Title: BMP Evaluations Using SWAT Model and Associated Uncertainties
1BMP Evaluations Using SWAT Model and Associated
- A. Shirmohammadi and T. W. Chu.
- Biological Resources Engineering Department
- University of Maryland, College PArk
2Forests and wetlands trap sediments and help
slow the flow of pollutants into the Bay. Their
loss, coupled with the decline of grasses and
oysters in the 1970s and 1980s, caused the Bay to
lose much of its resilience.
- Chesapeake Quarterly
- MD Sea Grant College, Vol. 3, Num. 3
- October 2004
3- Ecological Resilience Provides a measure of the
amount of disturbance that an ecosystem can
withstand without shifting into an alternate
stable state
4- For Bay The shift from a food web dynamic
driven by benthic processes- such as underwater
grasses and oysters- to one driven by
phytoplankton in the water column is a classic
example of regime shift, a shift between stable
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6- Identifying Thresholds Researchers must develop
a systematic way to anticipate when a system is
getting close to a threshold or tipping point and
prevent it from going over the edge. They also
need to develop methods to turn around the state
of a system such as the Chesapeake Bay from
undesirable to desirable! ---Load Reduction!
- Hydrologic/ water quality models are the main
tools used to tabulate total maximum daily loads
(TMDLs) - Procedure for tabulating TMDLs
- Use monitored data as input into model to
represent base conditions - Simulate alternate management scenarios
- Choose management scenario that meets water
quality standards - Determine total load and allocate load among
- General expression for TMDL allocations
- TMDLSWLA SLA Future Growth MOS
- Waste Load Allocations (WLA)- point source
contributions - Load Allocations (LA)- non-point source
contributions including background sources - Margin of Safety (MOS)- accounts for
uncertainties about the relationship between
pollutant loads and receiving water quality
(USEPA, 1999a)
- Types of Uncertainty in Modeling
- Model Structure
- Parameter Values
- Natural Variability (Spatial and Temporal)
- Data Uncertainty
- Model Prediction
10Watershed/Basin Scale Model SWAT (Arnold et al.,
11Data Source
- Study Site
- Warner Creek Watershed
12Data Collection
- Precipitation
- Stream flow
- Sediment
- NO3-N
- NH4-N
- PO4-P
- TP
13Location Frederick County, Maryland Area 346 ha
(856 acres) Soil Type 1/3 Area
Manor-Edgemont-Brandywine 2/3 Area
Penn-Readington-Croton Slope 95 Area Slope
lt15, 5 Area Slope between 15 and
25 Erodibility 65 Area Moderately erodible
12 Area Severely erodible 23 Area
classified not erodible Land Use Pasture, Dairy,
Beef, Cropland
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15Background on SWAT Model
16Components of SWAT Model
- Hydrology
- Sedimentation (Erosion)
- Nutrients
- Pesticides
- Bacteria
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18- Calibration period (1994-1995).
- Validation period (1996-2002).
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20Table. Statistical results comparing measured and
simulated flow data at station 2A after
adjustment to the subsurface flow contribution
from outside the watershed.
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NO3 - N Statistics
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26List of BMPs Simulated
27Total areas for row crops planting within Warner
28Results of BMP Simulation
29Comparison of annual total streamflow at the
outlet of the watershed based on different BMP
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
30Comparison of annual surface runoff at the outlet
of the watershed based on different BMP
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
31Comparison of annual surface runoff at the outlet
of the watershed based on different BMP
implementations without winter crop planting .
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
32Comparison of annual sediment loading at the
outlet of the watershed based on different BMP
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
33Comparison of annual nitrate nitrogen loading at
the outlet of the watershed based on different
BMP implementations.
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
34Comparison of annual soluble phosphorus loading
at the outlet of the watershed based on different
BMP implementations.
Background up and downhill planting with
conventional tillage BMP1 contour planting with
conventional tillage BMP2 contour planting with
conservation tillage BMP3 contour planting
with no-till BMP4 contour stripcropping with
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40Comparison of average annual (1994-2002) model
prediction at the outlet of the watershed based
on different BMP implementations with and without
winter crop planting
41Latin Hypercubic Sampling
42Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS)
Uniform distribution
Normal distribution
- Divided into n non-overlapping intervals on the
basis of equal probability. - One value from each interval is then selected
randomly with respect to the probability density
in the interval.
43Model output distribution of Streamflow at the
watershed outlet
44Model output distribution of Sediment loading at
the watershed outlet
45Model output distribution of Nitrate loading at
the watershed outlet
46Model output distribution of Streamflow at the
watershed outlet
BMP4 BMP4 (1996)
47Model output distribution of Nitrate loading at
the watershed outlet
BMP4 (1996) BMP4 (1996) without winter crop
- Our Cooperator,
- Dr. Linda Abbot of USDA/OCE/ORACBA
49Model output distribution of Sediment loading at
the watershed outlet
BMP2 BMP4 (1996)