Title: SL Annual Divisional Meeting
1SL Annual Divisional Meeting
- Enrico Chiaveri, SL, CERN
- Budget 2002
- Succession Planning and Recruitment
- Industrial Service Contracts
- MAPS (Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme)
- Training
- SL Technical Specification Committee
- Safety structure
32002 SL Budget
- 2001 payment budget was 16760 KCHF
- 2002 payment budget foreseen is 14660 KCHF
- Difference is 2100 KCHF or 12.6 average for
42002 Projects Budget
- LHC 16.5MCHF
- LEP Dismantling 3MCHF
- CNGS 1.60 MCHF
- SPS Magnet Consolidation 0.4MCHF (0.6 MCHF
requested) - SPS Power Converters 0.5MCHF (0.9 MCHF
requested) - SPS Extraction Channels 0.2MCHF (0.8 MCHF
requested) - All other requests refused
5SL Division 2002 Total Budget
- Operation 14.66 MCHF
- LHC Machine 16.5 MCHF
- Other Projects 11.92 MCHF
- TOTAL 43.08 MCHF
6Succession planning and recruitment
SL Staff Evolution without recruitment
7Succession planning and recruitment
Sl Staff Evolution by category without
8Succession planning and recruitment
9Succession planning and recruitment
- Allocation of posts to the Accelerator Sector in
year 2001 - 5 posts
- LHC 2
- PS 1
- SL 2
10Succession planning and recruitment
- Total of posts received in SL
- 2 LD
- 2 posts for operator (given in advance
recruitment to be compensated in 2003)
11Succession planning and recruitment
12SL Division Industrial Service Contracts
- Moving Towards Result Oriented
- A Policy Decision by CERN Management
- What have we achieved
- Creation of two industrial support structures for
the division. - Collection of data on activities
- Creation of Demandes de Travaux
- Creation of Forfait
13SL Division Industrial Service Contracts
- Plan for 2002
- Continue analysis of Activity Report Data
- Improve definitions in the Demandes de Travaux
- Implement more Forfait
- Simulate other Forfait
14M.A.P.S. (Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme)
- Training and Communication
- New supervisor training.
- Seminar for all supervisors - Jan/Feb (division
based, morning or afternoon) - Supervisor training in Sept/Oct/Nov based on
lessons learned from 2002 exercise.
15M.A.P.S. (Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme)
- Seminar for all supervisors
- MAPS as a management tool
- Communicate MAPS processes as described in
Overview and AC 26 - Identify continuity and changes from MOAS to
MAPS. - Roles of all concerned
- Time scale for 2001-2002
- Advancement guidelines 2002
16Training 2001
17Training 2001
18Training 2001
19Training 2001
20SL Technical Specification Committee
- Divisional committee to oversee all Market
Surveys and Technical Specifications for large
contracts - This has been a useful exercise for the Division
and has been helpful for Engineers Technicians
concerned. - We now have information concerning all future
contracts. - A constructive follow up of the future
expenditures will now be possible.
21SL Specification Committee
Work done during year 2001
22SL Specification Committee
- Work to be done during year 2002
- Invitations to Tender.12
- Market Survey .. 2
23SAFETY Structure
- CERN is going through a complete
transformation.. - Fewer employees but the same amount of work
- Outsourcing of a number of tasks resulting in a
diverse workforce - More Technical restraints
- And times are changing also
- Society in general is less prepared to take risks
- More regulations which are becoming increasingly
restricting - We must make Safety a higher priority in our
work. It is in everybodys business to do so but
24SAFETY Structure
- The Safety Committee of the Division assists the
Division Leader and the Safety Representatives - To that end, it gathers and discusses information
and propositions about all safety issues within
the Division. - The Safety Committee of the Division holds a
plenary session at least every 3 months and a
smaller group generally meets once a week.. - The Safety Committee of the Division is
answerable to the Division Leader.
25SAFETY Structure
- Members
- DSO (Chairman)
- RSO (Secretary)
- (CSO)
- All TSOs
- All Safety LinkmenÂ
- Safety Coordinator
- Associate Members
- (informed and invited if needed)
- Division Leader and Deputy
- Invited Representatives
- (permanently invited)
Limited trainig (10) DSO, RSO, FGSO, some
TSOs, Safety Coordinator, TIS/GS and TIS/RP
26SAFETY Structure
- Â
- A Safety structure within the Division in which
- Safety issues are more obvious
- The work to achieve Safety is recognised
- Those working within Safety are more motivated
- Everybody is better informed
- Those working in Safety are more united and have
a more coherent structure - The Work towards achieving Safety is more
efficient - And in which Safety becomes everybodys business!