Title: Understanding The Paradigm and Alternative Approaches
1Understanding The Paradigm and Alternative
- A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and
practices that constitutes a way of viewing
reality for the community that shares them,
especially in an intellectual discipline.
6Potential USA Civil UAS Operating Environment
7National Airspace SystemInfrastructure
Special Use Airspace
Air Route Traffic Control Center
Air Route Traffic Control Center
Departure Control
Airport Tower
Approach Control
Base OPS Weather Pre-Flight Information
Airport Tower
Civil Airport Local Ground Control
Military Airport Manned and Unmanned Aircraft
Weather Radar
Long Range Surveillance Radar
8Special Use Airspace
Military Operations Area Restricted Area Warning
Area Prohibited Area Alert Area Controlling
Firing area
9Special Use Airspace Flight Tracks
10UAS Challenges
- Pilot/aircraft separation
- Collision avoidance
- Weather avoidance
- ATC Communications
- NAS capacity/efficiency impacts
- Perceptions
Unmanned ? Unsafe
UAS Safe Operation Integration
- Safety
- Air Traffic
- Other organizations
- Current Users of the NAS
- Air Carriers
- General Aviation Aircraft
- Military/Public Use Aircraft
- Other
- Media
- International Aviation Authorities
- Public
12Political Environment
- gt 650,000 Pilots
- gt 150,000 Registered Owners
- gt 410,000 AOPA Members
- lt 200,000 EAA Members
- gt 2,000 Aircraft Manufacturers
- lt 250 UAS manufacturers worldwide
- lt 1,000 Systems Operating
13Two Perspectives of UAS
- Disruptive Technology
- -or-
- Positive Evolution in Aeronautics
Radar Jet propulsion GPS ?Unmanned flight?
14Global ChallengeUAS Access to Civil Airspace
- Managing Expectations
- Domestic
- International
- Creating an Environment of Trust
- Making Positive Progress
- Making Communications and
- Collaborations Effective
- Outreach to Stakeholders
15Fusing Partnerships for Success
Slide 15
16Civil Aviation Law
- PL 103-272 empowers the FAA to promote safe
flight of civil aircraft by prescribing minimum
standards required in the interest of safety for
appliances and for the design, material,
construction, quality of work, and performance of
aircraft, aircraft engines and propellers. - Airworthiness Standards (Part 21, 23, 25,27, 33,
etc.) - Technical Standard Orders
17Alternatives to Current Paradigm
- Use the Power of the Industry
- Bring Technology forward (with Data)
- Provide draft policy and guidance to FAA
- Make recommendations to JPDO
- Press the FAA to certify systems for commercial
18Alternatives (cont)
- Industry get together and fund technology
development - Government Agencies fund development
- Government Agencies support FAA
- The current paradigm of the FAA includes
consideration of all the users of the NAS. - To be successful in integrating UAS into the NAS
we need to work with and address the concerns of
all the stakeholders. - We need to support the FAA in a way that will
actually help them.