Title: Learning At
1Learning At Home With Capra Ryan
21st thing you learn in Capra Ryan is how to sit
properly at your computer
Do not bring in your favourite armchair as you
tend to fall asleep at the computer.
Do not sit in a rocking chair as this tends to
cause motion sickness whilst typing.
Do not sit on a bar stool as you can fall off
when you lean back to stretch.
Do not sit on a kitchen chair as it tends to make
you hungry
This is the proper chair, this is a working chair.
If you choose this one then you are very smart,
because you are right.
4Before you begin get comfortable
- 1. A hot cup of coffee/tea
- 2. Something to nibble on
- 3. Pens/pencils/paper to take notes
- 4. Discs to copy work
- 5. Relaxing music in the background
- 6. Do not disturb sign for family
- 7. Adequate ink in the printer
Do Not Disturb!
5Now, are you ready to begin?
What is a search engine?
6Lets start the course. How to avoid conflict.
Our Tutors at Capra Ryan are trying to teach us
that this is not the right way to deal with
conflict They give you strategies in how to deal
with conflict.
7Visit The Coffee Shop, Bar or Lounge
8Now there was a great idea, if only it worked.
Is anybody there?
9- If like me, you might have visited the chat rooms
only to find that each time you logged in you
just missed someone by seconds. - SUGGESTIONS
- Maybe you could make a special time and day to be
on the chat and let your fellow students know. - It would be a good idea to make an arrangement
with your tutor to visit the chat rooms maybe 1
night a week at a particular time so you can ask
her/him any questions that might arise during
your course.
10Sometimes you will feel frustrated with some of
the units. But! Dont despair always remember,
if you dont ask the question you can never learn
the answer. Dont ever feel stupid and try to go
it alone. The tutors are always there to help
you. They are always positive towards you and
Ask me!
I can help you.
11Use as many resources as you can.
- Here are some you may not have thought about.
- Librarian
- Teacher
- Fellow Students
12You will feel a great sense of achievement when
you have completed the course.
- You may get tired of doing the course and just
want a break. Usually it is because you are
starting a unit which seems too hard. - The tutor will help you to get started on the new
unit. You only have to ask. - Dont ever feel you are imposing. Tutors are only
too happy to help.
13Well done! You made it! Relax and have a drink.
Organise a night out with fellow students who
have also finished the course.
14Capra Ryan
On behalf of all the students we would like to
thank Capra Ryan Staff and Tutors for all their
help and support throughout our course. A
special thanks to my tutor for her wonderful
sense of humour and calming words of comfort and
Author Marion Fitzpatrick Fellow Student. 2006