Title: Voicing the interface
1Voicing the interface
- Acousmatic voice and mediated vocal space in
contemporary music theatre
Studientag der AG Musik-Theater Dresden, Hellerau
9 October 2005
2- Die Stimme ist kein abgrenzbarer Gegenstand,
kein Ding, sondern ein raumgreifendes, ja
raumschaffendes akustisches Geschehen (Doris
Kolesch 274). - Voice is what reaches across and between these
segments, maintaining their continuity. Voice is
the tenor and the tensor of speech, what binds or
holds it together (Steven Connor 2). - The presence of voice is a staged presence,
enacted in the event of hearing. This event is
dialogic an over-hearing and a carrying-over of
the voice of the other. The voice of the other
first becomes a voice in the carrying-over of
metaphor (Richard Aczel 705). - Voice is a structure of stresses and strains,
and is pitched against itself, as well as
standing out against the surrounding silence or
noise (Steven Connor 2). - A human voice structures the sonic space that
contains it (Chion 1999 2).
3- Acousmatization of voice
- Musicalization of voice
- Marking the interface (self-referentiality)
- Loss of immediacy
- Spatial interaction
- Inwardness
- A cinema for the ears (Francis Dhomont)
- A theatre of the mind
4Men in Tribulation Eric Sleichim, Transparant
Bl!ndman (Holland Festival 2004)
6- Cathartic sound effect The spectator feels
surrounded to the point of surrendering (Dennis
Hollier 166). - Spatial mimesis the positioning and movement
of sound in the virtual space between the
loudspeakers in a way that is based on,
reminiscent of or represents different aspects of
our perceived, conceived and lived experiences of
space (Cathy Lane 3).
7Fetishistic audiophilias chief impulse is the
desire to separate the sound of music from the
body performing it, so effecting an audio-visual
split between music and musician (Corbett 1990
85 qtd. in Jonathan Burston 210).
Fetishistic audiophilia
8Fetishization of autonomous sound
9- Fetishization of autonomous sound worked to
widen the gap between the bodies of performers
and the sound of their music (Corbett 91). - Fetishistic audiophilia allows for the next
step in the fetishization of autonomous sound
the elimination of the musician (qtd. in
Jonathan Burston 210).
10- Audio-autism
- Mentral representation, abstraction, imagination
- Inwardness
- Surrounded by a wrap-around superfield, a
sonic aquarium (Michel Chion) - Concert attitude of listening (Peter Kivy)
11- Wordless
- Yannis Kyriakides
A suite of 12 sound pieces for headphones and PA
based on recordings of interviews by and of
Brussels residents from the BNA/BBOT archives.
The recordings are edited in such a way as to
leave everything but the words. This is then
resampled. The wordless interviews are
mixed binaurally for the headphones, while the
rest of the musical material comprising of
resonances, pulses and noise are mixed in the
space, so that there is a play between
internal and external sound sources. The duration
is 54 minutes. Commissioned by the Argos
Festival, Belgium, Oct 2004.
12 - 10. Blind
- Born with minimal eyesight, he slowly lost all
his vision as he was growing up. In the interview
he explains how blind people go about their lives
in the world of seeing and what kind of
appliances and devices are used to help. He
doesnt rule out anything as impossible, he even
names photography as one of his obsessions. He
explains how sighted people experience unsighted
people and vice versa.
13 Blindmans music
14- An acoustic outside Not the possibility of
hearing what one sees, but the exact opposite,
the possibility of hearing what one doesnt see.
Instead of folding the sound track back onto the
surface of the screen, the sound unfolds as its
outside, provides it with an outside (Dennis
Hollier 163).