Title: eLearning Research in the US: Challenges
1eLearning Research in the US Challenges
- Dr. Melody Thompson
- American Center for the Study of Distance
Education Pennsylvania State University - WUN eLearning Seminar Series
- Researching Dialogue Communities of Enquiry
- in eLearning in HE
- April 15, 2005
- Presentation grows out of earlier discussions at
WUN meetings in Orlando, Florida - Research needs/agenda identified based on the
literature and discussions with faculty,
students, and administrators engaged in eLearning - Examples of current situation drawn from three
research dissemination venues 2004 Distance
Teaching Learning Conference, 2004 Sloan-C
Summer Invitational Research Workshop, and The
American Journal of Distance Education.
3Overview of Presentation
- A developing eLearning research agenda
- General characteristics of eLearning practice and
research in the US - Characteristics of the three eLearning
communities - Research in the three communities
- Challenges and opportunities
4A Developing eLearning Research Agenda
- Institutional Policy and Management
- Finance/Business Plans
- Competition and Cooperation External and
Internal - Faculty Policies and Support
- Quality Assurance
5A Developing Research Agenda
- The Faculty Experience/Pedagogy
- Changing Faculty Roles
- Unbundling of roles or
- New focus on design and development
- Engagement or encagement?
- New teaching skills and tools
- Faculty resistance to participation
- Barriers
- Lack of incentives
- Administrative responses
6A Developing Research Agenda
- Student Experience/Student Outcomes
- Meaning measurement of student needs and
satisfaction - Design support factors that enhance
satisfaction and outcomes - Role impact of interaction and community
- Experiences of adult vs. traditional-aged
students - Retention What is it? How do we foster it?
- Relationship between faculty experience student
7A Developing Research Agenda
- Context Ethics
- Contextual issues
- Institutional
- Social
- Global
- Access/Inclusion
- Extending vs. enhancing
- Integrity
- Institutional
- Student
- Faculty
- Researcher
8eLearning Practice and Research in the US
- Distance education as a marginalized activity
- eLearning as a transformative or disruptive
innovation - Paradigm shift vs. extension of earlier distance
education approaches - Program descriptions/evaluations, how to
papers, and best practices dominate the
9Characteristics of the 3 Communities
- Annual Distance Teaching Learning Conference
- Pioneers in distance education
- Established for scholarly study of DE based in
theory and research - From opportunities for collegial exchange in a
marginalized field to over 1000 participants and
150 paper sessions.
10Characteristics of the 3 Communities
- Sloan-C Summer Research Workshop
- Representatives of Sloan Foundation grantee
institutions - The new wave of e-educators
- Focus on what works to promote access and ensure
quality in content, process, and outcomes
11Characteristics of the 3 Communities
- The American Journal of Distance Education
- Peer-reviewed, research-based articles on all
forms of distance education in the Americas - Mix of/transition from old-timers to new wave
12Research in the 3 Communities
- Topics Classified on the basis of categories in
the proposed research agenda -
- Methods Classified on the basis of a
modification of the system proposed by Lee,
Driscoll, and Nelson (2004) - Experimental/quasi-experimental research
- Field research (case studies, ethnography,
grounded theory) - Evaluation research
- Developmental research
- Survey research
- Mixed-method research
- Meta-analytic research
13Research in 3 Communities
- Distance Teaching Learning Conference
- 17/77 papers represent eLearning research
- Institutional policy/management - 1
- Survey research (1)
- Faculty experience/pedagogy - 7
- Developmental research (4) Evaluation research
(1) Experimental/quasi-experimental research (2) - Student experience/outcomes - 6
- Developmental (2) evaluation (1) field (1)
mixed method (1) meta-analysis (1) - Context ethics - 3
- Survey (1) developmental (1) field (1)
14Research in 3 Communities
- Sloan-C Summer Research Workshop Invited papers
on topics of current interest to the Sloan
Foundation - 5/10 represent research
- Institutional policy/management - 3
- Evaluation research (1) field research (2)
- Faculty experience/pedagogy - 1
- Evaluation research (1)
- Student experience/outcomes -1
- Mixed method research (1)
15Research in 3 Communities
- The American Journal of Distance Education
- 10/12 main articles focus partly or completely on
eLearning research studies - Institutional policy/mgmt. - 1
- Survey research (1)
- Faculty experience/pedagogy - 3
- Evaluation research (1) field research (1)
survey research (1) - Student experience/outcomes - 5
- Quasi-experimental research (1) survey research
(2) field research (1) mixed methods research
(1) - Research on research
- Mixed-methods research (1)
- Faculty student issues are most researched,
1112/32, respectively - 7/32 studies focused on role of interaction,
dialogue, and community - Institutional policy and context/ethics have
received little attention - Variety of research methods represented with
developmental, field, and survey predominating
- Philosophical/Axiological
- Epistemological
- Methodological
18Philosophical Axiological Challenges
- Research begins within particular philosophical
frameworks - These suggest the ultimate purposes and goals of
education, eLearning, and eLearning research - Individual growth
- Development of human resources
- Addressing structural inequalities of higher
education - Clarity is essential how important is agreement?
19Epistemological Challenges
- What counts as knowledge?
- Unfortunately, it is often the case that those
who work within one theoretical framework find
others unintelligible. (St. Pierre, 2002) - Unprecedented federal legislation exalts
scientific evidence as the key driver of
education policy and practice. (Feuer, Towne,
Shavelson, 2002) - Who decides?
- adherence to scientifically-based research will
be a critical factor in federalfunding
decisions. (Beghetto, 2003) - what is appropriate is to mandateprocesses to
ensure research quality, such as rigorous peer
review panels. (Pellegrino Goldman, 2002)
20Methodological Challenges
- Matching methods to questions and context
- The question drives the method, not the other
way around. (Feuer, Towne, Shavelson, 2002) - Educational research forces us to to deal with
particular problems, where local knowledge is
needed. Therefore, ethnographic research is
crucial, as are case studies, survey research,
time series, design experiments action research,
and other means. (Berliner, 2002) - In the rush to emphasize generalized causal
inferencesthe developers of the WWC standards
end up endorsing a single research method to the
exclusion of others. (Chatterji, 2002) - qualitative research is more than merely
allowable it is essential if causal analysis is
to succeed. (Erickson Gutierrez, 2002)
- Under-researched topic areas
- Institutional management policy changes
necessary to integrate eLearning quality
assurance - Faculty experience barriers institutional
responses - Student experience How? Why? Relation to
interaction and community relationship to
faculty experience - Context ethical issues relevance of eLearning
to larger contextual problems integrity of
research and researchers - Inter-disciplinary research
- International collaborations