Title: PHYS2211N Lecture
1PHYS2211N Lecture 2
2Jan 12, 2005
- Todays Agenda
- More on vectors
- Displacement
- Velocity and speed
- Acceleration
- UNC vs GT (ESPN)
- Prior to this class, have you taken physics at
either the high school or college level? (Note
Do not count physical science courses as
physics.) - 1. Yes 2. No
- An arrow is commonly used to represent a vector
quantity moreover, there are two common ways to
symbolize a vector quantity - Boldface notation A
- Arrow notation
5Coordinate Systems
- Before we can talk about out things move we need
to decide how to concretely define where an
object is. - In 2-D, or 3-D there are two basic types of
coordinate systems - Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z) use units
- three mutually perpendicular directions.
- Conventions require right-handed system
- 2) Polar (or spherical) coordinates (r,q,f) use
a distance and one or more angles
6Vector additiongraphical method
- Consider the vectors A and B. Find A B.
- The Head-to-Tail Rule
- We can pick up and move vectors at will. Just
dont change their length or their direction!!
7- Which of the following corresponds to the
diagram? - 1. C B A
- 2. C A - B B
- 3. C B - A
- 4. B C - A
8Vector Subtraction
- The change in the position vector is a vector
called displacement.
10A vector divided (or multiplied) by a scalar is
another vector. We define a vector average
velocity as We define average speed as Note
average speed is NOT the magnitude of the average
velocity vector.
11 Example 1 My GPS in my
Land Rover says that the Phys building is 5.77
miles from my house in a direction of 195 degrees
(wsw). The speedometer on my car say I drive 8.0
miles to work. If the trip takes 25 min, what is
my average velocity, and average speed.
12My average speed is My average velocity is
13Useful trivia
- Navigation directions are measured from north
being direction 0 degrees. This is what is used
for wind, ships, and airplanes. - The numbers on the end of runways are the
direction/10. If you land at an airport and see
27 on the end of the runway, you are flying
directly towards the west.
14If you run once around a circular track of radius
R in time T, what is your average speed and
average velocity? Your average speed is 2pR/T
and your average velocity is
15Vocabulary of Mechanics
- Speeding Up vs Slowing Down
- Positive acceleration vs Negative
acceleration -
16Mechanics Vocabulary
distance traveled
Rate of Change of Position
17Mechanics Vocabulary
Rate of Change of Velocity
18Example 1.4 (Skier)
19The motion diagram for a sprinter running around
a circular track (displacement vectors shown).
What is the direction of the acceleration at
point A?
(Select 9 to indicate the acceleration is zero.)
20Circular Motion
21Vocabulary of Mechanics
- Speeding Up vs Slowing Down
- Positive acceleration vs Negative
acceleration -