Temporal Logic and Model Checking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Temporal Logic and Model Checking


Temporal Logic and Model Checking. Reactive Systems. We often classify ... that leads from s to some node t in a nontrivial strongly connected component of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Temporal Logic and Model Checking

Temporal Logic and Model Checking
Reactive Systems
  • We often classify systems into two types
  • Transformational functions from inputs available
    at the start of the computation to outputs
    provided on termination
  • Reactive behaviour is in general infinite a
    process in a reactive system is usually non
    terminating continuously responding to stimuli
    from its environment
  • Implication these different systems need
    different techniques for reasoning about system

Reasoning about Correctness
  • A system state is a snapshot of the systems
    variables at some point in time
  • System changes state in response to stimuli
  • A pair of states, one before action, one after is
    called a transition
  • The computation of a reactive system is a
    possibly infinite sequence of states, each
    obtained from the previous state via a transition
  • Clarke slides
  • http//www-2.cs.cmu.edu/emc/15-820A/reading/lectu

Example Microwave Oven
CTL Specification
  • We would like the microwave to have the following
    properties (among others)
  • No heat while door is open
  • AG( Heat ? Close)
  • If oven starts, it will eventually start cooking
  • AG (Start ? AF Heat)
  • It must be possible to correct errors
  • AG( Error ? AF Error)
  • Does it? How do we prove it?

Model Checking Problem
  • Given a Kripke structure M (S,R,L) that
    represents a finite-state transition graph and a
    temporal logic formula f
  • Find all states in S that satisfy f
  • s ? S M,s f
  • and check that initial states are among these.

CTL Model Checking Algorithm
  • Iterate over subformulas of f from smallest to
  • For each s ? S, if subformula is true in s, add
    it to labels(s)
  • When algorithm terminates
  • M,s f iff f ? labels(s)

Checking Subformulas
  • Any CTL formula can be expressed in terms of
  • , ?, EX, EU, and EG,
  • Therefore must consider 6 cases
  • Atomic proposition
  • if ap ? L(s), add to labels(s)
  • f1
  • if f1 ?labels(s), add f1 to labels(s)
  • f1? f2
  • if f1 ?labels(s) or f1 ?labels(s), add f1? f2 to
  • EX f1
  • add EX f1 to labels(s) if successor of s, s', has

Checking Subformulas
  • Ef1 U f2
  • Find all states s for which f2 ? labels(s)
  • Follow paths backwards from s finding all states
    that can reach s on a path in which every state
    is labeled with f1
  • Label each of these states with Ef1 U f2

Checking Subformulas
  • EG f1
  • Basic idea look for one infinite path on which
    f1 holds.
  • Decompose M into nontrivial strongly connected
  • A strongly connected component (SCC) C is
  • a maximal subgraph such that every node in C is
    reachable by every other node in C on a directed
    path that contained entirely within C.
  • C is nontrivial iff either
  • it has more than one node or
  • it contains one node with a self loop
  • Create M' (S,R,L) from M by removing all
    states s ? S in which f1 ?labels(s) and updating
    S, R, and L accordingly

Checking Subformulas
  • Lemma M,s EG f1 iff
  • s ? S'
  • There exists a path in M' that leads from s to
    some node t in a nontrivial strongly connected
    component of the graph (S', R').
  • Proof left as exercise, but basic idea is
  • Cant have an infinite path over finite states
    without cycles
  • So if we find a path from s to a cycle and f1
    holds in every state (by construction)
  • Then weve found an infinite path over which f1

Checking EF f1
  • procedure CheckEG(f1)
  • S' s f1 ? labels(s)
  • SCC C C is a nontrivial SCC of S'
  • T ?C ? SCC s s ? C
  • for all s ? T do labels(s) labels(s) ? EG f1
  • while T ? ? do
  • choose s ? T
  • T T \ s
  • for all t such that t ? S' and R(t,s) do
  • if EG f1 ? labels(t) then
  • labels(t) labels(t) ? EG f1
  • T T ? t
  • end if
  • end for all
  • end while
  • end procedure

Checking a Property
  • Checking AG(Start ? AF Heat)
  • Rewrite as EF(Start ? EG Heat)
  • Rewrite as E true U (Start ? EG Heat)
  • Compute labels for smallest subformulas
  • Start, Heat
  • Heat

Checking a Property
  • Compute labels for EG Heat
  • S 1,2,3,5,6
  • SCC 1,2,3,5
  • T 1,2,3,5
  • No other state in S can reach a state in T along
    a path in S.
  • Computation terminates. States 1,2,3, and 5
    labelled with EG Heat

Checking a Property
  • Compute labels for Start ? EG Heat

Checking a Property
  • Etrue U(Start ? EG Heat)
  • Start with set of states in which Start ? EG
    Heat holds i.e., 2,5
  • Work backwards marking every state in which true

Checking a Property
  • Check Etrue U(Start ? EG Heat)
  • Leaves us with the empty set, so safety property
    doesnt hold over microwave oven
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