Title: Campaign SightFirst II
1Campaign SightFirst II
2Campaign SightFirst II?
What is...
1 July 2005 Kicked Off in 88th International
Convention Hong Kong
Target is to raise US1.5 million worldwide in 3
years time
3What is Lions Clubs International Foundation
- Humanitarian arm of LCI (established 1968)
- The only Lions foundation serving the entire
world and all 1.4 million members - Primary Service Aims
- - Humanitarian Services
- - Eradication of Blindness and Disability
- - Disaster Relief and Reconstruction
- - Childrens Health and Welfare
4Structure of Campaign SightFirst II in our
constitutional area (China)
5CSFII V8 - China Steering Committee
6 CSFII V8 B Hong Kong Macau Executive
Sector Co-ordinator PDG Teresa Mann
Advisor Lion Tam Wah Ching
Secretary Lion Antony Lam / Lion Kathie Kwok
Assistant to Sector Co-ordinator Lion Kenneth
Chan / Lion Christina Ko
District 303 Co-ordinator VDG Tommy Leung
A Group Co-ordinator Lion Carl Leung
B Group Co-ordinator Lion David Lo
C Group Co-ordinator Lion Christinnie Yim
D Group Co-ordinator Lion Paul Law
LCIF Lion Margaret Liu
LCIF Lion Chan Yee Pon
LCIF Lion So Hung Gun
LCIF Lion Steve Wong
Auditor Lion Patrick Wong
7History of Campaign SightFirst
- SightFirst was launched by Lions in 1990 to
battle preventable blindness. - In partnership with the World Health
Organization, SightFirst has launched the worlds
first-ever global initiative to combat childhood
blindness. - SightFirsts efforts against river blindness have
been particularly impressive. - In its 15 years, SightFirst has enabled Lions to
do more to prevent blindness and restore sight
than in the previous 75 years. - Lions created SightFirst by raising US143
million in Campaign SightFirst, which grew to
nearly US200 million through investments and
additional gifts.
- Improved eye-care care for more than 100 million
people - Prevented vision loss or restored vision in more
than 24 million people - Awarded US190 million for 792 projects in 89
countries - Supported 7 million cataract surgeries
- Provided 70 million treatments for river
blindness - Built or expanded 207 eye hospitals/clinics/wards
- Upgraded 314 eye centers with equipment
- Provided management training for 109 facilities
- Trained 300,000 ophthalmologists, ophthalmic
nurses, other professional eye care workers and
village health workers - Launched worlds first global initiative to
combat childhood blindness
- Control and eliminate where possible, the leading
causes of avoidable blindness. - Combat emerging threats to sight.
- Provide Vision for All
10Donor Recognition
11The Helen Keller Circle of Hope(Individual)
Gift Amount Recognition Level
US100,000 Knight of Leadership
US25,000-US99,999 Knight of Triumph
US10,000-US24,999 Knight of Service
US5,000-US9,999 Knight of Lionism
US1,000-US4,999 Knight of Strength
US100-US999 Knight of Support
12The Visionary Society (Clubs)
Recognition Level Per-Member Average
Emerald US1,000
Diamond US500-US999
Ruby US400-US499
Sapphire US300-US399
Topaz US100-US299
13How to become a Model Club?
- At least US500 per member has to be contributed
to LCIF to be qualified as a Model Club.
143 types of recognition by1 contribution
- Melvin Jones Fellowship
- Model Club
- Campaign SightFirst
15Sight-First Lions Golden Jubilee Charity Cataract
Surgery Scheme
- - Lions Eye Bank of Hong Kong
- - Hong Kong Hospital Authority
- - Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society
- - to perform 2500 cataract surgery for the
underprivileged in Hong Kong
16Early Success Worldwide
- Leadership of 7,000 volunteers
- Enthusiasm of 1.4 million Lions
- Commitment of 23,000 donors
- Unity of 45,000 clubs
- US45,148,984 raised as of June 29, 2006
17Great Success Model Clubs
IV Europe 165
I - US Affiliates, Bermuda, Bahamas 117
Nearly 1,200 Model Clubs
V - Orient Southeast Asia 805
II - Canada 12
VI - India, South Asia, Africa Middle East 48
III - South Central America, Caribbean and
Mexico 12
VII - Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea,
Indonesia South Pacific 22
18Without LIONS and CSFII,
- the worlds blind population would double from
37 million to 74 million worldwide.
19Ask Me Why!
- "I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do
everything, but still I can do something and
because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse
to do something that I can do." - - Helen Keller
20Ask Me How!
Get Involved!
- Make CSFII a part of your daily life
- Consider your own personal gift or pledge to the
campaign - Encourage your club to organize events
- Seek support from non-Lions by taking the message
of CSFII to your community
21Ask Me When!
Start Today!
- Blindness will not wait
- One child goes blind every minute
- By the end of 2006, one-half million will have
needlessly lost their sight - To be successful, we will need worldwide support,
as well as assistance from our friends and
neighbors in our home communities
22to Change the World
Lions Have the Power
23(No Transcript)