- The Oldest Living Structures
- on The Earth
- Living things can be grouped in THREE domains.
- Prokaryotes account for two of the domains.
- Eukaryota are all eukaryotic organisms
- Most inhabit extreme environments on the earth.
There are THREE main groupings. - Methanogens are anaerobic and live in swamps,
marshes, the gut of animals and sewage treatment
ponds - Extreme Halophiles live in high salt areas such
as the Dead Sea and Great Salt Lake - Extreme Thermophiles live in hot springs with
temperatures of 60 to 80 celsius.
- Bacteria account for most prokaryotes.
- Includes the spirochetes, gram-positive bacteria
and cyanobacteria. - These are the bacteria that the Grade 11 course
will concentrate upon.
6Size Relationships
Micron Virus (.05 1 micron) Bacteria (.5 1.5
microns) Red blood cell (5 microns) White blood
cell (5 8 microns) Sperm (60 microns)
7Bacterial Shapes
- Bacillus bacteria are rod shaped.
- Cocci bacteria are round.
- Spirillum are spiral shaped
Gram Stain The Gram stain differentiates
bacteria on the basis of structure and
composition of the layers of the cell wall. Upon
completing the stain, Gram positive bacteria
appear purple and Gram negative bacteria appear
pink. Gram positive cell walls have a simpler
structure than Gram negative cell walls. Also
note the shapes of bacteria represented here.
9General Structure
- Nearly all prokaryotes have cell walls
- Bacteria have one major chromosome and rings of
DNA called plasmids. - Ribosomes are present to help in protein
formation. - Many disease causing bacteria have a thick outer
slime capsule for protection. - Many bacteria have small hair-like pili to attach
to other cells.
10Bacterial Cell Structure
- The CELLS ALIVE site will teach you about
bacterial cell structure. Click on the cell parts
to learn more about each.
11Bacterial Motility
A motile E. coli propels itself from place to
place by rotating its flagella. To move
forward,the flagella rotate counterclockwise and
the organism "swims". But when flagellar rotation
abruptly changes to clockwise, the bacterium
"tumbles" in place and seems incapable of going
anywhere. Then the bacterium begins swimming
again in some new, random direction. Swimming is
more frequent as the bacterium approaches a
chemoattractant (food). Tumbling, hence
direction change, is more frequent as the
bacterium moves away from the chemoattractant. So
it is a complex combination of swimming and
tumbling that keeps them in areas of higher food
12Bacterial Reproduction
- Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by binary fission
thus making new DNA almost continually . - They can exchange genetic material in three ways
transformation where genes are taken up from the
surrounding environment, conjugation where genes
are transferred from cell to cell and
transduction where genes are transferred between
prokaryotes by viruses.
13Bacterial Population Growth
Click on the Cells Alive! icon and when you reach
that page scroll down to DIVIDING BACTERIA. On
viewing the dividing bacteria take note of the
FOUR stages of the population growth curve.
14Bacterial Nutrition
- Photoautotrophs use the suns energy and
manufacture sugars. - Chemoautotrophs need only carbon dioxide to
obtain energy from inorganic substances.
- Photoheterotrophs are unique and use light to
generate energy but must obtain but must obtain
carbon in organic forms. - Chemoheterotrophs use organic molecules such as
sugar for energy.
15Aerobic vs Anaerobic
- Obligate aerobes must live where there is oxygen
- Obligate anaerobes must live where there is no
oxygen. They get there energy through
fermentation. - Facultative anaerobes can live where there is
oxygen or no oxygen.
16Not all bacteria are bad!!
- Many bacteria aid in the decomposition dead
organisms and waste. - Bacteria control the nitrogen cycle.
- Bacteria is used to make cheese and yogurt.
- Bacteria can be used to make antibiotics.
- Bacteria are used to make sauerkraut.
- Bacteria are used to clean up oil spills.
- Bacteria are very useful in genetic engineering.
17Food Bourne Bacteria Can Harm You
Some of our more notorious food bourne bacteria
are botulinum, salmonella, staphylococcus and E.
coli. Clicking the icon above will lead you to a
site with information on these bacteria.
18Methods of Food Preservation
- Freezing
- Refrigeration
- Pasteruization
- Canning
- Salting
- Lactic acid (sauerkraut)
- Vinegar