Title: Headquarters U'S' Air Force
1Headquarters U.S. Air Force
I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l
l e n c e
- Natural Infrastructure Capabilities and
Requirements Management (NICRM) - 1 June 2005
Clare Mendelsohn Director Air Force Western
Regional Environmental Office Air Force Regional
Environmental Coordinator, Region 9 DoD Regional
Environmental Coordinator, Region
10 AFCEE/CCR-S (415) 977-8849 clare.mendelsohn_at_bro
- NICRM Background
- The Frameworks
- Natural Infrastructure Capability Assessment
- Natural Infrastructure Valuation
- Benefits and Examples
- Next Steps
3DoD Natural Infrastructure Capability
Vision DoD Installations And Ranges Are Available
When And Where Needed, With The Capabilities
And Capacities Necessary To Support The Current
And Future Warfighter Mission Statement Provide,
Manage, And Sustain, In An Environmentally Sound
And Legally Compliant Manner, Natural
Infrastructure At Installations And Ranges To
Support Joint And Service-Specific Readiness And
4Historical Environmental Management Revisited
- Air Quality
- Water Supply and Quality
- Hazardous Waste
- Pollution Prevention
- Critical Habitat
- Cultural Resources
- Environmental Impact Analysis
- Noise Pollution
5What Were Transforming
- Focusing Management on Sustaining Natural
Infrastructure for the Mission and Future
Generations - Air, Water, Land (Operational Envelope)
- Managing the Natural Infrastructure as a
Group of Assets (not liabilities) - Setting Goals to Prevent Encroachment Based On
- Combat Capability Support
- Performance! (not process)
6Visualizing the Natural Infrastructure
- Some Natural Infrastructure
- Components
- Airspace
- Air Shed Emissions Availability
- AICUZ (Noise Bands)
- Groundwater Access
- Groundwater Discharge Availability
- Surface Land Access
- Seaspace Access
- Surface Water Access Discharge
Availability - Subsurface Land Access
- Spectrum
7 NIC Assessment
Quantitative and qualitative metrics to
measure the capacity and capability of air,
land and water components to meet operational
- Airspace
- Surface Land Access
- Air Shed Emissions Availability
- Water Supply
- Water Discharge Availability
- Seaspace Access
- Frequency
8Characterizing the Natural Infrastructure
- Analyze with Resource Capacity Model
(RCM) - Analyze with Resource Valuation Model
9Whats Being Measured?
10NIC Assessment Process
1. Determine Operational Requirements
- 4. Compare resource requirements with resource
availability for each resource category - Airspace
- Airshed Emissions Availability
- Surface Land Access
- Water Supply
- Surface Water Areas
- Water Discharge Availability
- Sea Space Access
2. Determine Corresponding Resource Requirements
3. Determine Resource Availability
Logs Annual Reports
Geospatial Data
Studies and Planning Documents
Emerging and Legacy Data
Required/Available x 100 Or Allotted/Available
x 100
11Natural Infrastructure Valuation
Values provided by natural infrastructure assets
- Forests
- Shrubland
- Grassland
- Farmland
- Wetland
- Open Fresh and Marine Water
- Mineral Bearing Strata
- Air shed Emissions Availability
- Water Supply
- Wastewater Discharge Availability
12Natural Infrastructure Valuation Process
Resource Characteristics Acreage or other
amount, location, condition, other attributes
(e.g., airspace, sea space, maneuver area)
Step1 Inventory and characterize the assets
Goods Water, Minerals, Crops, Timber,
Fish/Game, Grazing, Habitat, Training
Step 2 Determine the goods represented by the
Appraise Comparable Sales, Income Stream,
Replacement Cost Training Value
Step 3 Gather relevant data on value of goods
Step 4 Appraise value. Enter the value
estimates into a framework that allows
aggregation of all factors
Asset Value (military, community/ecological,
Total Natural Infrastructure Asset Value
Facilitate Informed Decision Making
13NIC Benefits
- Identify, Quantify and Prevent Encroachment
- Optimize Asset Use
- Budget to Mission Needs and Sustainability
Requirements - Reduce Operational Costs
14Think / Plan in Terms of Natural Infrastructure
- Example C-130 Beddown
- You know and plan for
- How many people / What specialties
- What equipment / Hangar space
- Security / Communications, etc. etc.
- But, what type, what condition, and how much
- Airspace?
- Water?
- Land?
- Develop a Natural Infrastructure Statement of
Needs (affirmative opportunity to incorporate
mission requirements before Environmental Impact
15Initial Air Force RCM Applications
- Base Closure Executive Group (BCEG)
- Supported AF beddown scenario development drills
- Barksdale AFB
- Used RCM information to increase base share of
oil/gas/timber rights - Seymour Johnson AFB
- Used RCM to work MTR encroachment
- Cannon AFB
- Used RCM to define aquifer availability
- Beale/Shaw AFBs
- Used RCM to address receiving water body issues
16Next Steps
- Finalize pilots and evaluate results
- Develop a consistent NIC framework, including
- Common measures, definitions, assumptions
- Develop methodology for aggregating results to
support decision making - Connect Master Planning, NEPA, and NIC analysis
- Build new linkages between processes
- Assess financial constructs to support sound
investment strategies - Develop implementation policy and procedures