It is not drunk regularly in my house O 46 30 34 57 56 25 61 67 46 33 69 46
It is not drunk regularly in my house N 34 23 11 17 55 49 44 39 35 11 33 36
It is too expensive for regular drinking O 29 13 21 9 21 65 40 30 21 41 23 24
It is too expensive for regular drinking N 22 5 7 12 5 55 25 28 9 41 21 8
I am not used to drinking it O 25 34 31 24 19 36 23 25 11 20 5 11
I am not used to drinking it N 41 50 67 47 25 36 27 43 39 43 51 25
I do not like the taste O 17 42 26 9 10 7 14 19 15 32 0 5
I do not like the taste N 36 51 26 22 21 53 40 50 27 43 16 19
No one else drinks in my house O 15 12 11 19 16 27 18 7 3 5 30 16
No one else drinks in my house N 24 5 16 44 19 28 26 24 10 17 62 15
It is not easily available O 5 2 4 2 14 3 5 4 7 12 1 0
It is not easily available N 8 1 0 5 20 8 9 15 2 13 7 1
All figures in
O Occasional Coffee Drinker
N Non-Drinkers
11Drivers for coffee drinking habit formation
Coffee as any other drink is habit forming
Family drinking is a key for early adoption Most
Regular and Occasional drinkers started drinking
coffee at lt10 years at home, were introduced by a
Family member. The exception is the North, where
most started outside home and were introduced to
coffee by a friend. Can coffee be promoted
creatively to a younger audience so that early
drinking habits are formed?
Consumption History Total South Urban South Urban South Urban South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban South Rural South Rural South Rural South Rural
Consumption History Total TN KN AP Ker North East West TN KN AP Ker
Age (when began drinking)
Less than 10 years 41 85 45 4 47 47 11 12 72 68 2 71
10 -15 years 25 9 22 39 33 31 17 36 10 21 18 25
16 18 years 16 4 12 32 16 11 25 23 10 3 35 1
18 24 10 1 6 19 2 7 23 15 4 1 29 1
25 8 1 13 6 2 4 24 13 4 6 16 2
Introduced to coffee drinking by
Family member 74 95 78 84 71 41 63 71 94 62 71 78
Friend 13 1 7 11 4 50 9 16 3 4 24 2
Colleague 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 0 0
No one, I saw others drink it and started 3 0 1 0 13 1 12 6 1 0 0 1
Cant remember 9 4 12 5 10 6 13 4 1 34 4 19
Location of first drink
Home 72 89 77 82 82 37 71 67 90 54 63 78
Outside 17 3 10 13 7 56 15 30 7 1 24 2
Cant remember 11 8 14 5 11 7 14 4 3 45 14 19
All figures in
12Outside home consumption of Coffee
Low penetration but high consumption of coffee in
Offices and colleges opportunity area to
promote category
Among those who drink coffee outside
Opportunity areas
Coffee shop Office College While as a guest in someone's house While out for entertainment At a special event / function Airport / Train station While traveling
50 14 73 31 56 17 17 3 14 4 6 1 5 1 5 1
Regular Drinker
Drink 1-2 times everyday including yesterday
Drink 1-2 times a week
All figures in
13Awareness Usage of Chicory
Awareness of chicory is limited to the South. In
AP, consumption of coffee with high of chicory,
but awareness of chicory is low. Education may be
needed on pure Vs chicory mix thereby providing
opportunity to promote use of pure coffee/ less
chicory mix coffee in this market
who have heard of chicory
who drink coffee with chicory
Statements (Top 2 Box) Total South Urban South Urban South Urban South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban Non-South Urban South Rural South Rural South Rural South Rural
Statements (Top 2 Box) Total TN KN AP Ker North East West TN KN AP Ker
If chicory is added to coffee, you can get more cups of coffee than you would from pure coffee 60 79 42 52 51 86 56 65 67 46 73 39
Chicory makes coffee taste more bitter 65 85 67 59 63 71 67 35 41 63 73 23
Coffee with chicory in it is more affordable 58 71 54 46 56 86 44 52 61 36 72 32
Chicory spoils the taste of pure coffee 38 52 39 30 44 43 44 29 36 30 22 13
Chicory is bad for health 53 76 35 43 20 0 22 19 72 19 90 39
All figures in