Title: Harmonization of Information for Multilateral Environmental Agreements
1Harmonization of Information for Multilateral
Environmental Agreements
Mark Collins Chief Executive World Conservation
Monitoring Centre 14 July 1999
- Inter-Linkages Conference, Tokyo 14-16 July 1999
2Implementation of MEAs
Set objectives
- Inter-Linkages Conference, Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
3Implementation of MEAs
Establish targets
Set objectives
- Inter-Linkages Conference, Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
4Implementation of MEAs
Establish targets
Set objectives
Implement actions
- Inter-Linkages Conference, Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
5Implementation of MEAs
Establish targets
Set objectives
Monitor results
Implement actions
- Inter-Linkages Conference, Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
- Establish clear and measurable environmental
targets - Identify indicators of success
- Monitor them through the MEAs by dividing up the
work focusing reporting procedures
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
- Gaps not covered by any treaty
- Duplication
- Different party constituents
- Lack of agreed baseline data and indicators
- Poor capacity for monitoring reporting
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
8Lessons from the Private Sector
- Hostile or friendly take-overs
- Specialise create network organisation
- Pay attention to customer needs pressures
- Provide proper reports to shareholders
- Act upon those reports to improve performance
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
- Review treaties and establish potential for
greater cooperation - Be clear about what is needed from MEAs as a
whole - Establish proper reporting standards and success
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
10Conference Themes
- Information management
- Finance
- Issue management
- Scientific mechanisms
- Synergies for sustainable development
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
11Difficulties in monitoring
- Parties lack the capacity to do baseline studies
or monitor environmental change - Reporting is inconsistent cannot be aggregated
- Some treaties lack enough parties to provide a
global picture
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
12Role of Information Working Group
Find ways to
- Harmonise information in MEAs
- Identify complementarity and gaps
- Identify ways to share datasets
- Harmonise reporting
- Improve collection, organisation and
dissemination of information
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
13Achievements so far
- UNEP identified as the lead in environmental
assessment and early warning - WCMC Feasibility Study on Shared Information
Management for Biodiversity Treaties - UNDP/SEED Expert Meeting on Synergies in National
Implementation of Rio Agreements
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
14Non-MEA Environmental Reports
- Global Environmental Outlook (UNEP)
- World Development Report (UNDP)
- World Resources Report (UNDP/UNEP/World Bank/WRI)
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
15Shared Information Requirements Across MEAs
Ecosystems and habitats ecosystems ?
habitat types ? ? ? traditional
use ? SPECIES Classification, names
and identification higher
taxonomy ? ? ? scientific name ? ? ? ? ? com
mon names ? ? ? identification
materials ?
16Modular Reporting Reduces Duplication
17Building Capacity at National Level
- Systematically assess national needs across all
countries - Devise appropriate training programmes
- Transfer information technology
The UNEP/GEF project Biodiversity Data Management
has made a good start should be extended
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
18Helping the Secretariats
- Build IT capacity
- Outsource services to specialists
- Regular coordination of conventions
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999
19Time for Action
- Improve national monitoring and reporting
procedures - Systematically build capacity for information
management - Harmonise the work of the Secretariats
- Inter-Linkages Conference Tokyo, 14-16 July 1999