Title: Analysis of Contour Motions
1Analysis of Contour Motions Ce Liu William T.
Freeman Edward H. Adelson
Neural Information Processing Systems Conference
1. Introduction
3. Forming edgelets boundary fragments
- Conditioned on the grouping, the graphical model
for motion is a Gaussian MRF
- Spatial boundary fragment extraction
- Steerable filters to obtain edge energy for each
orientation band - Track boundary fragments in frame 1 (using
Canny-like threshold) - Boundary fragments lines or curves with small
curvature - Edgelet temporal tracking with uncertainties
- Frame 1 edgelet (x, y, q)
- Frame 2 orientation energy of q
- A Gaussian pdf is fit with the weight of
orientation energy - 1D uncertainty of motion (even for T-junctions)
Existing algorithms cannot correctly analyze the
motion of textureless objects under occlusion
5. Inference
One frame of motion sequence
Output of our contour motion algorithm
Output of the state-of-the-art optical flow
algorithm 1
6. Results
All results generated using the same parameter
settings. The running time varies from ten
seconds to a few minutes in MATLAB, as a function
of the number of boundary fragments.
4. Forming contours
graphical model for grouping motion
- Problem regions caused by the occlusions of
textureless objects - Corners spurious T- or L-junctions
- Lines boundary ownership
- Flat regions illusory boundaries
- Grouping machinery switch variables (attached to
every end of the fragments) - Exclusive one end connects to at most one other
end - Reversible if end (i,ti) connects to (j,tj),
then (j,tj) connects to (i,ti), i.e. S(i,ti)
(j,tj), S(j,tj)(i,ti), or S(S(i,ti))(i,ti)
- Our approach simultaneous grouping and motion
analysis - Multi-level contour representation
- Formulate graphical model that favors good
contour and motion criteria - Inference using importance sampling
Reciprocity constraint
Legal contours
More legal contours
Grouping ambiguity
Example fragments
- Affinity metric terms
- Motion similarity
- Curve smoothness
- Contrast consistency
- The graphical model for grouping
2.Three levels of contour representation
Boundary fragment
1 T. Brox et al. High accuracy optical flow
estimation based on a theory for warping. ECCV