Medicaid Administrative Claiming for Schoolbased Services MACSS in Iowa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medicaid Administrative Claiming for Schoolbased Services MACSS in Iowa


New coding structure and RMS time study anticipated to begin January 1, 2004. ... Coordinates on-site reviews of lead and sub agencies ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Medicaid Administrative Claiming for Schoolbased Services MACSS in Iowa

Medicaid Administrative Claiming for School-based
Services (MACSS) in Iowa
  • ICN Session
  • Fiscal
  • September 16, 2003

  • Background - EPSDT
  • Agency Participation - Organizational Structure
  • Working with Billing Agents
  • Staff Participation
  • RMS Time Study
  • Activity Codes
  • The Quarterly Claim
  • Required Matching Funds
  • 10 Reserve Funds
  • Contingency Fees
  • Training
  • DHS Reviews
  • Annual Report
  • Audit File
  • Getting Started
  • Responsibilities of Lead Agency
  • Accountability for all Schools
  • On-line Resources
  • State Level Contacts
  • Process for Questions and Answers

  • MACSS is a process by which Federal Financial
    Participation may be claimed for administrative
    case management activities carried out in a
    school setting that are necessary for the proper
    and efficient administration of Iowas Medicaid
    State Plan for children ages 0-21 (through age
  • MACSS supports Iowas EPSDT Care for Kids program.

Iowas EPSDT (Care for Kids) Program
  • Early Children should receive quality
    health care beginning at birth
    and continuing through childhood including
    identification, diagnosis, and
    treatment of medical conditions as early as
  • Periodic Children should receive screening
    and preventive care at regular
    intervals throughout childhood (age 0
    through 20) according to standards set by
    responsible professional groups.
  • Screening Children should be screened for
    conditions, diseases, or
    abnormalities to initiate further
    diagnosis and receive early and continuing
    treatment of these conditions.
    Services shall include
    vision, hearing, medical, dental, and
    mental health screenings.

Iowas EPSDT (Care for Kids) Program
  • Diagnosis Children should receive further
    evaluation for conditions or signs
    identified in the periodic
    screens that indicate further
    treatment may be required.
  • Treatment Children should receive
    treatment that involves the
    correction of health problems
    identified in the screening and diagnosis
    components of EPSDT.

Agency Participation
  • Agreements will be established with school
    districts only.
  • Time studies include only school district
  • No contracted staff may be included in time
  • Must have sufficient public unrestricted funds
    derived from state, county, or local generated
    revenues to match federal reimbursements.
  • May not be used as match for other programs.

Agency Participation
  • Organizational structure
  • Lead agency status will be limited to one school
    district per county.
  • Lead school district must participate in MACSS.
  • Other school districts may participate under the
    lead agency.
  • Annual agreements established
  • Lead agency agreement with DHS
  • Sub-agency agreement(s) with lead agency
  • Fiscal year July 1 through June 30

MACSS Organizational Structure
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
Iowa Dept. of Human Services
Iowa Dept. of Public Health
Interagency Agreement
Technical Assistance
Lead School District
Billing Agents (if applicable)
Other School Districts
Billing Agents (if applicable)
Working with Billing Agents
  • Contracting with billing agents is the
    prerogative of local participating school
  • Role for billing agents
  • Assist schools in compiling the Quarterly Claim
  • Provide technical assistance
  • Provide additional trainings following the state
    required trainings
  • Assist schools in gathering information for
    response to the Medicaid State Agency regarding
    inquiries, audit findings, claim resolution, etc.

Staff Participation
  • Staff participating in time studies may include
    employees serving in schools who...
  • Facilitate Medicaid outreach / enrollment /
    eligibility determination.
  • Provide administrative support for Medicaid
    related activities.
  • Do not include staff who
  • Provide ONLY direct care or educational services.
  • Have positions that are 100 supported by grant
  • Bill service coordination under the Medicaid LEA

Staff Participation
  • Appropriate staff may include
  • Nurses
  • Counselors
  • At-risk Coordinators
  • Health Care Associates
  • Interpreters / Translators for medical services
  • Other paraprofessionals
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers

RMS Time Study
  • Time studies will be conducted through a process
    known as Random Moment Sampling (RMS).
  • Computer generated random worker - moments are
    selected for the quarter (3,000 statewide /
  • For a given sample moment, the worker completes
    the RMS Observation Form.
  • Who were you with?/ What were you doing?/ Why
    were you performing this activity?
  • Signature and Date
  • Certified time coder from Lead Agency codes the
  • Time code percentages included in an agencys
    claim are based upon statewide coding percentages.

RMS Time Study
  • Process for Implementation
  • One month before start of quarter, Lead Agency
    sends DHS a list of staff to be included in the
    time study for each participating agency (lead
    and subs).
  • DHS generates the worker-moments for the upcoming
  • Two weeks prior to start of quarter, DHS sends
    RMS Observation Forms and sample control lists to
    lead agency.
  • Lead agency distributes RMS Observation Forms and
    instructions to their own staff and sub-agency.
  • Completed RMS Observation Forms are returned to
    lead agency weekly.
  • Certified coder at lead agency assigns activity
  • Completed forms are returned to DHS MACSS Auditor

Activity Codes
  • Code 1.a. Outreach and Facilitating Eligibility
    for Non-Medicaid Programs
  • Code 1.b. Outreach and Facilitating Eligibility
    for Medicaid hawk-i
  • Code 2. School Related Educational Activities
  • Code 3. Direct Medical Services

Activity Codes
  • Code 4. a. Coordination of Transportation for
    Non-Medicaid Services
  • Code 4. b. Coordination of Transportation for
    Medicaid Services
  • Code 5. a. Non-Medicaid Translation
  • Code 5. b. Translation Related to Medicaid

Activity Codes
  • Code 6. a. Program Planning, Policy Development,
    and Interagency Coordination Related to
    Non-Medical Services
  • Code 6. b. Program Planning, Policy Development,
    and Interagency Coordination Related to Medical
  • Code 7. a. Non-Medicaid Related Training
  • Code 7. b. Medicaid Related Training

Activity Codes
  • Code 8. a. Referral, Coordination, and Monitoring
    of Non-Medicaid Services
  • Code 8. b. Referral, Coordination, and Monitoring
    of Medicaid Services
  • Code 9. General Administration
  • Code 10. Not Scheduled to Work

The Quarterly Claim
  • Links staff costs associated with the time
    invested in Medicaid related activities to
    determine the claim
  • Incorporates the Medicaid eligible percentage of
  • Applies the appropriate Medicaid provider
    percentage to Code 8.b.
  • Provides for removal of revenue to be offset from
    the claim
  • Applies the 50 Federal Financial Participation

The Quarterly Claim
  • Consists of 3 components
  • Salaries and Benefits Report
  • Revenues Worksheet
  • Invoice
  • Use of DHS Excel format is required.
  • Red triangle in cell Information is provided as
    to what should be entered into that cell.
  • Print feature is included for each page.

The Quarterly Claim
  • Salaries and Benefits Report
  • Enter agency name.
  • Enter total quarterly salaries as reported in
    payroll journal.
  • Enter total quarterly benefits as reported in
    payroll journal.
  • Under Cost Pool 1, enter employees that
    participate in the RMS Time Study by name and
    position. Enter corresponding salary and
    benefits for the quarter.
  • Under Cost Pool 3, enter superintendents,
    principals, assistant principals, and their
    supporting clerical staff (if clerical are in
    Source Codes 2320 2400) by name and position.
    Enter corresponding salary and benefits for the

The Quarterly Claim
  • Revenues Worksheet
  • Enter agency name.
  • Total Quarterly Revenues
  • Report all revenues for the quarter except the
    entire 1100, 1200, 2100, and 3100 series source
  • MACSS Reimbursements
  • Report under Cost Pool 1 the gross MACSS
    reimbursements received in the quarter (before
    10 reserve and lead agency / other fees are
  • Medicaid LEA reimbursements
  • Report under Cost Pool 1 all Medicaid LEA
    reimbursements received in the quarter except
    those for service coordination.

The Quarterly Claim
  • Revenues Worksheet
  • Federal Revenue
  • Report all revenues for the quarter in the 4000
    series source codes that apply to staff in Cost
    Pools 1 3.
  • State and Intermediate Revenue
  • Report restricted revenues for the quarter in
    source codes 2000 and 3000 that apply to staff in
    Cost Pools 1 3.
  • Other Revenue Sources
  • Report other revenue sources for the quarter such
    as contracted costs from other agencies, fees
    paid by clients, insurance payments, and other
    3rd party reimbursements that apply to staff in
    Cost Pools 1 3.

The Quarterly Claim
  • Invoice
  • Enter agency name.
  • Enter travel and training costs for the quarter
    for staff in each of the three cost pools.
  • Cost Pool 1 Includes costs for staff in the
    RMS time study.
  • Cost Pool 2 Includes costs for all staff other
    than those included in Cost Pools 1 and 3.
  • Cost Pool 3 Includes costs associated with
    Superintendents, Principals, and Assistant
    Principals, and their supporting clerical staff
    (if clerical are in Source Codes 2320 2400).

The Quarterly Claim
  • Invoice
  • Enter RMS Time Study results for each time code.
  • Use statewide RMS Time Study results.
  • Enter units of time (not percentages).
  • Enter the Department of Educations unrestricted
    indirect cost rate for the school district
    (established annually).
  • Can be found at http//

The Quarterly Claim
  • Invoice
  • Enter percentage of Medicaid recipients.
  • Free reduced lunch percentages are no longer
  • CMS requires tracking of actual Medicaid enrolled
  • The Iowa Department of Education will be
    conducting a sample survey of children enrolled
    in Iowa schools to determine a statewide rate of
    Medicaid eligible children.
  • All participating school districts will be
    provided information as to the statewide rate to
    be included in the claim.
  • Maintain documentation of the percentage of
    Medicaid eligibles for the audit file.

The Quarterly Claim
  • Invoice
  • Enter Medicaid provider percentage.
  • CMS requires tracking of providers to whom
    students are referred or with whom services are
    coordinated or monitored.
  • These providers may include physicians, dentists,
    psychologists, psychiatrists, opticians, and
    other providers such as pharmacies.
  • To determine the Medicaid provider percentage,
    divide the number of Medicaid providers by the
    total number of providers to whom students are
    referred or with whom services are coordinated or
    monitored. (Percentage is applied to Code 8.b.)

The Quarterly Claim
  • Invoice
  • Medicaid provider percentage
  • Website link to list of Medicaid providers will
    be provided by the Department of Education.
  • Tracking form will be completed by each coder.
  • Submit tracking document with initial claim.
  • Maintain documentation of the Medicaid provider
    percentage for the audit file.

The Quarterly Claim
  • One Purchase Order/Payment Voucher is due to
    Sally Nadolsky within 180 days of the end of each
    quarter (September 30, December 31, March 31,
    June 30)
  • Include all 3 pages (Salaries and Benefits
    Report, Revenues Worksheet, and Invoice) for the
    lead agency and each sub-holder.
  • Include the tracking document for providers and
    determination of Medicaid provider percentage.

Required Matching Funds
  • Each school district must certify required
    non-federal matching funds.
  • For every federal dollar received, a equal amount
    of match is required.
  • Federal Financial Participation is 50
  • Agency certifies the other 50 as match
  • Source must be public unrestricted funds.
  • Designated matching funds must not be used as
    match for another grant / program.
  • Signed certification is required on each invoice.

10 Reserve Funds
  • Agreement requires a minimum of 10 of the
    federal reimbursement to be held in reserve.
  • Are used to offset any disallowance identified in
    an audit. If disallowance exceeds the amount in
    reserve, the agency is responsible for total
  • Must be in a separate line item or separate
  • Must be held for a rolling 5 year time period.

Contingency Fees
  • DHS withholds up to 5 of claim to support the
    RMS time study, review of claim, and technical
  • Lead agency may retain percentage of the
    sub-holder claim for administering the program.
  • Must have supporting documentation for amount
    withheld (update annually).
  • Must cover costs without profit-making.
  • Billing agencies
  • Fees must be related to the cost of processing.
  • May not assess percentage dependent upon federal
    reimbursements collected per CFR and OMB

  • Certification of fiscal training is required for
    the staff person preparing the claim for each
    participating agency.
  • Contact Janet Beaman for training needs.

DHS Reviews
  • Oversight will occur on a regular basis.
  • Desk reviews of both coding and quarterly claim
  • Review of 10 of coding each quarter
  • Review of quarterly claim and supporting
    documentation each quarter
  • At a minimum, biennial in-depth desk reviews
  • Periodic on-site reviews

Annual Report
  • Lead agency submits to Sally Nadolsky at DHS each
  • Due by September 30
  • Includes summary of fiscal elements for the
    claiming year for both lead and sub-agencies
  • Includes narrative report on use of funds for
    both lead and sub-agencies
  • Per contract must be used to expand or enhance
    health related services for children.

Audit File
  • Audit file must be retained for 5 years
  • Components
  • Coding policies
  • Job descriptions reflecting activities claimed
  • Table of organization
  • Documentation of the Medicaid eligible percentage
  • Documentation supporting the determination of the
    Medicaid provider percentage
  • Accounting information for cost pools and revenues

Audit File
  • Components
  • Computations and calculations for preparation of
    quarterly claim
  • Documentation of DE unrestricted indirect cost
    rate for the school
  • Documentation of matching funds
  • Use of reimbursed funds
  • Documentation of 10 held in reserve
  • Documentation of analysis of administrative fees
    assessed to sub-agencies (for Lead Agencies)
  • Documentation of technical assistance training

Getting Started
  • Determine whether participating as lead agency or
  • Establish MACSS agreement (lead or sub) each
  • New contracts to begin October 1, 2003 June 30,
  • New coding structure and RMS time study
    anticipated to begin January 1, 2004.
  • School districts that have no previous experience
    with the program may begin when RMS time study is

Getting Started
  • Identify key contact personnel for MACSS.
  • Certified coder from lead agency and certified
    back-up coder
  • Contact persons for RMS Time Study and Fiscal
  • Determine appropriate staff for inclusion in the
    RMS time study.
  • Provide list of participating staff by name and
    position to Lead Agency and then DHS.
  • Update job descriptions and Table of
  • Establish process for tracking providers.

Responsibilities of Lead Agencies
  • Submits Lead Agency agreement to DHS
  • Enters into sub-agreements with other appropriate
    entities as sub-holders
  • Provides technical assistance to sub-holders
  • Provides pertinent communications to sub-holders
  • Provides list of coders by name position to DHS
    for lead agency and sub-holders each quarter
  • Provides Observation Forms and worker-moments to
    lead agency staff and sub-holders for each
  • Designates certified coder and back-up who code
    lead agency and sub-holder activities

Responsibilities of Lead Agencies
  • Submits coded Observation Forms to DHS auditor
  • Develops lead agency Quarterly Claim and receives
    those of sub-holders
  • Provides quality assurance review of sub-holder
  • Submits one PO/PV to DHS for both lead and subs
    quarterly (with required supporting documents)
  • Maintains Lead Agency audit file
  • Coordinates on-site reviews of lead and sub
  • Responsible to DHS for all disallowances
    identified in state and federal audits

Accountability for all Schools
  • Recognize the authority of the State Medicaid
    Agency regarding policies, rules, regulations
  • Assure proper and efficient administration of the
    Medicaid State Plan through compliance with
  • CMS Medicaid School-based Administrative Claiming
    Guide, May 2003
  • OMB Circular A-87
  • 45CFR Parts 74 and 95
  • 42 CFR 447.10(f) and
  • State requirement to participate in RMS time study

Accountability for all Schools
  • Provide responses to Medicaid State Agency
    regarding inquiries, audit findings, claims
    resolution, etc.
  • Certify sufficient public unrestricted funds for
    match (those not used as match for other

On-line Resources
  • CMS Medicaid School-Based Administrative Claiming
    Guide, May 2003
  • http//
  • OMB Circulars A-87 and A-133
  • http//
  • Iowa Department of Education Uniform Financial
    Accounting for Iowa LEAs and AEAs
  • http//

State Level Contacts
State Level Contacts
  • For the Medicaid Local Education Agency (LEA)
  • Dann Stevens, Consultant
  • Iowa Department of Education
  • Grimes State Office Building
  • 400 East 14th Street
  • Des Moines, IA 50319
  • Phone 515-281-8505
  • FAX 515-242-6019
  • e-mail

Process for Questions and Answers
  • Questions may be submitted at anytime.
  • Written responses will be developed for those
    questions submitted by Wednesday, October 15th.
  • Submit to Janet Beaman at
  • Written responses will be sent to all
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