Title: Studentpastoral
- Its ecclesiastical dimension
2Various types of university
- Catholic university
- Secular university
- With a catholic (theological) faculty
- Without a catholic faculty
- With a majority of catholic students
- With a minority of catholic students
- Various disciplines/faculties
- All of them international!
3What is the ecclesial dimension?
- Unity in faith and pastoral care with bishop of
Rome and spiritual relationship with worldwide
Church(es) - Unity with local bishop student pastoral both
under his authority and in his mission - Relationship with local church community as both
receiving from this community and giving to it. - Student pastoral care has a special
jurisdiction as specific pastoral care - But above all ecclesiastical dimension is the
spiritual life of those who exercise pastoral care
4Three basic dimensions of the church (CL)
- Church as mystery
- Church as communion
- Church as mission
5Student pastoral care as mystery
- Not mysterious, hidden or esoteric, but open and
transparant to all students - Founded in personal relationship with Christ and
his Spirit, leading to the Father - Not solely as a sociological endeavour, but a
community in the Spirit of Christ - Living from the mysteria, the sacraments
- Having a greater selfless love than you can find
at any other place at the university campus
6Student pastoral care as community
- Feeling at home, and welcome by community
- Openness for everyone and his or her gifts
- Openness for personal growth
- Reconciliation through sacrament of
reconciliation - Concrete community
- Living together in student-house/college
- Living faith in small christian communities,
Coming together on a regular basis - Together and compatible with local parish and
religious/new movements as sister-communities - One with the (initiatives of) local diocese
- One with the (initiatives of) worldwide
community (incl. homedioceses) of churches in
unity with church of Rome
7Student pastoral care as mission
- The essence of church is mission so is student
pastoral care - Special challenges intellectual and affectional
- Both inviting and outgoing
- Prayer and serving as basis
- Then loving (planned and organized) dialogue
- Requires knowlegde of faith (catechesis)
- Requires lots of love
- Requires personal skills after two years ask
you last time when you come to our meeting - Requires patience and perseverance
8Foreign students participating in mission
- Foreign students in the Netherlands are more
spirit-filled than Dutch catholic students - So initiative to let them participate in student
pastoral care and parishlife. - When missionary life grows, personal faith and
unity among people will grow (R.M.).
9Actors of pastoral care
10Unchurched Other christians Other
Borderline catholics
Faithful catholics
Evangelizing catholics
Pastoral team
- Mission by bishop
- Great faith and love
- Communicative skills
- Speaking various languages
- Academic education
- Oecumenical and interreligious spirit
- Spiritual Leadership qualities
- Organizational qualities
- Supported by board
13Boards and groups
- Professional
- Financial support board
- Pastoral advisory board
- Volunteer
- Core support group for pastoral activities
14Newman centre
- Visible Presence of pastoral care on / outside
campus - Can be centre of liturgy
- Facilitates all kinds of
- meetings
- education
- personal counseling
- outreach
15Student-parish (para oikos)
- Presence of Christ among students
- Presence of pastor
- Presence of worship, prayer,
- Center of catholic faith-education
- Center of diakonia
- Parish community is
- Loose, flexible community
- Crucible of international community-life
- Participation of as many student-volunteers as
possible - Can consist of community of communities
- Mission by being both hospitable and missionary
16Virtual student parish
- Make yourself known
- Links to many good sites
- Pastoral contacts
- The catholic community worldwide
- Programms of activities
- Chatboxes
- Webcam liturgical celebrations, virtual meetings
- Educational programms
- Idea of Colleges in England for various
categories of (foreign) students - (In Maastricht also for Japanese)
- Easily filled (shortage of living space)
- Great advantage of personal encounter and
possibilities of organizing things - Take care of majority of catholic students
- Difficult to discipline (loose habits)
18Catholic student association
- Great source of reaching students by students
- Present among organization of student-disputes
- Many goals possible
- Study
- Culture
- Sport
- Fun
- Normal to communicate with associations of
universities of other cities and nations
19Cooperation of/with professors
- Participation in studium generale or special
courses for students - Need to promote dialogue faith science
- Need to participate in SCCs
- Organize things at home!
- Reach out to collegues
- Invite guest lectures from abroad
20Meeting place of faith and science
Catholic university pastoral care
- Spiritual needs of students
- By special ministers, or local church
- Intellectual needs of students
- By catholic professors
- Or catholic programms outside university
22Public university pastoral care
- Churchs presence should not be only pastoral,
but also intellectual and (inter)cultural - Sometimes university will facilitate room for not
only psychologist, but also for pastor - Try to infiltrate with catholic professors.
(Present secretary general of Dutch bishops
conference was teaching ethics at Maastricht
university) - Universities are open for multiculturality.
Organize interfaith or intercultural
manifestations with them
23Cooperation with local parish
- Many (foreign) students live in parishes
- Importance of good dialogue between
student-chaplain and parish priests to discover
needs and possibilities in cooperation - Special liturgical/sacramental celebrations
adapted to needs of students and professors
(english mass) - Special welcome-meetings and meeting activities
for foreign students and local population/youth - Possibility for students to participate in parish
activities, also after they leave!
24Cooperation with movements/religious
- New movements especially directed towards
students (CL!) - Are better able to share their religious
experiences - Abbeys and monasteries places of contemplation
- Foreign students can participate in religious
missionary programms at home and abroad
25H. Spirit
- Pittburg 1967 Duquenne university Professors
and students during prayer weekend experienced H.
Spirit. Beginning of catholic charismatic
movement - Evangelii nuntiandi 75
- Le tecniche dellevanglizzazione sono buone, ma
neppure le più perfette tra di esse protrebbero
sostituire lazione discreta dello Spirito. Anche
la preparazione più raffinata dellevangelizzatore
, non opera nulla senza di Lui. Senza di Lui la
dialettica più convincente è impotente sullo
spirito degli uomini. Senza di Lui, i più
elaborati schemi a base sociologica, o
psicologica, si rivelano vuoti e privi di valore - Constant prayer to H. Spirit, since without Him
all plans, initiatives and organizations are
without result. (EN 75)
26Lesson from active protestant studentwork at
University of Maastricht
- Importance of preparation of students before they
come to university bring them to faith at 18 is
too difficult - Family pastoral
- Elementary and secondary School-programms
- Catholic Youthwork
- Journeys to spiritual places
- Retreat work with youth
27Lesson from Marian Shrine
- Many students come to mother Mary,
- Star of the sea