Title: Diapositive 1
1J. Léonardi Presentation of cost 355 for cost
356. Madrid, 19 Oct. 2006
2Changing behaviour towards a more sustainable
transport system
- Objective
- to analyse the conditions under which the process
of growing unsustainable transport demand could
be reversed, by changing travellers, shippers
and carriers behaviours - Source JL Madre C Rizet, 2004
- Participation in the original proposal 10
countries, 19 Institutes - Now 22 countries, 45 Institutes
3COST 355 organisation
- Chair C. Rizet Sci. Officer M. Zisenis Admin.
J. Zhu - 4 WGs with 2 co-chairs, 1 MC
- Separated working groups and joint MC meetings
excepting one joint WG1WG2 (freight and car)
meeting in Athen - 2 meetings/year since 2004 one yearly with all
WG - WG1 freight and energy
- 43 presentations discussion (30 to 60 min)
- One French speaking workshop in Arcueil (8 pres.)
- WG2 the automobile
- 44 presentations discussion
- WG3 Overview of National Transport Survey
- 34 presentations discussion
- WG4 Synthesis
4COST 355 outcomes
- Network growth
- Final report in preparation
- Common articles and books
- Cooperative research projects
- Preparation of FP7 cooperation
- 5 Short Term Scientific Missions
5WG1 outcomesselected as potentially relevant for
cost 356
- European scientific (transport economics and
policy) discussion on sustainable freight
transport with most of the specialists - Main energy and CO2 indicators used in WG1
sessions - tkm,
- fuel use,
- kg CO2 per tkm,
- vehicle empty weight,
- load factor,
- type of transport,
- type of vehicles and technology,
- type of organisation,
- type of commodities,
- spatial distribution
6FRANCEEmissionsdepends on supply chain
distribution efficiency GHG emission/ kg
yogurt Source Rizet, Keïta 2005
7SPAIN Road freight transport with HDV
Performance data (1997-2003)
- _ Not significant differences, KPI1 Utilisation
Indices, KPI2 Productivity Indices, KPI3
Effectiveness Indices, - Indirectly calculated from running kilometers and
tkm, Indirectly calculated from equations 3, 4, 5
Source P. Pérez-Martinez Freight road transport
in Spain.Towards a higher energy and environment
8Source Alan McKinnon, Berlin cost355 meeting,
9GERMANY Consumption factor
Source J. Leonardi 2005. 2110 daily mean fuel
use vehicle gross weight (cat. 40t trucks)
10DENMARK 2020 increase in tons on the road network
Total change on the road network(tons per year)
Source Ole Kveiborg 2006 The Future Flow of
Goods in the Enlarged EU
11WG2 outcomes
- Factors Determining Car Ownership and Travel
Behaviour - Sensitivity to Prices and Other Policy Measures
- Impacts of Land Use on Car Ownership Travel
- Car Ownership Use Inequities
- Ongoing discussion on data collection and
sharing for analysis
12POLAND Changes in Travel Behaviour in Warsaw
Source Jacek Malasek 2004
13NORWAY Location and travel behaviour
Travel behaviour varies more within cities than
between cities.
Percent travelling by car on trips starting at
home. Monday-Friday.
Source Øystein Engebretsen 2005
14AUSTRIA Modal split of shopping trips and
Source Michael Meschik 2004
15WG3 main sessions
- Continuous surveys synthesis by (Madre al)
presented at IATBR 2006 Kyoto - Juan de Dios Orthuzar presentation
- Session on GPS state of the art by Martin Lee
Gosselin (Québec, Canada) - Session on Mixing surveys Toint Cornélis
(FUNDP, Namur, Belgium) - Session state of the art of National Travel
Surveys Marie-Odile Gascon (CERTU, France)
Patrick Bonnel (LET, France) - Actually ongoing discussion on data harmonisation
- Next sessions
- What can we say on freight with the different
data sources? - Experiences with transport surveys on the web
Average journey distance Budapest 6,87
kms/journey Whole surveying area 7,01
Source Andreas Karsa 2006
17SWITZERLAND Assessing possibilities of travel
behaviour change during life course
transitions GPS tracking is promising
Source Michael Flamm 2006
18FINLAND Daily mobility trends of Finnish people
since 1986
Tot.time min
Tot.distance km
Speed km/h
Source Tuuli Järvi, VTT, 2006
19Concluding remarks
- Interest for Cost355 in scientific community
- High diversity of approaches
- High number of scientific questions
- Relative low number of key variables
- Energy, distance, time, passengers, tonnes,
trips, modal choice, vehicle type, costs, speed,
load factor - Very high number of variables in personal and
freight travel surveys (up to 1000) - Concepts, solutions, policies are often not a
conclusion, but a main topic of investigation
20Thank you for your attention