Title: Section Control on Austrian motorways
1Section Control on Austrian motorways
2Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSites of
Section Control
Stationary system/existing
Mobile section control/existing
Kaisermühlen tunnel
Mobile section control/planned
3Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSites of
Section Control
Motorway Length Site characteristic Implementation Section Control
Kaisermühlen tunnel A22 2.3 km Accident prone tunnel since Aug. 2003 stationary
Wechsel A2 7.1 km high risk road section since Oct. 2004 stationary
Haid-Sattledt A1 11.0 km Construction area March 05 - Oct. 05 mobile
Gmünd-Spital A10 9.0 km Construction area Oct.05 - Aug. 07 mobile
Spital-Paternion A10 12.0 km Testing area 160km/h May 06 - July 06 mobile
ASFINAG bid invitations for another 6 Section
Control systems in 2006
4Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSystem
5Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSystem
6Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSystem
7Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSystem
8Section Control on Austrian motorwaysObjectives
Monitoring different speed limits
Harmonization of traffic flow
Surveillance of closed lanes
Detection of wrong-way drives (ghost cars)
Image triggering for vehicles exceeding height
Detection of stolen vehicles
Traffic surveillance
Statistical data
9Section Control on Austrian motorwaysCase study
Kaisermühlen tunnel
10Section Control on Austrian motorwaysCase study
Kaisermühlen tunnel
11Section Control on Austrian motorwaysAverage
speed Before/After
12Section Control on Austrian motorwaysCosts/Benefi
Costs of the measure
Investment costs
Annual costs of operation and maintenance
Economic benefits
Reduction of accident costs (numbers, severity
of injury)
Reduction of road traffic emissions
13Section Control on Austrian motorwaysCosts of
the measure
14Section Control on Austrian motorwaysAccident
Reduction in total numbers of casualty
accidents and severity of injury
since August 2002 no fatal accident recorded
15Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSafety
Comparison Current situation vs. Anticipated
situation without SC
Control group development of accidents on
16Section Control on Austrian motorwaysValuation
of environmental impacts
Emission model by the Austrian Umweltbundesamt
Input factors ? vehicle type (passenger
cars, lorries) ?
speed during day/night
? changes in composition of vehicle fleet
17Section Control on Austrian motorwaysSpeed
violations and charges
Aug.03 Sept.04 more than 29 million vehicles
40.881 drivers charged because of speeding
Every 700th driver (0,14) does not follow
speed regulations (?)
mutual recognition of financial penalties only
with D, CH
18Section Control on Austrian motorwaysCost-Benefit
Ratio (CBR)
Components of the CBA Benefits Costs
Road traffic emissions 79,108
Accident costs 1,025,903
Installation and maintenance costs 207,949
Total 1,105,011 207,949
? ROSEBUD (WP1) CBR gt 3 are ranked excellent
19Section Control on Austrian motorwaysConclusions
- Positive safety effect despite low accident
rates - ? Accident rate in the Kaisermühlen
Tunnel 0.10 - ? Austrian average on motorways 0.12
- Stronger effects on road sections with
above-average - accident rates
- CBR would be higher if material damage
accidents and - foreign speeders were included
- CBA incorporates various effects (not only
safety effects) into - evaluation process
- Results from this CBA can not be generalised
but refer to a - specific situation (Kaisermühlen Tunnel).
20Section Control on Austrian motorways
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