Title: Maines Disappearing Youth: A Search for Solutions
1Maines Disappearing YouthA Search for
2A Declining Youth Population
3Why are youth numbers declining?
A Declining Youth Population
- A Falling Birth Rate
- Lowest point ever recorded
- The Migration Problem
- Increasing youth out-migration decreasing youth
in-migration - A net loss of 17,000 in the 1990s a 77 increase
from the previous decade - The two opposing streams are region specific
4A Declining Youth Population A Falling Birth
5A Declining Youth Population The Migration
6A Declining Youth Population The Migration
7Why are we losing youth?
A Declining Youth Population The Migration
- Going to College
- 43.5 of all college bound 19 year olds leave
state a net loss of 1,367 freshman in 1998. - Socio-economic Class
- The children of upper and middle class in-migrant
parents are more likely to go. - Brain Drain
- The well-educated move more often and farther
away from rural areas. - Higher per-pupil expenditure correlates with
youth out-migration.
8Why are we losing youth?
A Declining Youth Population The Migration
- Its the Economy
- Out-migration peaked in the early 1990, when
Maines economy was worse than the rest of the
nation. - Housing Costs
- Portland rents increased by 70 in the 1990s.
- Rural to Urban
- Leaving for the city may be a cultural
expectation of youth.
9The perfect out-migrant.
A Declining Youth Population The Migration
- Male
- Aspirations for college
- Raised in rural area with good schools and poor
job opportunities - Upper-middle class, college educated parents
- Parents were in-migrants in the late 1970s
10Education Implications
Implications for Maine Public Education
- Funding Formula
- Less students means less money from the state.
- School Consolidation and Regionalization
- Small schools will likely close.
- Districts will need to share expenses and
resources more. - Higher Education
- Fewer students means less tuition revenues.
11Implications for Maine Public Education
12Cultural Implications
Implications for Maine Culture
- Transience Hurts
- When youth leave, community has a dim future.
- Aspirations
- What happens to the youth who are left behind?
- Educational Attainment
- When youth leave, do overall education levels
13The Need for a Response
- We Must
- Get the youth population problem on the table.
- Conduct an in depth study of youth migration.
- Create a statewide policy response.
14Prince Edward Island
- Provincial government created the Population
Strategy Initiative. - Goals
- Youth internship programs
- Student loan forgiveness programs
- Attract youth from outside
- Involve youth in the planning and public policy
process - Conduct a longitudinal study of youth migration
- Experiencing an extremely low birth rate
- The most elderly country on earth by 2025.
- Solutions
- Better child care
- Child friendly workplaces
- More affordable housing
- Financial incentives for child rearing
- Retain older workers
- Invest in robotics
16Northeast Ontario
- University and Workforce Training Board sponsored
research and community forums - Solutions
- More post-secondary education access
- Promote quality-of-life
- Value the contribution of youth in the community
- Closer links between industry and education
- Provide financial incentives for graduates to
- Economic Policy
- Job Creation Tax Policy
- Government / Business Partnerships
- Internship Programs
- Student Loan Forgiveness
- School-to-Work Initiatives
- Child Friendly Workplaces
- Higher Education Policy
- Improve access
- Remove barriers
- Tuition tax credits
- Advertising
- Come Home and Move Here campaigns