Title: The department Studies and Final Disposal Programs of ONDRAF
1The department Studies and Final Disposal
Programs of ONDRAF
- Exchange Meeting nr2
- J.P. Boyazis
2Royal Decree 30.03.1981
- The management of radioactive waste includes
the disposal of the radioactive waste (art. 2,
2, 1, d) - ONDRAF-NIRAS must establish, in collaboration
with the operators, the RD programs necessary to
accomplish his missions (art. 2, 3, 4, b)
3The mission
- Fixing RD objectives regarding the disposal of
radwaste - Establishing and piloting the RD programs
- Planifying and budgeting for the RD activities
- Negotiating the financing conventions
- Preparing, following and approving the RD
activities performed by partners and
subcontractors - Reporting to authorities and customers
4Who is who in the team Final Disposal?
- Total 16 agents
- 2 administrative collaborators
- 14 scientific and technical collaborators
- 13 with ONDRAF contract - 1 temporary
assignment (Jean-Marie Linotte from Jacobs
5Annick Vroonhove
6Katrien DHaese
7Ann Dierckx
8Evelyn Hooft
9Armando Giovannini
10Pierre Manfroy
11Robert Gens
12Laurent Wouters
13Marc Demarche
14Peter De Preter
15Johan Bel
16Philippe Lalieux
17Wim Cool
18Anne De Smedt
- Starts on 1st of june 2001
19Jean-Paul Boyazis
20Principal activities
Three main RD programs 1. Disposal of LLW 2.
Disposal of MLW and HLW including Spent-fuel 3.
Waste characterization and compatibility with
disposal environment
211. RD Final Disposal of LLW History
- After more than ten years of RD including the
vicissitudes of the 98 zones adventure,
Government decides on 16.01.1998 for final
disposal (no long term storage) - He expresses his intention to make, as soon as
possible, the technical choice between surface
and deep disposal - He gives ONDRAF new missions...
221. RD Final Disposal of LLW The challenges
- Site exploration (limited to existing nuclear
sites and candidate sites) - Refining existing technical solutions for surface
and deep disposal - - progressive, flexible, controlable solution
- - retrievability
- Developing and applying methods for integration
based on concertation
231. RD Final Disposal of LLW Present situation
- Current RD programme 1998-2001 (545 millions
BEF) - 2 partnerships in Mol (MONA) and Dessel (STOLA)
and 1 Information Commitee Fleurus-Farciennes - Next objective to present integrated
pre-projects (surface and/or deep disposal) to
the government round 2003/2004
241. RD Final Disposal LLW Organisation
- General coordination Johan Bel
- Scientific coordination Ann Dierckx
- Integration and local development Evelyn Hooft
- Earth sciences Pierre Manfroy
- Technical aspects Armando Giovannini and
Jean-Paul Boyazis - Safety and Environment Peter De Preter and Wim
251. RD Final Disposal LLW Organisation
- Local representatives ONDRAF
- Fleurus-Farciennes Francis Poulain
- MONA Marnix Braeckeveldt
- STOLA Laurent Wouters
261. RD Final Disposal LLW Main partners
- Tractebel Développement Namur
- European Commission
272. RD Disposal MLW and HLW History
- 1974 start of RD program on initiative of
CEN.SCK - 1981 start of construction of HADES in several
stages setting up ONDRAF - 1989 ONDRAF publishes SAFIR
- Current RD programme 1998-2003
- General program (2203 millions BEF specific
program Spent Fuel (217 millions BEF)
282. RD Disposal MLW and HLW The challenges
- 2001 Finalizing SAFIR 2
- 2001 Dismantling OPHELIE mock-up
- 2001 Launching SELFRAC
- 2002 International Peer Review on SAFIR 2
- 2003 Revision of existing technical solutions
- Preparing PRACLAY demonstration experience
- Continuing current RD activities
292. RD Disposal MLW and HLW Organisation
- General coordination Philippe Lalieux
- Scientific coordination Robert Gens
- Integration (to start soon) Evelyn Hooft
- Earth sciences Laurent Wouters
- Technical solutions Anne De Smedt
- Phenomenology Robert Gens Ann Dierckx
- Safety and Environment Peter De Preter and Wim
302. RD Disposal MLW and HLW Main partners
- European Commission
- AEA Technology, Quantisci, CEA
- UIA, FUL, Galson Sciences, KUL, ULg, UCL, VUB,
31RD Disposal MLW and HLW Costs distribution (MBEF)
323. Waste characterization and compatibility with
disposal environment
- Synatom vitrified waste, Pamela vitrified waste,
Eurobitum waste - General coordinator Robert Gens
- Main partners SCK.CEN, European Commission,
CEA, FZK, CNRS, Ecole des Mines de Nantes - Current program 2000-2003 (30 millions BEF/y)