Title: Our Healthcare System: Its Challenges
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2Our Healthcare System Its Challenges
- Rising healthcare costs
- Growing numbers of uninsured
- Increasing shortages of caregivers
- Accelerating numbers of chronically ill
3Meeting the Challenge Collectively...
- Provide access to affordable care
- Reverse the trend of avoidable illness
- Emphasize staying well
- Focus on information technology that leads to
better healthcare decisions
4and Individually
- Achieve healthier lifestyles
- Take responsibility for health behaviors
5The Hospital Communitys Vision
6What Would this Framework for Change Mean for Our
Country State?
- Reduced chronic illness
- Healthier, balanced lives for children adults
- Efficient, affordable care
- Access to coverage care
- Care experience would exceed expectations
7Arizonas Hospitals Promote Health
- 397 million in uncompensated care in 2008
8Arizonas Hospitals Promote Health
- 1 billion in community health improvement as
well as other community benefit programs
delivered to 1.5 million Arizonans25 percent of
the states populationin 2006
9Focus on the Framework Healthcare for All, Paid
for By All
- Current Status
- High rates of uninsured in Arizona
10Focus on the Framework Healthcare for All, Paid
for By All
- Framework for Change
- Creating a network of non-profit,non-government
entities offeringhealth plans that would - negotiate rates with providers
- compete with commercial insurers
- For hospitals to thrive in our communities,
payment cannot be based on Medicare rates
11Focus on the Framework Wellness in Arizona
- Current Status
- Chronic disease is leading cause of death
- Obesity impacts significant numbers
- Consumers do not pursue prevention
12Focus on the Framework Wellness in Arizona
- Framework for Change
- Focusing on primary care
- Promoting healthy behaviors
13Focus on the Framework Efficient Affordable
Care in Arizona
- Current Status
- Premiums soaring
- People curtailing care due to cost
- Public payment system underpays, leading to
higher cost to businesses consumers
14Focus on the Framework Efficient Affordable
- Framework for Change
- Create a value-based purchasing program
- Reauthorize Section 1011
- Ban physician self-referral to hospitals in which
they have a financial interest
15Focus on the Framework Highest Quality Care in
- Current Status
- Arizonas national status as a leader
- Shortage of doctors, nurses other healthcare
16Focus on the Framework Highest Quality Care
- Framework for Change
- Increased investment in Graduate Medical
Education (GME) - Reduce avoidable hospitals re-admissions
17Focus on the Framework Best Information
- Good information
- Good results
18Key Opportunities
- To Improve
- Arizonans collective health status
- System efficiency
- Quality
- To Reduce
- Chronic disease
- Administrative costs
- Uncompensated care
19The Bottom Line
- Does the Plan
- Expand access to healthcare
- Improve the health of our nation
- Emphasize quality
- Reduce costs