Title: Strategy and IS
1Strategy and IS
- Describe the roles of business, organizational
and IS strategy - Compare and contrast Porters three generic
strategies model, DAvenis hypercompetion model,
and Brandenburger and Nalebuffs co-opetition
model - Describe the major components and apply the value
chain, competitive forces and strategic thrusts
models - Discuss risks of IS success
- Discuss eras of IT use
2Strategic Advantage
- Does an organization need Information Systems to
gain strategic advantage?
3Strategy - A Plan
- Business strategy drives organizational and
information systems strategy - Information systems strategy - plan the
organization uses in providing information
services - Information systems strategy is affected by a
firms business and organizational strategies - Organizational strategy - organizations design
as well as the choices it makes to define, set
up, coordinate and control its work processes - Remember interdependency!
4Porters Three Generic Strategies
- Cost leadership (lowest cost in industry)
- Differentiation of products/services
- Focus (finding a specialized niche)
- cost
- differentiation of product or services
5Be Low Cost Producer - IT strategic if it can
- Help reduce production costs clerical work
- Reduce inventory, accounts receivable, etc.
- Use facilities and materials better
- Offer interorganizational efficiencies
6Produce Unique Product - IT strategic if it can
- Offer significant component of product
- Offer key aspect of value chain
- Permit product customization to meet customers
unique needs - Provide higher/unique level of customer
7Fill Market Niche - IT strategic if it can
- Permit identification of special needs of unique
target market - Spot and respond to unusual trends
8DAvenis Hypercompetition Model
- Focused on turbulent environment
- Advantages are rapidly created and eroded
- Sustaining an advantage can be a deadly
distraction - The goal is disruption, not sustainability, of
advantage - Initiatives are achieved with a series of small
9Four Arenas of Competitive Advantage
- Cost/quality
- Timing/know-how
- Strongholds
- Deep pockets (short-term only)
10Seven Ss
- Superior Stakeholder Satisfaction
- Strategic Soothsaying
- Positioning for Speed
- Positioning for Surprise
- Shifting the rules of competition
- Signaling strategic intent
- Simultaneous and Sequential Strategic Thrusts
11Brandenburger and Nalebuffs Co-opetition
- Optimally combining cooperation and competition
- Valu Net of competitors and complementors
12Strategic Information Systems
- IS that help gain strategic advantage
- Significantly change manner in which business
supported by the system is done - Outwardly aimed at direct competition
- Inwardly focus on enhancing the competitive
position - Create strategic alliances
- IS can support business strategies
13Eras of IT
14Eras of IT
15Unusual Suspects Information Resources
- Information systems infrastructure
- Information and knowledge
- Proprietary technology
- Technical skills of the IT staff
- End users of the information system
- Relationship between IT and business managers
- Business processes
16Strategy Axioms
- Axiom A scarce resource adds value
- Corollary only if there is a need
- Altnernative axiom Value is derived from
plentitude - What good is a single fax machine?
17Firm Infrastructure(general management,
accounting, finance, strategic planning)
Support Activities
Human Resource Management (recruiting, training,
Technology Development (RDlt product and process
Procurement (purchasing of raw materials,
machines, supplies)
Inbound Logistics (raw materials handling and ware
hous- ing)
Outbound Logistics (warehous- ing
and distribution of finished product)
Marketing and Sales (advertising, promotion, prici
ng, channel relations)
Service (installation, repair, parts)
Operations (machine assembling, testing)
Primary Activities
18Value Chain Model
- Chain of basic activities that add to firms
products or services - Primary activities
- Secondary activities
19Value Chain Primary Activities
- Inbound
- Outbound
- Operations
- Marketing and Sales
- After-Sale Services
20Value Chain Support Activities
- Technology development
- Procurement
- Human Resources Management
- Management Control
- accounting/finance
- coordination
- general management
- central planning
21Competitive Forces
- Threat of entry of new competition
- Bargaining power of suppliers
- Bargaining power of buyers
- Threat of substitute products or services
- Rivalry among existing firms
22Strategies for Competitive Forces
- Note - strength of force is determined by factors
in industry - Gain a competitive edge
- Build defenses against forces
- Formulate actions to influence forces
23Strategic Questions
- Can IT create barriers to entry? (new entrants)
- Can IT build in switching costs? (buyers)
- Can IT strengthen customer relationships? (buyers)
24Strategic Questions (cont)
- Can IT change the balance of power in supplier
relationships? (suppliers) - Can IT change the basis of competition?
(competitors) - Can IT generate new products?(competitors,
25Wisemans Theory of Strategic Thrusts
- Strategic purposes that drive the use of the
firms resources - Differentiation
- Cost
- Innovation
- Growth
- Alliance
26Searching for Specific Opportunities
- What is the mode of the thrust? (offensive,
defensive) - What is the direction of the thrust? (use,
provide) - What is the strategic target of the thrust?
(supplier, customer, competitor)
27Risks of IS Success
- Change the Basis of Competition
- Lower Entry Barriers
- Promote Litigation or Regulation
- Awake Sleeping Giant
- Reflect Bad Timing
- Are Too Advanced