Literacy Needs of Adolescents in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: A Multiple-Case Study Intended to Inform the Community - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Literacy Needs of Adolescents in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: A Multiple-Case Study Intended to Inform the Community


Approximately eight million students in fourth through twelfth grade are reading ... Stated self-selected readings and journaling are helpful in reading class ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Literacy Needs of Adolescents in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area: A Multiple-Case Study Intended to Inform the Community

Literacy Needs of Adolescents in the Baltimore
Metropolitan Area A Multiple-Case Study Intended
to Inform the Community
  • Dr. Sharon Pitcher
  • Dr. Gilda Martinez
  • Dr. Elizabeth Dicembre
  • With input from
  • Dr. Montana McCormick Dr. Darlene Fewster

  • Approximately eight million students in fourth
    through twelfth grade are reading below grade
    level in the United States.
  • The National Endowment for the Arts (2007)
    reports that little more than a third of high
    school seniors now read proficiently.
  • In Maryland, the State Department of Education
    reports that one-third of their students are
    reading below grade level.
  • Fifty percent of those students are from
    Baltimore City, which neighbors our university.

  • The recent national report, Crisis in the Cities,
    demonstrates the seriousness of adolescent
    literacy problems in our metropolitan area
  • Forty-seven percent less students graduate from
    high school in Baltimore City than in the
    surrounding metropolitan area.
  • This discrepancy is the highest in the nation.

Research Questions
  1. What types of reading instruction are adolescent
    students receiving?
  2. What motivates adolescent students to read?
  3. Does the reading instruction match their needs?

Significance of the Study
  • Adolescents in Maryland schools today will be the
    college students and work force of the future.
    We are beginning to see
  • The top 10 of students coming from Baltimore
    City Public Schools struggling in freshmen
  • An increased amount of freshmen needing
    developmental reading and struggling with writing
    courses in our university and other colleges in
    the state, although they have high GPAs in their
    high schools.

Significance of the Study to the Baltimore
Metropolitan Area
  • An important mission of Towson University is to
  • respond to our states socioeconomic and
    cultural needs and aspirations
  • analyze academic trends and disseminate the
    results to build bridges between Towson
    University and educational stakeholders in the
    Baltimore Metropolitan area.
  • Towson 2010 and the Universitys Mission
    Statement (Available on Towson Universitys

This study supports Towson Universitys mission
by developing snapshots to begin a Metropolitan
dialogue on the literacy needs of adolescents.
  • Seven adolescent students attending the Towson
    University Reading Clinic in the Spring 2008
    session, who were from a variety of school
    systems in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area,
    participated in this qualitative multiple-case

  • For this study, we assembled an investigative
    team with research experience in
  • Adolescent Literacy
  • English Language Learners
  • Special Education
  • Secondary Education
  • Parent Involvement
  • Curriculum Development
  • to look at the data from different perspectives.

Data Collected
  • Students were
  • tested in reading using several assessments
  • interviewed
  • Their parents were
  • interviewed, using questions that paralleled the
    student interview, to gain a richer description
    of the students reading abilities, motivation,
    and instruction being provided.

Reading Assessments
  • The following individually administered
    assessments were used
  • Qualitative Reading Inventory IV
  • (assesses word identification in and out of
    context, comprehension, and listening capacity.)
  • Lexia Comprehensive Reading Test
  • (computer assessment assessing same
    understandings as the QRI)
  • Metacognitive Assessment
  • (assesses how students think about reading)
  • Adolescent Motivation to Read Survey
  • (assesses value, instructional approaches and
    self concept of reading)

Student and Parent Interviews
  • Questions for both the students and the parents
    were similar. The following are some examples
    from the student interview
  • What kind of difficulties are you having when you
  • Are you taking a reading class in school right
  • In what class do you have the most problems
    reading the assignments?
  • In what classes do you like reading the most?
  • Do you spend much time on the computer?
  • Is reading ever a problem on the computer?

Data Analysis
  • The assessments, surveys and interviews were
    coded to study similarities and differences noted
    among these students and their parents, and
    compared to reveal like themes that emerged from
    the individual cases (Flick, 2002).
  • Key words included motivation, comprehension,
    instruction, understanding
  • Parent and student interviews were also reviewed
    to see how they defined reading.

Case Studies
  • Among the students
  • Three girls
  • Four boys
  • Two students from Baltimore City
  • Three students from Suburban County school
  • One student from a parochial school
  • One student being home schooled

Case 1 Tamikas Background
  • 6th grade attends public school
  • English Language Learner, originally from South
  • She does not receive extra help in reading, other
    than having been placed in a reading intervention
    class using Language!
  • Most common method of instruction she encounters
    in content area classes read and answer

Case 1 Tamikas Perspective
  • Enjoys math class best because there is not much
    reading involved
  • Spends around 5 hours a day on the computer for
    enjoyment, reading and writing emails, updating
    her website, and playing games (and has no
    problems reading on the computer)
  • When asked,
  • What kind of difficulties are you having when
  • you read?
  • Tamika responded,
  • Understanding what the topic is about.
  • She knew where she needed help.

Case 1 Tamikas Parents Perspective
  • Explained that Tamikas greatest difficulty in
    reading is comprehension
  • The difficulties my daughter is having
  • is the comprehension part. She can read, she
  • can spell, but the comprehension
  • part for some reason is hard for her.
  • Tamika was not receiving comprehension
  • instruction in school.

Case 1 Tamikas Parents Perspective continued
  • Stated the teachers did not invite them to a
    parent conference because she was doing okay
  • Explained that Tamika is not challenged in her
    reading intervention Language! class, but was
    placed in it as a result of a test (they were
    notified via mail of this placement)

Case 1 What we found out about Tamika in clinic
  • Strengths sight word identification, word
    recognition, before and after reading strategies,
    is aware of her needs
  • Needs vocabulary instruction, during reading
  • Reading comprehension is on a 2nd grade level
    word recognition is on grade level
  • Writing uses capital letters appropriately,
    complete sentences, correct spelling, but does
    not elaborate on a given topic
  • Brought student to the Reading Clinic because she
    was not motivated to read and according to her
    mother now enjoys reading as a result

Case 2 Karls Background
  • 7th grade attends home school
  • Student diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder
  • When he was in public school, he had an I.E.P.
  • Enjoys reading on his porch
  • Keeps up with current events using Google

Case 2 Karls Perspective
  • Spends about 3 hours a day on the computer
    emailing friends, using myspace, reading the news
    (has no problems reading on the computer)
  • When Karl was asked,
  • Is reading ever a problem on the computer?
  • His response was simply,
  • Uh, no.

Case 2 Karls Parents Perspective
  • He is home-schooled to ensure instruction matches
    his needs
  • His mother uses the Beckham curriculum (which
    consists of reading and answering questions) and
    supplements it with reading and researching
  • Stated self-selected readings and journaling are
    helpful in reading class
  • Believe Karl needs to improve his writing skills

Case 2 What we found out about Karl in clinic
  • Strengths motivation to read self-selected
  • Needs decoding, vocabulary, comprehension, and
    fluency instruction
  • Word recognition and reading comprehension are on
    a 2nd grade level
  • Writing needs instruction in grammar,
    punctuation, and how to expand ideas
  • Does not use before, during, or after reading
  • Attended the Reading Clinic to improve overall
    reading skills. He improved in making
    connections while reading, thinking aloud, and

Case 3 Kathys Background
Case 3 Kristen
  • Is an eighth grade student in a public school in
    a suburban school system bordering Baltimore.
  • Was diagnosed with Autism at a young age.
  • Has an IEP and is receiving small group reading
  • Does not receive reading support in Social
    Studies or Science.
  • Enjoys playing the piano and basketball,
    horseback riding and acting in a theater group.
  • Wants to be a librarian when she grows up.

Case 3 Kathys Perspective
Kathys Perspective
  • Really liked reading in elementary school because
    she could read books she liked but middle school
    is very different.
  • Enjoys making bookmarks as presents using the
    Internet to find pictures and designs.
  • Uses the Internet to search topics she is
    interested in and to shop.
  • Uses the computer to write letters to pen pals.
  • Seems to understand more of what she reads on the
  • Has the most problems reading in Science.
  • Likes going to the library the most in school
    because she can choose books she likes.

Case 3 Kathys Parents Perspective
  • Researched autism, sought professional help, and
    have a strong understanding of her strengths and
  • Believe Kathy needs a very visual /kinesthetic
    learning approach.
  • Realized that Kathys vocabulary is limited but
    she needs to make connections with the words in
    context rather than just reading a definition on
    paper (Kathys mom shared).
  • Are frustrated that the school refuses to let
    Kristen use the computer in school because they
    feel it would be distracting to her.

Case 3 Kathys Parents Perspective continued
  • Tried to share with the school how well she
    learns on the computer but the school ignores
  • The father shared Heres the window to this
    child and no one can take advantage of it. At
    three years old, we sat her down in front of the
    computer and now she writes her own stories.

Case 3 Kathys Parents Perspective continued
  • Her father
  • Serves on an advocacy group for parents of
    children in Special Education.
  • Discovered that the reading program her school
    uses is not research-based, focuses on word
    identification with a weak comprehension
    component, is predominantly auditory based, and
    has no computer component. When he shared this
    with teachers, he got the deer in the head
    lights stare.
  • Shared that they want to partner with Kathys
    school but constantly receive resistance from the
    schools faculty. He remarked that they cant
    answer the hard questions.

Case 3 What We Learned About Kathy in Clinic
  • Her word recognition level is on Grade 6 but her
    instructional comprehension level is on Grade 1.
  • Her writing demonstrated understanding of
    complete sentences, correct punctuation,
    capitalization and grammar.
  • When her metacognitive understanding of reading
    strategies were assessed, she could not verbalize
    any strategies.

Case 3 What We Learned About Kathy in Clinic
  • Her Reading Clinic teacher reported
  • Kathy responded very positively in Clinic when
    strategies were taught using pictures, writing
    and story maps.
  • Teaching her explicitly to make connections when
    reading with visual organizers was very
  • Expanding her vocabulary was an important part in
    improving her comprehension.

Case 4 Leons Background
  • 7th grade student in a K-8 School
  • Lives in Baltimore City
  • Has never been retained or received extra
    academic help in school and has been placed in
    gifted/talented classes
  • Does attend a voluntary coaching class after
  • He likes to play football and basketball
  • His mother is a Baltimore City school teacher
  • His father once played for a professional
    football team and Leon would like to do the same

Case 4 Leons Perspective
  • Likes to read when he has a choice of what he
  • Likes to play games on the computer but has had
    some problems reading directions
  • Does not like to read aloud because he had
    trouble stuttering when he was younger, but this
    is often done in his classes

Case 4 Leons Perspective Continued
  • Has the most problem reading in science class
  • Understood that he has a comprehension problem.
    He shared that Before I started the Towson
    Clinic, I really didnt understand what I read.
    Yes, I feel like I can understand a lot more than
    I did before. Yes.

Case 4 Leons Parents Perspective
  • His mother
  • Felt her son had a problem with comprehension but
    he always scored Advanced on the Maryland State
  • Was concerned that the school does not do a lot
    of in-depth studies and research and that her
    son is not learning higher order thinking
  • Is concerned that her son is in overcrowded
    classes with new teachers who come and go

Case 4 Leons Parents Perspective continued
  • Knows that her son needs a more hands-on approach
    like he is getting in Clinic where he is using
    visual organizers and able to synthesize and
    evaluate all levels of thinking
  • His school does not provide tips on how parents
    can help their children and has not explained
    what type of curriculum they are using

Case 4 Leons Parents Perspective continued
  • Shared that she wanted her son to go to a
    well-known private school in the city next year,
    but they wanted him to repeat 7th grade, which
    surprised her
  • Her son was very excited about coming to the
    Clinic he does his work for Clinic without being
    reminded and is finally starting to put things

Case 4 What We Learned About Leon in Clinic
  • Reading comprehension level was three grades
    below his grade level on two different
  • The only strategies he was able to verbalize were
    sounding out and predicting
  • Although his word identification was higher than
    comprehension, it was still two grade levels
    below his grade level

Case 4 What We Learned About Leon in Clinic
  • He read higher orally than silently but is very
    self-conscious reading aloud because of his early
  • His self-concept as a reader was higher than his
    value of reading when he started Clinic

Case 4 What We Learned About Leon in Clinic
  • Responded best in Clinic when his interests were
    considered in selecting reading materials
  • Did well when comprehension strategy instruction
    included hands-on activities such as visual
    organizers and writing notes while reading
  • Over the course of ten weeks of instruction of
    one hour per week he improved his reading
    approximately three grade levels

Case 5 Sams Background
  • Enrolled in grade 6 in a public school in
    Baltimore City
  • No chronic illnesses, vision or hearing problems
  • Loves sports, especially basketball
  • Father describes him as a gifted athlete
  • Makes good grades in school
  • Received support from a one-on-one reading
    specialist two days a week in grade 5

Case 5 Sams Perspective
  • Does not read for pleasure
  • States that sometimes he does not understand what
    he reads
  • Believed reading was easier when he was 6 years
    old and he had pictures to help him
  • Described his reading class as consisting of a
    drill, talking about something, reading a book,
    and finally doing tests on the book

Case 5 Sams Perspective continued
  • Indicated that the reading strategies he uses are
    reading aloud, rereading, and taking notes
  • Likes reading class best when they get to talk
    about what they read
  • When asked, When do you like reading the most?
  • Sam responded, When I like the book and its
    about what I like . . . like basketball.

Case 5 Sams Parents Perspective
  • Expressed concern about Sams reading based upon
    observations made at home when he is reading to
    complete his homework
  • Believe Sam has a limited vocabulary and
    difficulty understanding what he reads
  • Stated that Sam has always tested on grade level

Case 5 Sams Parents Perspective continued
  • Stated that Sam does not understand the value in
    working at something
  • Stated that Sam does not spend much time on the
  • Stated that Sam has difficulty with
    comprehension wherever whether in print or on
    the computer, in retelling important story events
    in order

Case 5 What we found out about Sam in clinic
  • Reading comprehension at 5th grade level
  • Strengths phonics and decoding, knowledge and
    use of before reading strategies, motivated to
    succeed, positive attitude toward to school and
  • Needs during and after reading strategies,
    vocabulary development

Case 6 Stacys Background
  • Enrolled in the sixth grade in a private school
    in Baltimore County, Maryland
  • Lives with biological parents and two siblings
  • Is an avid reader
  • Enjoys trips to bookstores and the public library
  • Is involved in many extra-curricular activities
  • Basketball and softball
  • Girl Scouts

Case 6 Stacys Perspective
  • Stacy reports that
  • She reads chapter books in class and a choice is
    offered to students
  • She likes working on the computer in reading
  • She likes reading in one content area, math
  • In class, she reports
  • no one really reads with me
  • Its not like a one-on-one thing
  • I like to read books

Case 6 Stacys Parents Perspective
  • Areas of difficulty for Stacy
  • comprehension and motivation
  • can read but has trouble with comprehension

Case 6 Stacys Parents Perspective continued
  • Comments showed a concern that there is a
    disconnect between the reading instruction that
    Stacy receives and her reading needs
  • Stacy has a positive self-concept about her

Case 6 What we found out about Stacy in clinic
  • Word identification is on grade level and reading
    comprehension is on a 2nd grade level
  • She has a very high self-concept as a reader
    (however, she did not realize that she was not
    understanding what she was reading)
  • Needs
  • during and after reading strategies
  • Retelling story details
  • Identifying the main idea
  • Decoding multisyllabic words

Case 7 Andrews Background
  • Fourteen-year old male in the 8th grade
  • Second time in Towson Reading Clinic
  • Enrolled in public school in a suburban school
  • Will attend a science magnet school program
  • Never diagnosed with medical issues that might
    influence reading or academics

Case 7 Andrews Background Continued
  • Student athlete (football and basketball)
  • Makes good grades in school, but often
  • loses motivation towards the end of the
  • school year
  • Has worked with a reading specialist from
  • grades 1 through 6
  • Works with a private reading tutor every
  • Saturday

Case 7 Andrews Perspective
  • Loves to discuss sports, read about sports, and
    find athletic-themed clothing styles online
  • Has difficulty remembering what he reads,
    particularly in language arts class
  • Noisy classrooms make it harder for him to read
  • In language arts class The teacher picks the
    stories and books, sometimes has class
    discussion, but mostly students answer questions
    about reading

Case 7 Andrews Perspective continued
  • Frustrated with teachers They need to start
    teaching and explaining things!
  • When he cannot remember what he reads or does not
    understand, he goes back and re-reads
  • Has the most problems with comprehension in
    language arts (yet mother indicated problems in
  • Considers himself an OK reader, prefers to have
    choice in reading selections, and enjoys reading
    on computer

Case 7 Andrews Parents Perspective
  • Frustrated with the schools and seeks out
    alternative instruction for Andrew
  • Enrolled Andrew in a magnet high school but
    concerned that Andrew will struggle
  • Thats what worries me. I dont want to set
    him up for failure and thats why Ive been
    trying to give him all types of help. Ive been
    looking for programs for the summer. Everything
    will be academic for the summer because I have to
    give him what he is not getting in school.

Case 7 Andrews Parents Perspective continued
  • Feels that most of Andrews academic problems
    stem from lack of motivation
  • Stated that Andrews grades were slipping in
    science and attributed this to not being able to
    comprehend the science texts
  • Stated that history and math textbooks are the
    only texts brought home
  • Frustrated that the teachers do not communicate
    with her more

Case 7 Andrews Parents Perspective continued
  • Everything else is handouts. The tutor
    questioned it last year and she actually spoke to
    one of the teachers and was told that the school
    has no fundingbecause they are frustrated with
    the school and the principals, they are just
    teaching basics. And, these kids are not
    learning anything. They are not learning. The
    school has not passed the MSA testing for 3

Case 7 Andrews Parents Perspective continued
  • They are just not doing anything and it is sad.
    They dont call me. They dont tell me
    anything. I dont care if you have 50 kids in
    your class. 10 out of 50 may be doing good. Let
    me follow up. I dont think they have phone
    numbers because they never have called me.

Case 7 What we found out about Andrew in clinic
  • Reading comprehension at 6th grade level
  • Strengths word recognition
  • Needs vocabulary, comprehension strategies
    while he is reading, monitoring comprehension,
    writing development

Students View of Reading
  • Reading in class consists of
  • Reading and telling what the story was about
  • like fill out a paper say it was like
    adventurewe read books and do a biography on
  • Answering questions about the reading
  • The teacher picks what we read and we mostly
    answer questions about it.
  • Taking turns reading out loud
  • Sometimes we have group reading. We just read
    books, read out loud.
  • Occasionally we have discussions

Students View of Reading continued
  • What makes reading hard or easy
  • Noise in the classroom (quiet helps)
  • When Im by myself and its quiet. When its
    noisy, like in class, its harder to read.
  • Pictures help
  • Uh, history.well, its because lots of
  • Um, when I look at the pictures. It makes it
    more easy to understand what Im reading.
  • The words (both recognizing them and knowing the
  • Like if something is stated hard and like the
    words are complicated its more hard for me to
    understand it. If the words are easy and simple,
    I can understand it more clearly.

Students View of Reading continued
  • What teachers do to help students understand
  • More discussion
  • help me think out loud.
  • Help with vocabulary
  • When the teacher goes over it, explains things,
    and helps with words you dont understand.
  • Give students choice
  • Help students relate the reading to their own
  • she made the lessons more funit was just like
    regular work, but she compared like with people
    we want to get with, that made it fun.
  • Individual attention
  • Yes, that there was a person there to review
    with you.
  • the teacherpays attention to every student.

Students View of Reading continued
  • Reading in content areas comments were varied
  • Math. Like if were on a certain topic like if
    we were doing fractions or something like that
    and theres like 10 pages about it and theres a
    test you can take in the book for review.
  • Math. Cuz, its little reading and math you just
    use numbers and not a lot of reading.
  • I have to say science because our science class
    was so big, and I have to talk louder. Like
    basically scream.

Parents View of Reading
  • All of the parents explained their childrens
    reading problems were about comprehending what
    they read
  • Parents all commented in some way about their
    childrens difficulty understanding what they
    were reading in content areas
  • One father shared that his son had Difficulty
    understanding the text. He reads the words. He
    does better at reading the words than
    understanding the words.

Parents View of Reading Continued
  • Some of the parents were also concerned their
    children needed vocabulary development to
    comprehend texts
  • Most of the parents realized that motivation to
    read played a part in how their children
  • When their children read books of choice or on
    the computer, they did not seem to struggle as

Parents View of Reading Comprehension Strategies
  • Kathys mother realized that when she read with
    her daughter that she has to relate something we
    are reading to a real life situation
  • A father shared that his son has to see the
    value of the process
  • Another parent shared that her son was not being
    challenged to think critically

Results - Students
  • Overall students
  • were aware they had difficulty with reading
  • enjoyed reading when they self-selected it
  • could read without any problems on the computer
  • rarely used the computer (if at all) while in
  • enjoyed games on the computer and in school
  • were not motivated by their reading instruction
    at school
  • could articulate reading strategies at the end of
    the clinic experience
  • struggled most with reading in social studies
    and/or science

Results - Parents
  • Overall parents stated
  • there was limited home-school communication
  • reading programs were not explained
  • their child did not struggle to read on the
  • their child enjoyed reading on the computer
  • the reading instruction at school did not meet
    their childs needs

Recommendations for Instruction
  • Teach reading to adolescents by focusing on their
    needs rather than solely following programs
  • Focus on comprehension strategies until they
    become internalized
  • Apply comprehension instruction in the content
    areas as well as in language arts
  • Provide time for self-selected reading
  • Use the computer to enhance instruction

Recommendations for Parent Involvement
  • Inform parents about the reading instructional
    plans for their children
  • Listen to parent voices when making instructional
    decisions for students
  • Create a partnership with parents through ongoing

Limitations of the Study
  • We cannot generalize to other students beyond
    these seven students
  • Data were collected towards the end of a
    semester-long reading clinic, so students were
    well-versed in reading strategy terminology
  • Parents of these students may not be
    representative of other parents because these
    parents actively sought their childs
    participation in the Towson University Reading

Disseminating What We Learned
  • These case studies
  • Are snapshots that share what these adolescents
    and their parents know, believe or understand
  • Can begin a very important dialogue in our state
  • Could be used as a bridge between our university
    and surrounding school systems to create future
    partnerships on how to change adolescent literacy
    instruction in schools

Disseminating What We Learned Continued
  • We plan to
  • Design a brochure to share the stories of these
    students with school systems in Maryland
  • Share the stories at state conferences
  • Offer to present this information to secondary
    school administrators and faculty in school
    systems in the Baltimore metropolitan area
  • Begin a dialogue on what adolescents need in as
    many venues in our metropolitan area as possible

We Aim to
  • Encourage administrators to
  • Move away from one-size-fits-all programs
  • Align instruction to match the needs of the
  • Create literacy experiences that will make
    differences in the lives and academic success
    rates of adolescent students
  • View parents as collaborative partners

Continuing the Research
  • After presenting our study at local conferences,
    we will ask the participants to fill out a survey
    on their perception of the state of adolescent
    literacy in their school systems. Attendees at
    these conferences often include teachers,
    reading specialists and administrators.
  • Compile the results of the surveys and also share
    it with educational stakeholders to continue the

To obtain this presentation, visit
  • http//
  • If you want more information about this study,
    contact Sharon Pitcher at

  • Alvermann, D. E. (2003). Seeing themselves as
    capable and engaged readers Adolescents and
    re/mediated instruction. Naperville, IL
    Learning Point.
  • Biancarosa, G. Snow, C. E. (2004). Reading
    nextA vision for action and research in middle
    and high school literacy A report from Carnegie
    Corporation of New York. Washington, DC Alliance
    for Excellent Education.
  • Cassidy, J. Cassidy, D. (2008). What's hot,
    what's not for 2008. Reading Today, 25(4),
  • Conley, M. W., Hinchman, K. A. (2004). No child
    left behind What it means for U. S. adolescents
    and what we can do about it. Journal of
    Adolescent Adult Literacy, 48, 42-50.
  • Holmberg, B. Pitcher, S.M. (2008). Motivation
    of developmental reading students in Maryland
    colleges. Unpublished raw data.
  • National Endowment of the Arts (2007). To read
    or not to read A question of national
    consequence. Washington, DC National Endowment
    of the Arts. Retrieved February 19, 2008 from
  • National Governors Association (2005). Reading
    to achieve A governors guide to adolescent
    literacy. Washington, DC NGA Center for Best
    Practices. Retrieved February 19, 2008 from
  • http//
  • Santa, C. M. (2006). A vision for adolescent
    literacy Ours or theirs? Journal of Adolescent
    and Adult Literacy, 49(6), 466-476.
  • Swanson, C. B. (2008). Cities in crisis A
    special analytical report on high school
    graduation. Bethesda, MD Editorial Projects in
    Education. Retrieved April 3, 2008 from
  • Towson University (2006). TU 2010. Retrieved
    September 30, 2008 from http//
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