Title: Working with the Event Model
1Working with the Event Model
- DHTML Tutorial 4Creating a Drag-and-Drop
Shopping Cart for Games Etc.
- Investigate ways of running event handlers
- Learn about the Netscape and Internet Explorer
event models - Learn how to respond to mouse actions
- Learn how to create drag-and-drop objects on your
Web page - Learn how to respond to keyboard actions
3Custom Functions in GamesAPI.js
4Custom Functions in GamesAPI.js
5User-Defined Functions
- A custom function may also be called a UDF
- UDF (User-defined function)
- A function that is written by the programmer
rather than a function built into the programming
language - Review the withinIt() function on page 4.04
- Purpose Determine whether coordinates are within
the area of an object
6withinIt User-Defined Function
- Parameters
- x the x-coordinate of a point on the Web page
- y the y-coordinate of a point of the Web page
- object reference to an object on the Web page
7withinIt User-Defined Function
- Variables
- otop stores the y coordinate for the objects
top - obottom stores the y coordinate for the
objects bottom - oleft stores the x coordinate for the objects
left side - oright stores the x coordinate for the objects
right side
8withinIt User-Defined Function
- Since there is no property for the bottom or
right coordinates, you must find the top and left
coordinates and add the height and width
measurements respectively - right left width
- bottom top height
9withinIt User-Defined Function
- To find the (x, y) coordinates of an objects top
and left - In NS 4
- object.top
- object.left
- In IE object.style.pixelTop
- object.style.pixelLeft
10withinIt User-Defined Function
- To find the (x, y) coordinates of an objects top
and left - In NS 6 parseInt(object.style.top)
parseInt(object.style.left) - You must apply parseInt() because the top and
left properties return both the measurement and
unit (px, em, etc).
11withinIt User-Defined Function
- Note Since the functions getXCoord() and
getYCoord() return the top and left pixel
coordinates, you may change your code to call
these functions from the withinIt() function
otop getYCoord(object) oleft
12withinIt User-Defined Function
- To find the width and height of an object
- In NS 4
- object.clip.height
- object.clip.width
- In IE
- parseInt(object.style.height)
- parseInt(object.style.width)
13withinIt User-Defined Function
- To find the width and height of an object
- In NS 6
- parseInt(object.style.height)
- parseInt(object.style.width)
- Events are actions that can be initiated
- by the user
- by the browser or
- by another software program
15Ways to Work with Events
- First method Add an event handler to an objects
HTML taglta href onMouseOverchange()gt - Event handlers are case insensitive onMouseOver
is the same as onmouseover - Event handlers are applied to a specific tag
- This method is supported by NS and IE 3.0 and up
16Ways to Work with Events
- When adding an event handler to an objects HTML
tag, be aware that - Not all events are supported by both IE and NS
browsers - In NS 4, event handlers may be applied only to
specific tags
17Ways to Work with Events
- Second method Invoke an event handler using the
ltscriptgt tag - This works only in IE and thus is seldom used
18Ways to Work with Events
- Third method Work with event handlers as object
propertiesobject.event_handler function - event_handler must be in lower case
- event_handler is applied to objects on the Web
page - Supported by NS and IE 4.0 and up
- Note You cannot pass parameters to the function!
(But the event object will automatically be
19Event Models
- Event models describe how browsers process events
- NS 4 event captureEvent begins at top of the
DOM hierarchy and falls through to the target
object - IE event bubblingEvent begins at the target
object and moves up through the hierarchy - NS 6 event capture and event bubbling
Round-trip down to and back from target event
20Netscape 4 Event Model
- Event cascades from parent object through to
target object - Example The onMouseOver event is first
recognized by the browser window, then the
document window, then the object - To call a function when an event occurs to a
particular object - Capture the event
- Assign a function to the event
21NS 4 Capturing an Event
- Capturing an event notifies the Netscape
browser that an event has occurred - Use the captureEvents method
- object.captureEvents(Event.EVENT_TYPE)
- object is a reference to the object
- EVENT_TYPE is the type of event
- EVENT_TYPE is the event handler name without
on - EVENT_TYPE must be capitalized!
22NS 4 Capturing an Event
- Syntax
- object.captureEvents(Event.EVENT_TYPE)
- object is a reference to the object
- EVENT_TYPE is the type of event
- EVENT_TYPE is the event handler name without
on - EVENT_TYPE must be in all caps!
23NS 4 Capturing an Event
- Examples
- window.captureEvents(Event.DBLCLICK)
- document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER)
- Separate with to identify more than one event
- document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN
24NS 4 Applying a Function to Event
- To cause a Web page to respond to a captured
event, apply a function to the eventobject.event
function - event must be in lowercase
- function is the name of the function without the
25NS 4 Example
- Putting it all together
- Capture the eventdocument.captureEvents(Event.MO
USEDOWN) - Assign the functiondocument.onmousedowngrabIt
26NS 4 Additional Methods
- Releasing an eventdocument.releaseEvents(Event.M
OUSEMOVE) - Routing events to their targetsdocument.routeEve
nts(Event.MOUSEMOVE) - Redirecting Eventsdocument.links0.handleEvent(E
27NS 4 Event Object
- When a function is applied to an event, Netscape
creates an event object - Contains information about the event
- The event is automatically passed to the called
function as a parameter - The name typically given in code is e or evt
by the programmer - Use the event objects properties to access
information about the object
28NS 4 Canceling Default Actions
- At times, you may wish to cancel default actions
associated with events - Examples of canceled default actions
- Cancel the loading of a target of a link
- Cancel text select with clicking and dragging
over text - In order to understand how to cancel these
default actions, you should understand the order
of the event life cycle
29NS 4 Canceling Default Actions
- The event life cycle
- The event occurs
- If an event handler exists, the associated
function is called - Default actions of the event are fired providing
the event is not canceled - You may cancel the event (and associated default
actions) by returning a value of false at the
end of the event handler function - Syntaxreturn false
30Properties of NS 4 Event Model
31Properties of NS 4 Event Model
32Internet Explorer Event Model
- The event bubbles up from the target element to
the top of the hierarchy - This allows for more control over individual
33IE Event Object
- Events are not captured as in NS
- The IE event object provides information
regarding actions that take place within the Web
browser - To retrieve properties of an event use the
34IE Applying a Function to an Event
- To cause a Web page to respond to an event, apply
a function to the event as you did in NS
4object.event_handler function - Exampledocument.onmousedowngrabIt
35IE Canceling Default Actions
- Canceling event actions
- In addition to returning a false value from an
event handler function, IE provides the
returnValue event property that may be used to
cancel events - Syntaxevent.returnValue false //cancels
default actionevent.returnValue true
//restores default action
36IE - Canceling Event Bubbling
- Use the cancelBubble property to override event
bubblingevent.cancelBubble true
37Properties of IE Event Model
38Properties of IE Event Model
39Properties of IE Event Model
40Netscape 6 Event Model
- Event first cascades from parent object through
to target object (capture phase) - The event reaches the target
- Event then bubbles up from target object to top
of hierarchy (bubble phase)
41NS 6 Event Listener
- To associate a function with an objects event,
Netscape 6 introduces the concept of an event
listener - An event listener is an object that
- recognizes the occurrence of an event
- calls a function in response to that event
42NS 6 Event Listener
- Syntaxobject.addEventListener(eventType,
functionName, capture) - object is the object name
- eventType is a string containing the event the
event handler without the on prefix - functionName is the name of the function.
- No parameters may be passed
- The function name appears without the ().
43NS 6 Event Listener
- Syntaxobject.addEventListener(eventType,
functionName, capture) - capture is a Boolean value
- Use true to capture on route to target
- Use false to capture on the bubbling stage
- Note event listeners call a function only once
during an event
44NS 6 Event Listener
- To remove an event listener use the
removeEventListener method - Syntaxobject.removeEventListener(eventType,
functionName, capture) - All parameters in the above syntax are the same
as used for the addEventListener method
45NS 6 Event Object
- As with NS 4, when a function is applied to an
event, NS 6 creates the event object - Contains information about the event
- The event is automatically passed to the called
function as a parameter - The name typically given in code is e or evt
by the programmer - Use the event objects properties to access
information about the object
46Properties of NS 6 Event Model
47Properties of NS 6 Event Model
48Properties of NS 6 Event Model
49NS 6 Canceling Default Actions
- Canceling event actions
- As in Internet Explorer, you may prevent default
event actions - Examples
- Cancel the loading of a target of a link
- Cancel text select with clicking and dragging
over text - Syntaxevent.preventDefault()
50NS 4 Determining Page Coordinates
- Syntaxe.pageXe.pageY
- Where e represents the NS event parameter
- The event parameter will be in the parameter list
of the function header the name is typically e
or evt and is chosen by the programmer - Properties hold the (x, y) coordinates of the
51IE Determining Page Coordinates
- Syntaxevent.clientX document.body.scrollLeft
event.clientY document.body.scrollTop - Where event represents the Internet Explorer
event object. This is NOT represented as a
parameter in the function header. - Internet Explorer measures coordinates only by
the current content of the window. You must add
in any portion that has been scrolled out of
view scrollLeft and scrollRight.
52NS 6 Determining Page Coordinates
- Syntaxe.clientXe.clientY
- Where e represents the NS event parameter.
- The e will be in the parameter list of the
function header.
53IE - Finding the Object of the Event
- Internet Explorer provides the srcElement
property of the event object that stores a
reference to the object of the event - Syntaxevent.srcElement
54NS 6 - Finding the Object of the Event
- Netscape 6 provides the target object that may be
used to retrieve a reference to the target of the
evente.target - This target will be a node in NS 6 a node may
be text, an attribute or a tag - If the target property returns text, you must
find the parent tag
55NS 6 - Finding the Object of the Event
- First, determine if the target is text by using
the nodeType property - nodeType will store an integer representing the
type of node element (1) , attribute (2), or
text (3)if (e.target.nodeType 1)
56NS 6 - Finding the Object of the Event
- Then, if the nodeType is text, you must find the
surrounding tag - You may move up the DOM hierarchy by using the
parentNode property - The parent node of text is always a
tage.target.parentNode - Syntax to find the object of the eventif
(e.target.nodeType 1) e.target else
57NS 6 - Finding the Object of the Event
- You may simplify your code by applying the ?
operator which is another means of programming
the if-else logic - Syntaxcondition ? statement if true
statement if false - (e.target.nodeType 1) ? e.target
58NS 4 - Finding the Object of the Event
- Netscape 4 does not provide a property that
stores the reference to the object of the event - Instead, you must loop through the layers
collection to determine which positioned element
lies within the (x, y) coordinates of the event
59NS 4 - Finding the Object of the Event
- Since you already have the withinIt UDF created,
you may call that function repeatedly from within
a loop to loop through the layers collection
until the object of the event is located - Code
- for (i0 iltdocument.layers.length i)
- insidewithinIt(MouseX, MouseY,
document.layersi) - if (inside) dragItem document.layersi
60indexOf() Method (NS 4, NS 6 IE)
- The indexOf() method determines whether a string
of characters is found within a larger string of
characters - Return value
- If string is found, the return value is the
numbered position of the beginning character of
the string - If string is not found, the return value is -1
61Setting the z-Index (NS 4, NS 6 IE)
- Assuming that you have a reference to the object
that is valid for the individual DOMs of IE and
NS 6, you may use the same code to access or set
the z-indexobject.style.zIndex value - NS 4object.zIndex value
62Mouse Pointers (IE and NS 6)
- Netscape 4 does not support changing of the mouse
pointer - Both IE and NS6 do support the CSS2 style to
change default mouse pointers - Syntax for the CSS2 rulecursor cursor_type
- Cursor type is a word identifying the specific
type of cursor
63Mouse Pointers (IE and NS6)
- There is some variation on the available cursors,
their appearance, and their names - Seehttp//webdesign.about.com/library/weekly/aa0
64Mouse Pointers (IE and NS 6)
- Aside from using CSS, you may also set the mouse
pointer programmatically using JavaScript - Again, assuming that you have a reference to the
object that is valid for NS 6 or IE as
appropriate, you may use the same
syntaxobject.style.cursor cursor_type
65Border and Text Color (IE and NS 6)
- Other CSS styles such as border and text color
may be changed programmatically - Syntax (IE and NS 6)object.style.color
colorobject.style.borderColorcolor - Equivalent JavaScript properties for two-word,
hyphenated CSS styles are usually formed by
removing the hyphen and capitalizing the second
wordcss-style is changed to cssStyle for
66Keyboard Events
- kKeydown The user has begun pressing a key
- keypress The user has pressed and released a key
- keyup the user has released a key
67Examining Key Codes
- NS 4 use the which property of the NS event
objectkey e.which - IE use the keyCode property of the IE event
objectkey event.keyCode - NS 6 for the keypress event use the charCode
property of the NS event object. If passing value
back to a calling function, use eval() for
explicit conversion to numeric value.key
68Modifier Keys
- NS 4 e.modifiers
- Where modifiers is a numeric value representing
the modifier key being pressed - IE event.altKeyevent.ctrlKeyevent.shiftKey
69Modifier Keys
- For the keydown and keyup events, NS 6 provides
the following properties for the NS event
70Summary DHTML Tutorial 4
- Event handlers may be run in three ways
- Event models feature the following
- NS 4 event capture
- IE event bubbling
- NS 6 event capture and event bubbling
- Understanding the event models allows you to
access event objects programmatically - CSS styles may be dynamically changed using
JavaScript - Mouse and keyboard actions may have attached
event handlers