Title: S' PrattNSCLMSU
1Hadronization When and How
Scott Pratt, Michigan State University
- Is hadronization delayed beyond 1 fm/c timescale?
- What is the pre-hadronic state? (QGP? quark
soup? gluonic slush?) - Is strangeness produced at hadronization?
- Are anti-baryons produced at hadronization?
2Charge is Created at Hadronization
- Gluonic modes carry entropy, but no charge
- Coalescence of quarks at sameT should have
? quark number doubles - Coherent sources (chiral fields, bag energy) can
produce new charge.
Over half of electric charge, strangeness and
antibaryons should be created at hadronization!
3Suppose one could identify balancing Charges
Early hadronization ? large dh Delayed
hadronization ? small dh
4Balance Functions How They Work
For each charge Q, there is one extra balancing
charge Q.
Charges electric, strangeness, baryon number
5Balance Function Properties
In general, B(P2P1) is 6-d object
P2 can refer to any function of pa and
pb. Simple Example P1 ? anywhere in the
detector P2 ? relative rapidity
6Balance Function Properties
If chance of finding balancing charge 100,
? normalizes to unity True even when
?Q? ? 0.
- Normalization reduced for
- Imperfect Acceptance
- Loss of Charge through other channels, e.g.,
p balanced by K-.
7Balance Function Properties
Relation between Balance Function and Q
Fluctuations S.Jeon and S.P., hep-th (2001).
- Similar relation between C(y) and F2(D). Wieand
et al., PLB (89) - B(y) more physically transparent.
- Each pair contributes ONCE and ONLY ONCE.
- Easier to analyze errors.
8Balance Function Properties
Statistical Errors
- Error independent of multiplicity
- KK, pp, pp have same error
- number events determined by
- chance of observing balancing charge.
9Thermal Model
- Assume Q Q produced at same point.?Dy?
determined only by T and m. - Proton balance functionnarrower that pions.
- Thermal model always narrower than string model.
10Thermal Model HBT
- HBT Weight
- Use parameters to getweight T190 MeV, l.7,
Rinv7 fm - Dip at small Dy
- Applied to non-partners
- Proportional to dn/dy
- Does not change norm.
- No significant changein ??y?
- Dip similar to that seenby STAR
S.Jeon and S.P., hep-th (2001)
No HBT HBT Coulomb
11Thermal Model Radial Flow
- Inclusion of flow requires lower temperature
but not lower transverse mass - Result Narrower B(Dy)
- Would make more sense to plot as function of Qinv
12Thermal Model Resonances
- Resonances may be less important for AA
- May affect normalization (loss of charge to
other channels) - Can be crudely accounted for by using lower T
- For more complete treatment, see talk of Sen
13Thermal Model Diffusion
- Procedure
- Generate a pair thermally at h0, tt0.
- Perform Ncoll collisions randomly in ln t.
- Between collisions, move particles with
straight-line trajectories. - Rethermalize to local T flow velocity.T(t01
fm/c) 225 MeVT(tf15 fm/c) 120 MeV - For Annihlations, convolute pairs.
Collisions Annihilations magnify difference
between early vs. late creation !
14Balance Functions Quantitative Expectations
Hadronic Model pp Balance functions 10
BROADER for AA than for pp due to diffusion.
Proton-antiproton balance functions become
broader due to annihilation.
RQMD, provided by Q.H.Zhang.
- Delayed Hadronization
- Width determined by Breakup T.
- pp Balance functions 25 NARROWER for Central
AA than for pp.
15What if Balance functions are observed to be
NARROWER for AA than they are for pp?
RQMD-type descriptions are qualitatively
wrong AND
- Late-stage production of charge
- Anomalously short mean free paths
- Change in degrees of freedom
- QGP least exotic explanation
- would be contrary to common wisdom
16What if AA balance functions are BROADER?
RQMD, provided by Q.H.Zhang.
- Gluonic modes did not contribute to entropy
- No dramatic change in degrees of freedom.
- Usual strangeness enhancement arguments are
wrong. - J/Y Jet-quenching phenomenology are misguided.
17Preliminary STAR Results
M. Tonjes, ParkCity, 2001
Identified Pions
More Central Collisions ? Narrower Balance
Functions !!!
18STAR Summary
Thermal Production in Late Stage
19STAR, width vs. centrality
All Charges
Identified Pions
As b? 0, data are consistent with 100
delayedproduction with T 110 MeV, v? 0.75
20Can We Convict the QGP?
- Analyze pp collisions.
- Analyze KK- and pp balance functions.
- Decipher pt dependence.
- Study as functions of Qbeam, Qout, Qside, Qinv.
- Quantitatively understand normalization.(Loss of
partners to other channels, e.g., p balancing
partner could be K-.)
- Much can be accomplished with STARs 200 GeV data
- PHENIX may be able to measure pp balance function