Gender and Work 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gender and Work 1


last week gender and sexuality. becoming gendered and doing gender' ... working class embrace cult of domesticity' non-working wife becomes the ideal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gender and Work 1

Gender and Work (1)
  • Dr Rhoda Wilkie
  • SO 1004

introduction and reminder
  • last week gender and sexuality
  • becoming gendered and doing gender?
  • categorise people in society
  • how does gender influence employment
    opportunities and life chances?
  • is work gendered?
  • if so, what are the implications?

work and home historical overview
  • industrialisation public and private spheres
  • domestic ideology
  • ideal family breadwinner (male) and
    housewife (female) roles
  • family wage
  • women and work
  • is housework real work?

separation of work and home
  • pre-industrial society no separation
  • e.g. cottage industry
  • industrialisation separation of work and home
  • production separated from consumption

social life public and private spheres
  • Public
  • paid work, politics, market,
  • arena of male activity
  • (masculine)
  • instrumental objective and impartial
  • Private
  • domestic life home and family
  • womans domain
  • (feminine)
  • expressive
  • emotional and nurturing

Rosemary Pringle in Abbott et al (2005 231)
  • Though home and private life may be
    romanticized, they are generally held to
    represent the feminine world of the personal
    and the emotional, the concrete and the
    particular, of the domestic and the sexual. The
    public world of work sets itself up as the
    opposite of all these things it is rational,
    abstract, ordered, concerned with general
    principles, and of course , masculine For men,
    home and work are both opposite and complementary
    For women home is not a respite from work but
    another workplace. For some women work is
    actually a respite from home!

implications and justifications?
  • economic life reorganised emergence of waged
  • reordering of gender relations, roles and
  • legal, moral, medical discourses legitimate

domestic ideology
  • initially bourgeoisie emerging middle class in
    Victorian society
  • home womans natural sphere
  • women and mothers moral guardians
  • protective work legislation
  • effect women from different classes in different

ideal family
  • working class embrace cult of domesticity
  • non-working wife becomes the ideal
  • cereal packet family nuclear family norm
  • sexual division of labour breadwinner and

family wage breadwinner role
  • mid 19C male working class via trade union
  • family wage
  • created breadwinner role
  • exclude women from male skilled jobs
  • women financially dependant power?

women and work (1)
  • working women threat?
  • gendered occupational segregation
  • - horizontal mens jobs womens jobs
  • - vertical glass ceiling
  • confined to lower-status and lower paid jobs
  • concentrated in jobs women were naturally
    skilled at

women and work (2)
  • reserve army of labour?
  • e.g. during First and Second World Wars
  • - return to main domestic role housewife

domestic labour is it real work?
  • if employed in public domain paid
  • homework?
  • private sphere womens work, unpaid and
    hidden labour
  • natural aptitude mothering and domestic tasks

The sociology of housework (1)Ann Oakley
  • bias male work patterns norm?
  • 1974 first published study about housework
    classic study
  • interviewed 40 women London
  • housewifes average working week in 1971 77
  • separated housework and childcare

The sociology of housework (2)Ann Oakley
  • marriage and the division of labour (reading
    for this week!)
  • questioned claims of increasing equality class
    differences beliefs and attitudes
  • feminists housework is real work

housework differs from waged work?
  • gendered labour carried out mainly by women
  • closely linked with personal intimate ties
  • no fixed job description, no agreed hours or
    conditions of work
  • boundaries unclear end?

division of labour
  • technical
  • divide job into specialised tasks
  • - skill and power hierarchy not all tasks
    equally valued
  • social
  • different jobs done by different social groups
  • -primary labour market (full-time good working
  • -secondary labour market (part-time poor
  • sexual
  • horizontal e.g. mens jobs womens jobs
  • vertical e.g. glass ceiling

summary (1)
  • historical overview industrialisation
    separation of work and home
  • public domain (masculine) and private domain
  • gendered roles breadwinner (male) and
    housewife (female)
  • housework real work (Oakley 1974)

summary (2)
  • labour is gendered varies and changes
  • division of labour technical, social, sexual
  • sexual division of labour - socially constructed
    not based on natural/biological differences
  • jobs become identified as mens or womens work
    then it is argued that men and women do these
    jobs because of natural biological differences
  • (Oakley in Abbott et al 2005 232)

tomorrows lecture
  • but that was then how relevant is all this now?
  • legacy of domestic/familial ideology?
  • consider some current statistics related to work
    patterns for men and women
  • men do womens work and vice versa
  • is womens work ever done? double day/second
  • consider Sylvia Walby s work (offers a feminist
    explanation) she claims there has been a shift
    from private patriarchy to public patriarchy
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