NASAs Earth Science Data Systems Standards Endorsement Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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NASAs Earth Science Data Systems Standards Endorsement Process


Ability to add new data system components, independently developed and ... However, SPG will not conduct formal NASA reviews of the draft FGDC standards. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: NASAs Earth Science Data Systems Standards Endorsement Process

NASAs Earth Science Data Systems Standards
Endorsement Process
  • November 14, 2006
  • Richard Ullman
  • Ming-Hsiang Tsou
  • Co-chairs

  • One initiative after another has stressed the
    need for interoperability standards.
  • Many standards initiatives, both formal and grass
    roots have put forward specifications or
    demonstrated various ways to enable access to
  • NASA, or NASA funded projects are often in the
    forefront of these activities.
  • However, NASA participation in a standards
    development activity does not imply that NASA
    projects endorse the results of that activity.
  • Need a way to identify the standards that work
    in the context of NASAs Earth science research
    and applications data systems under the
    operational loads that NASA typically experience.

Standards Role in Achieving NASAs Earth Science
Data Systems Needs.
  • Future Data Systems Features (January 2004)
  • Selection and management will emphasize
    flexibility and accountability over
  • More distributed geographically, functionally and
  • Ability to add new data system components,
    independently developed and independently managed
    without unduly perturbing existing systems
  • Responsiveness to defined communities Innovation
    to serve new community needs encouraged.
  • Services to broad community.
  • Diversity in implementation will be encouraged -
    with coordination at the interfaces.

Insights from SEEDS Analysis
  • Interoperability does not require homogeneous
    systems, but rather coordination at the
  • Management can judge success based upon program
    goals rather than dictated solutions.
  • example degree of interoperability rather than
    use of particular data format.
  • Communities of practice have solutions.
  • Published practices that demonstrate benefit can
  • successful practice in specific community
  • broader community adoption
  • community-recognized standards

The Request For Comment Process
  • Modeled after example of Internet IETF RFC.
  • Tailored for responsiveness to NASA.
  • Proposed standards are documented as
    specifications acording to SPG guidelines and
    submitted by practitioners within the NASA
  • The Standards Process Group forms a Technical
    Working Group (TWG) to coordinate evaluation.
  • What does implementation of this specification
    mean in the context of NASA Earth Science Data
  • What constitutes successful operational
  • The community is invited by means of email
    announcement to comment on the specification and
    particularly to address questions formulated by
    the TWG.
  • The TWG also identifies key stakeholders that are
    likely to have particular experience with the
    technology and solicits their opinion.
  • The TWG reports to the SPG and the SPG makes
    recommendations for final status of the RFC.

The Three Step Standards Process
  • Initial Screening
  • Initial review of the RFC
  • Provide RFC submission support
  • Form TWG set schedule

Proposed Standard
Review of Implementation
Evaluate Implementations
Evaluate Implementations and Community Response
Draft Standard
Review of Operation
Evaluate Implementations
Evaluate Implementations and Community Response
RFC criteria
  • Are there components (technologies practices)
    that if documented and more widely used would
  • Easier sharing or exchanging of data among
    distributed partners and users.
  • Distributed systems development and sharing of
    software and technical expertise.
  • Reducing the cost of developing or maintaining a
  • Increasing the use of scientific data products
    and bringing more funding.
  • Interoperability and enhancing innovation,
    collaboration, and computing performance.
  • For identified technologies/practices, Is there a
    community of use that
  • Has experience in implementation and operation .
  • Has leadership necessary to promote the advantage
    of wider use.

Benefit of publishing through the SPG
  • Benefit to NASA data systems of community
  • NASA Earth science data management can rely on
    standards to achieve highest priority
  • Science investigators are assured that standards
    contribute to science success in their
  • Benefit to community/project that proposes RFC
  • Encourage consensus within the community.
  • Grows use of common practices among related
  • Wider discipline community learns from successful
  • Lowers barriers to entry and use of NASA data by
    external discipline communities within NASA and
    outside NASA.
  • Accelerate evolution of practices through
    better communication.
  • From successful practice in specific community
  • To broader community adoption
  • To community-recognized standards

RFCs Status
  • RFC-004 Data Access Protocol (DAP) 2.0 The SPG
    reviewed community use of DAP (a.k.a. OPeNDAP)
    and found that the protocol has multiple
    interoperable implementations and has
    demonstrated operational effectiveness. The SPG
    has recommended that NASA endorse DAP as a
    community standard.
  • RFC-005 Web Map Service Implementation
    Specification (WMS) v1.3 The WMS is an Open
    Geospatial Consortium standard. This RFC makes a
    case for WMS use by NASA data systems. Comments
    received on implementation indicated that NASA
    data systems did not have sufficient experience
    with Version 1.3 implementation to make a
    recommendation for WMS 1.3 to be considered a
    NASA community standard. The RFC was therefore
    published as a Technical note
  • RFC-006 WMS V1.1.1 NASA stakeholders have have
    good experience with v1.1.1 implementation of
    WMS. The RFC is now out for comment on use of
    WMS 1.1.1 in an operational environment.
  • RFC-007 HDF 5.0 The underlying library and
    format of the EOS Aura standard products. This
    RFC is now out for comment on implementation
  • RFC-008 HDF5-EOS The particular profile of HDF5
    used by Aura standard products. This RFC is now
    out for comment on implementation experience.

In work Candidate RFCs Status
  • GeoTIFF Members of the geoTIFF community have
    expressed a desire to use the NASA process for
    publication of a standard geoTIFF specification.
    Author identified but progress slow because of
    lack of funding.
  • Aura DSWG data product standards The data
    systems working group for the Aura mission
    specification for mission standard products.
    Publication of this as an RFC will enhance public
    and scientific use of these products. Author
    identified, but presently stalled.
  • ECHO NASAs Earth science data metadata
    clearinghouse has a series of APIs for data
    providers, client developers and service
    providers. Publication of these APIs as a
    specification is proposed as technical notes. Not
    a present priority of ECHO development.

Conference Topics
  • NASA HQ has developed a process for evaluating
    Working Group recommendations.
  • How can the SPG work most effectively with this
  • Our standards process has had mixed success in
    attracting critical review of RFCs and
    recommending community-led standards.
  • How can our process be improved to learn from the
    experience with the few RFCs that we have
  • NASA has formed a working relationship with
    Google, Inc with a goal of providing better
    public search of NASA assets.
  • How can NASA Earth Science Data systems enable
    this partnership to further the goals of
    increased interoperability of NASA Earth Science
    data systems and interuse of NASA Earth Science

Break-out Agenda
  • Tuesday Nov 14
  • 0130 PM Standards Process - HQ steering process
    presentation discussion
  • with Martha Maiden, NASA
  • 0230 PM RFC Status HDF, WMS (others)
  • 0300 PM SPG Process Refinement
  • "Old Man Brown" at Madam's Organ in Adam's Morgan
    leave conference center at 630, travel by Metro.
  • Wednesday Nov 15
  • 0830AM Joint Working Group Meeting w/Reuse and
    Tech Infusion
  • 1030AM Areas of potential NASA standards for
    Google/NASA Collaboration
  • with Chris Kemp, NASA
  • 130PM Discussions Continued
  • Google, RFC Future Steps, SPG Process
  • No-Host dinner at Franklin's, Hyattsville

The Standard Process Group Standard ES-DSWG
Music Event!Old Man Brown - at Madams
OrganTuesday November 14
Directions Meet in the Conference Center Lobby
at 630. Well car pool to Metro green line
College Park Station, take Metro to Columbia
Heights, then walk to Madams Organ (about 7
2461 18th Street NW, Adams Morgan, Washington,
DC (202) 667-5370 http//
Earth Science DSWG Standards Process
  • Facilitate Data Systems Interoperability and
    Data Interuse.
  • Benefit to NASA data systems of community
  • NASA Earth science data management can rely on
    standards to achieve highest priority
  • Science investigators assured that standards
    contribute to success in their discipline.
  • Benefit to community/project that proposes RFC
  • Encourage consensus within the community.
  • Grows use of common practices among related
  • Wider discipline community learns from successful
  • Lowers barriers to entry and use of NASA data by
    external discipline communities within NASA and
    outside NASA.
  • Accelerate adoption of practices through better
  • From successful practice in specific community
  • To broader community adoption
  • To community-recognized standards
  • The Process
  • Modeled after example of Internet IETF RFC.
  • Tailored for responsiveness to NASA.
  • Proposed standards are documented as
    specifications acording to SPG guidelines and
    submitted by practitioners within the NASA
  • The Standards Process Group forms a Technical
    Working Group (TWG) to coordinate evaluation.
  • What does implementation of this specification
    mean in the context of NASA Earth Science Data
  • What constitutes successful operational
  • The community is invited by means of email
    announcement to comment on the specification and
    particularly to address questions formulated by
    the TWG.
  • The TWG also identifies key stakeholders that are
    likely to have particular experience with the
    technology and solicits their opinion.
  • The TWG reports to the SPG and the SPG makes
    recommendations for final status of the RFC.
  • Status of Requests for Comments
  • November 14, 2006
  • RFC-004OPeNDAP recommended for endorsement -
  • RFC-005 WMS 1.4 NOT recommended for endorsement
    - 2006
  • RFC-006 WMS1.1.1 Have received comment on
    operational experience.
  • RFC-007 HDF5 Have received comment on
    operational experience.
  • RFC-008 HDF5-EOS Have received comment on
    operational experience.
  • Backtrack Search - Have received draft of RFC,(
    ready for review?)
  • geoTIFF Interest from community, waiting for
  • Aura DSWG Interest from community, no one
    available for RFC
  • ECHO APIs Some interest from project, not
  • ESMF, SWEET, netCDF In conversation with

Crossing the Chasm DiagramGeoffrey Moore,
1999modified after Everett Rodgers, 1962
Crossing the Chasm DiagramThe NASA Chasm
Innovative Pragmatic Research/Demonstration Missi
on Reliability/Stability
Network Effect From Wikipedia
  • The network effect is a characteristic that
    causes a good or service to have a value to a
    potential customer dependent on the number of
    customers already owning that good or using that
  • One consequence of a network effect is that the
    purchase of a good by one individual indirectly
    benefits others who own the good - for example by
    purchasing a telephone a person makes other
    telephones more useful. This type of side-effect
    in a transaction is known as an externality in
    economics, and externalities arising from network
    effects are known as network externalities.

  • Community Leader
  • Identify someone in their community who will
    document standard according to SPG guidelines.
  • Work with the community to get an extended review
    of the proposed standard.
  • SPG
  • Assign RFC editor to advise on RFC document.
  • Publish and publicize RFC
  • Assign TWG, technical working group to organize
    community review and evaluate responses.
  • Recommend action to NASA HQ.

Kinds of Practices Suitable for SPG
  • Any data system practice that increases
    interoperability or interuse of data within a
    community or among communities.
  • Standard - Documents Operational Use
  • Tech Note - Builds community awareness
    sometimes a precursor to a standard
  • Examples
  • Describe science content (e.g. Content standard
    for a level-2 precipitation product, surface
    reflectance product content)
  • Describe interface (e.g. Data Access Protocol,
    Web Map Server)
  • Describe metadata (e.g. DIF, ECHO)
  • Describe File Format (e.g. HDF, GeoTIFF)
  • Best Practices (e.g. File naming conventions,
    fast search algorithm for polar data)

Successful RFCs will have
  • Well documented standard specification
  • At least two implementers.
  • Demonstrated operational benefit.
  • Strong community leadership to support and use
  • Leadership in generating the RFC.
  • Community willing/able to review
  • Potential for impact and spillover to other

Standards Process - HQ steering processQuestions
for Discussion
  • In providing a recommendation to the steering
    committee, what aspects or materials will be
    needed in order for the committee to make a
  • Are there additional items or criteria that apply
    to standards over other kinds of recommendations?
  • How will decisions of the committee be
    disseminated through NASA?
  • How will approval of standards be factored into
    selection criteria for future work (such as AOs,
  • Are there recommendations for what areas the
    standards process should focus?
  • Areas that would benefit from lower cost
    dissemination of data?
  • Areas that would benefit from lower cost systems
  • Areas that have developed improved data system
    interoperability or data inter-exchange or
    interuse that would be beneficial in wider NASA

Standards Process Revision/Clarification
  • 3 Types of Candidate Standards
  • NASA community developed standard used within at
    least one self defined community where the
    proposed standard has not been approved or
    adopted by an external standards organization AND
    where new implementations are expected to be
    developed from scratch, using the proposed
    standard RFC as the implementation specification.
  • A NASA community developed standard used within
    at least one self defined community where the
    proposed standard has not been approved or
    adopted by an external standards organization AND
    where new implementations are not expected to be
    developed from scratch but use existing software
    libraries or code. 
  • A standard already approved by an external
    standards organization but is being proposed for
    use for the NASA Earth science community

Standards Process Revision/Clarification
  • 3 types of reviews that are potentially needed to
    evaluate a proposed standard
  • A detailed technical specification review that
    determines the quality, accuracy, and clarity of
    the proposed specification.  The detailed
    technical review ensures that implementers can
    use the proposed standard as an implementation
    specification for any future implementations with
  • A usefulness user review that determines if the
    proposed standard is useful or helpful or
    necessary to the user to carry out his work. 
  • An operational review that determines if the
    proposed standard works in an operational setting
    in a NASA environment with NASA data.

Which Reviews?
  • A proposed standard where implementations are
    expected from scratch using the proposed standard
    needs to have all 3 types of reviews.
  • A proposed standard where implementations are
    expected using existing software libraries or
    code needs to have a usefulness user review and
    an operational review.  The technical spec review
    is optional.
  • A proposed standard where the standard is already
    approved by an external standards organization
    needs to have a usefulness review and an
    operational review.  A technical spec review will
    not be done.?

Reliance on Evidence of Implementation?
  • The Evidence of Implementation document will
    define the NASA community where the proposed
    standard is used.  For that reason, the Evidence
    of Implementation document should be as
    comprehensive as possible, containing an
    exhaustive list of implementations as known.  
    The contacts listed in this document will be used
    as the starting point by the SPG to solicit
    reviews of the proposed standard.   Having an
    incomplete list of implementations or a very
    short list of implementations will imply that the
    community is very small or the proposed standard
    is not widely used.
  • ?To evaluate each proposed standard, the SPG will
    identify the community.  The initial set of
    stakeholders in the community is the contacts
    list from the Evidence of Implementation
    document.  The SPG can also identify other
    stakeholders to add to the list of community by
    any other means.  The SPG will contact the
    community for each review phase.  The SPG will
    also send a broad request for review through its
    public announcement list, soliciting reviews from
    the general NASA Earth science community and its

Recommended and  Required vs Community and Core
  • A proposed candidate standard can be
    Recommended or Required.   This is a change
    from Community or Core.  If a standard is
    Recommended, then NASA Earth science data
    systems are strongly encouraged to implement or
    use the standard but compliance is not
    mandatory.  If a standard is Required, then all
    NASA Earth science data systems must implement or
    use the standard if applicable.

Role of standards activities vs SPG process
  • FGDC Standards Review vs SPG Review
  • The NASA review for draft FGDC standards should
    be conducted by the appropriate NASA point of
    contacts and their established processes.  If a
    draft FGDC standard is input into the SPG
    process, then it can be input as a Technical Note
    RFC.  The SPG will send out an announcement to
    the spg-announce email list to publicize the
    Technical Note.  However, SPG will not conduct
    formal NASA reviews of the draft FGDC standards. 
    HQ has designated others with that

NASA ES-DSWG Google Discussion
General Google interface discussion points
  • What is the big picture view of Googles
    Geographic/Imagery vision?
  • Google Earth, Google Earth Enterprise Server,
    Google Maps, KML, "regionator?
  • What is Googles vision of how they want to
    present NASA data
  • In search results
  • In their client applications.
  • Through tools to post/publish information from
    NASA servers.
  • How do/should Google's APIs and formats fit into
    NASA ES Data Systems?
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