Title: Remote Instrumentation on the Grid
1Remote Instrumentation on the Grid
1st HellasGrid User Forum Jan 10 - 11, 2008
- Current experience and future steps on a European
Costas Kotsokalis Greek Research and Technology
Network / GRNET S.A.
- Remote Instrumentation (RI) concepts
- RI and the Grid
- RI Services requirements
- GRIDCC results
- RINGrid results
- DORII goals
3Remote Instrumentation
- Provides remote access to rare and/or expensive
equipment - Accelerators, telescopes, anything with an
Application Programming Interface (API) - Promotes science in poorer areas
- Scientists avoid expensive trips
- Collaboration is enhanced, scientists around the
world can work together
4Remote Instrumentation
5RI and the Grid
- Uniform mechanisms
- Authentication, Authorization, Accounting
- Monitoring
- Scheduling
- SOA-based approach
- Applications as composed services
- Integration w/ computing, storage
- Optimized resource selection
6RI and the Grid
- Portal-based access
- Enhances scientist communication, collaboration
- Allows shared access
- ? implements virtual control rooms
7RI and the Grid
The Grid Network, Instruments,
Storage, Computing, Access portal
8RI Services (RIS) requirements
- QoS guarantees from the M/W
- Real-time access to instruments
- Safety reasons
- Data transfer among composed services
(applications) - Advance reservation
- Workflow management (app modeling)
9RI Services (RIS) requirements
- Challenging visualization needs
- Interactivity (M/W access interfaces)
- Instruments as resources
- Generic interfaces
- yet offering complete functionality
10GRIDCC results
Grid-enabled Remote Instrumentation
with Distributed Control and Computation
- 09/2004 - 08/2007
- Loose guarantees (based on service statistical
profiles) - Strict guarantees (based on reservations)
- Workflow management
- Service composition w/ QoS modelling
- Addresses wf-wide QoS concerns
11GRIDCC results
Grid-enabled Remote Instrumentation
with Distributed Control and Computation
- Instruments abstraction (Instrument Element a la
CE, SE) - Generic steering interface Init, Set, Get, Exec
- vs CIMA
- Multi-purpose Collaborative Environment
- http//www.gridcc.org/
12RINGrid results
Remote Instrumentation in Next-Generation Grids
- 10/2006 - 03/2008
- Design study
- User requirements, Instrument requirements
- Large survey complete
- Current relevant technologies review
- Future and emerging relevant technologies review
13RINGrid results
Remote Instrumentation in Next-Generation Grids
- Prototype Small-scale experimentation with users
- RISGE-RG Open Grid Forum group
- Expected final result OGSA extension to support
Instruments on the Grid - Use cases ? Requirements ? Capabilities
- http//www.ringrid.eu/
14Outlook on DORII
Deployment Of Remote Instrumentation
- 02/2008 - 07/2010
- Will build on the results of
- RINGrid
- gEclipse
- Grid-enabled Eclipse-based interface for Grid
access - Int.Eu.Grid
- M/W for interactivity on the Grid
15Outlook on DORII
Deployment Of Remote Instrumentation
- Expected major results
- Consolidated, self-contained M/W for
Instrumentation grids - A production-level infrastructure to support
pre-selected application communities - Operational guidelines specific to
Instrumentation grids - RISGE-RG OGF group continuation
- Goal WG for an OGSA instrumentation profile
- Thank you
- for your attention!
- Costas Kotsokalis
- ckotso at admin.grnet.gr