EPA Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EPA Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for


... response process shown in Highlight 1-6, taken from A Guide to Preparing ... Are time and resources available to perform the modeling study itself? Modeling ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EPA Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for

EPA Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance
for Hazardous Waste Sites
Earl J. Hayter National Exposure Research
Lab Ecosystems Research Division Athens, GA
Presentation Outline
  • Risk Management Principles and Approaches
  • Decision Making Process
  • Remedial Investigation (RI)
  • Feasibility Study (FS)
  • Remediation Alternatives
  • Remedy Selection
  • Remedial Action and Long-Term Monitoring

Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for
Hazardous Waste Sites
Risk Management Principles
  • Control sources early
  • Involve the community early and often
  • Coordinate with states, local governments,
    tribes, and natural resource trustees
  • Develop and refine a conceptual site model that
    considers sediment stability
  • Use an iterative approach in a risk-based
  • Carefully evaluate the assumptions and
    uncertainties associated with site
    characterization data and site models

Risk Management Principles
  • Select site-specific, project-specific, and
    sediment-specific risk management approaches that
    will achieve risk-based goals
  • Ensure that sediment cleanup levels are clearly
    tied to risk management goals
  • 9. Maximize the effectiveness of institutional
    controls and recognize their limitations
  • Design remedies to minimize short-term risks
    while achieving long-term protection
  • Monitor during and after sediment remediation to
    assess and document remedy effectiveness

Risk Management Approaches
  • In-situ Approaches
  • In-situ Capping
  • Single-layer granular caps
  • Multi-layer granular caps
  • Combination granular/geotextile caps
  • Monitored Natural Recovery
  • Physical processes
  • Chemical processes
  • Biological processes
  • Hybrid Approaches
  • Thin layer placement of cap material to enhance
    recovery from natural deposition

Risk Management Approaches
  • In-situ Approaches
  • Institutional Controls
  • Fish consumption advisories
  • Commercial fishing bans
  • Waterway or land use restrictions (e.g., no
    anchor or no wake zones limitations on
    navigational dredging)
  • Dam or other structure maintenance agreements
  • In-situ Treatment (under development)
  • Reactive caps
  • Additives/enhanced biodegradation

Risk Management Approaches
  • Ex-situ Approaches
  • Dredging
  • Hydraulic, mechanical, or combination/hybrid
  • Treatment of dredged sediment and/or removed
  • Disposal of dredged sediment or treatment
    residuals in upland landfill, confined disposal
    facility, or other placement
  • Backfill of dredged area, as needed or
  • Excavation
  • Water diversion or dewatering
  • Treatment of excavated sediment
  • Disposal of excavated sediment or treatment
    residuals in upland landfill, confined disposal
    facility, or other placement
  • Backfill of excavated area, as needed or

Decision Making Process
  • Remedial actions taken under CERCLA generally
    follow the Superfund remedial response process
    shown in Highlight 1-6, taken from A Guide to
    Preparing Superfund Proposed Plans, Records of
    Decision, and Other Remedy Selection Decision
    Documents, also referred to as the ROD Guidance
    (U.S. EPA 1999a)
  • A general decision-making framework for sediment
    sites is being developed by a team including
    representatives of the EPA, USACE, the U.S. Navy,
    and NOAA. This risk-based framework is designed
    to provide an outline of 19 activities and
    processes that should generally be considered
    when assessing and managing contaminated sediment
    sites. Highlight 1-7 presents the general outline
    of this framework.

Remedial Investigation
  • The main purpose of investigating contaminated
    sediment, as with other media, is to determine
    the nature and extent of contamination in order
    to determine if there are unacceptable risks that
    warrant a response and, if so, to evaluate
    potential risk reduction approaches.
  • Site characterization
  • Conceptual site model (see Highlight 2-13)
  • Risk assessment
  • Ecological risk assessment (ERA)
  • Human health risk assessment (HHRA)
  • Cleanup goals
  • Watershed considerations
  • Source control
  • Phased approaches and early actions
  • Sediment stability contaminant transport fate
  • Modeling

  • Determine whether a mathematical model is needed
  • Mathematical transport and fate models can be
    time-intensive and expensive to apply, both in
    terms of costs to collect the data required for
    the models as well as to perform the modeling
    study, and their use and interpretation generally
    require specialized expertise. Because of this,
    modeling is not recommended for every sediment
    site. In some cases, existing empirical data and
    new monitoring data may be sufficient to support
    a decision.
  • A modeling study is usually not warranted for
    very small (i.e., localized) sites, where cleanup
    may be relatively easy and inexpensive. However,
    modeling would generally be recommended for large
    or complex sites, especially where it is
    necessary to predict contaminant transport and
    fate over extended periods of time to evaluate
    relative differences among possible risk
    reduction approaches. Modeling becomes
    especially important when the existing empirical
    data are insufficient to predict future
    scenarios, as is frequently the case.

  • Determine whether a mathematical model is needed
  • Project managers should use the following series
    of questions to guide the process of deciding
    whether or not to use a site-specific
    mathematical model
  • Have the questions or hypotheses that the model
    is intended to answer been determined?
  • Are historical data and/or simple quantitative
    techniques available to answer these questions
    with the desired accuracy?
  • Have the spatial extent, heterogeneity and levels
    of contamination at the site been defined?
  • Have all significant ongoing sources of
    contamination been defined?
  • Do sufficient data exist to support the use of a
    mathematical model, and if not, are time and
    resources available to collect the required data
    to achieve the desired level of confidence in
    model results?
  • Are time and resources available to perform the
    modeling study itself?

  • Determine the appropriate level of model
  • Develop conceptual site model
  • Determine processes that can and cannot be
  • Decide on modeling framework (see next slide)
  • Select an appropriate (e.g., 1D, 2D-H, 2D-V, 3D)
    peer-reviewed model
  • See seven slides (after model framework slides)
    for additional guidance

General Modeling Framework for Transport/Fate and
Modeling Framework for Housatonic River
Hydrodynamics,Sediment Transportand PCB Fate
Model EFDC
  • Freely Dissolved PCBs (in water and pore water,

WatershedModel HSPF
  • Dissolved Complexed (to DOC) PCBs (in water and
    pore water, ug/L)
  • PCBs Sorbed to OC (in POM and the sediment bed,
    ug/g OC)
  • Concentration of POC (suspended in water, kg/L,
    and in the sediment bed, foc)

PCB BioaccumulationModel QEAFDCHN
PCB Concentrationsin Biota
Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 1 - Consider modeling results in conjunction with
    empirical data to inform site decision-making
  • Mathematical models are useful tools that, in
    conjunction with site environmental measurements,
    can be used to characterize current site
    conditions, predict future conditions and risks,
    and evaluate the effectiveness of remedial
    alternatives in reducing risk. Modeling results
    generally should not be relied upon exclusively
    as the basis for cleanup decisions.

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 2 - Develop and refine a conceptual site model
    that identifies the key areas of uncertainty
    where modeling information may be needed
  • When evaluating if a model is needed and in
    deciding which models might be appropriate, a
    conceptual site model should be developed that
    identifies the key exposure pathways, the key
    sediment and waterbody characteristics, and the
    major sources of uncertainty that may affect the
    effectiveness of potential remedial alternatives,
    e.g., capping, dredging, and/or MNR.

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 3 - Consider site complexity before deciding if a
    mathematical model is necessary
  • Site complexity and controversy, available
    resources, project schedule, and the level of
    uncertainty in model predictions that is
    acceptable, are generally the critical factors in
    determining whether a simple, intermediate, or
    advanced level model should be developed and
    used. Potential remedy cost and magnitude of
    risk are generally less important, but they can
    significantly affect the level of uncertainty
    that is acceptable.

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 4 - Determine what model output data are needed
    to facilitate decision-making
  • As part of problem formulation, it must be clear
    1) what site-specific information is needed in
    order to make the most appropriate remedy
    decision (e.g., degree of risk reduction that can
    be achieved, correlation between sediment cleanup
    levels and protective fish tissue levels, time to
    achieve risk reduction levels, degree of
    short-term risk), 2) what model(s) are capable of
    generating this information, and 3) how the model
    results will be used to help make these
    decisions. Site-specific data collection should
    be concentrated on the inputs that will have the
    most influence on model outcome.

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 5 - Understand and explain model uncertainty
  • The model assumptions, limitations, and the
    results of the sensitivity and uncertainty
    analyses should be clearly presented to
    decision-makers and should be clearly explained
    in decision documents such as proposed plans and

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 6 Conduct a complete modeling study
  • If an intermediate or advanced level model is
    used in decision-making, the following components
    should be included in every modeling effort
  • Verified (peer reviewed) model(s) should be used
  • Model calibration
  • Model validation
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Uncertainty analysis

Seven Principles to Consider in Developing and
Using Models at Sediment Sites
  • 7 - Learn from modeling efforts
  • If post-remedy monitoring data demonstrate that
    the remedy is not performing as expected (e.g.,
    fish tissue levels are much higher than
    predicted), consider sharing these data with the
    modeling team in order to allow them to perform a
    post-remedy validation of the model. This can
    possibly provide a basis for model enhancements
    that would improve future model performance at
    other sites. If needed, this information could
    also be used to re-estimate the time-frame when
    RAOs are expected to be met at the site.

Feasibility Study
  • The purpose of a feasibility study for a
    contaminated sediment site is to develop and
    evaluate a number of alternative methods for
    achieving the remedial action objectives (RAOs)
    for the site. This process lays the groundwork
    for proposing and selecting a remedy for the site
    that best eliminates, reduces, or controls risks
    to human health and the environment.
  • Project managers beginning this stage of site
    management should keep in mind that the first
    step at almost every sediment site should be to
    implement measures to control any significant
    ongoing sources and to evaluate the effectiveness
    of those controls. Until this is done,
    appropriately evaluating risk reduction
    alternatives for sediment can be difficult.

Feasibility Study
  • The following steps, modified from EPAs RI/FS
    Guidance by adding details specific to sediment,
    generally apply to developing alternatives at
    sediment sites
  • Develop remedial action objectives specifying the
    contaminants and media of interest, exposure
    pathways, and remediation goals that permit a
    range of alternatives to be developed including
    each of the three major approaches (natural
    recovery, capping, and removal), and that
    consider state and local objectives for the site
  • Identify estimated volumes or areas of sediment
    to which the approaches may be applied, taking
    into account the requirements for protectiveness
    as identified in the remedial action objectives
    and the biological, chemical and physical
    characteristics of the site

Feasibility Study
  • Develop additional detail concerning the
    equipment, methods, and locations to be evaluated
    for each of the three major approaches (e.g.,
    potential natural recovery processes, potential
    cap materials and placement methods, number and
    types of dredges or excavators, transport
    methods, treatment methods, type of disposal
    units, general disposal location, need for
    monitoring and/or institutional controls)
  • Develop additional detail concerning known major
    constraints on each of the three major approaches
    at the site (e.g., need to maintain flow capacity
    for flood control need to accommodate
    navigational dredging)
  • To the extent possible with information available
    at this stage of the Feasibility Study, identify
    the time frame(s) in which the alternatives are
    expected to achieve cleanup levels and remedial
    action objectives and
  • Assemble the more detailed methods into a set of
    alternatives representing a range of natural
    recovery, in-situ capping, and removal options or
    combination of options, as appropriate.

Remediation Alternatives
  • Monitored natural recovery (MNR) is a risk
    reduction approach for contaminated sediment that
    uses ongoing, naturally occurring processes to
    contain, destroy, or reduce the bioavailability
    or toxicity of contaminants in sediment. Not all
    natural processes result in risk reduction some
    may increase or shift risk to other locations or
    receptors. Therefore, to implement MNR
    successfully as a remedial option, it is
    necessary to identify and evaluate those
    processes that contribute to risk reduction.
  • MNR involves acquisition of information over time
    to confirm these risk-reduction processes.
    Implementation of MNR usually requires
    assessment, modeling, and monitoring to
    demonstrate risk reduction.
  • See Highlight 4-5

Remediation Alternatives
Remediation Alternatives
  • In-situ capping refers to the placement of a
    subaqueous covering or cap of clean material over
    contaminated sediment that remains in place.
    Caps are generally constructed of granular
    material, such as clean sediment, sand, or
    gravel. A more complex cap design can include
    geotextiles, liners, and other permeable or
    impermeable elements in multiple layers that may
    include additions of material to attenuate the
    flux of contaminants (e.g., organic carbon).
  • See Highlight 5-4.
  • Depending on the contaminants and sediment
    environment, a cap reduces risk through the
    following primary functions
  • Physical isolation of the contaminated sediment
    from the aquatic environment
  • Stabilization/erosion protection of contaminated
    sediment, preventing resuspension and transport
    to other sites and
  • Chemical isolation/reduction of the movement of
    dissolved and colloidally transported
    contaminants into the water body.

(No Transcript)
Remediation Alternatives
  • Dredging and excavation are means of removing
    contaminated sediment from a water body, either
    while it is submerged (dredging) or after water
    has been diverted or drained (excavation). Both
    methods necessitate transporting the sediment to
    a location for treatment and/or disposal. They
    also frequently include treatment of water from
    dewatered sediment prior to discharge to an
    appropriate receiving water body.
  • Use of the term environmental dredging has
    evolved in recent years to characterize dredging
    performed specifically for the removal of
    contaminated sediment. Environmental dredging is
    intended to remove sediment contaminated above
    certain action levels while minimizing the spread
    of contaminants to the surrounding environment
    during dredging.
  • See Highlight 6-2

Remediation Alternatives
Remedy Selection
  • No two sites are identical and therefore the
    risk-management strategy will vary from site to
    site... The strategy selected should be one that
    actually reduces overall risk, not merely
    transfers the risk to another site or another
    affected population. The decision process
    necessary to arrive at an optimal management
    strategy is complex and likely to involve
    numerous site-specific considerations...
  • Management decisions must be made, even when
    information is imperfect. There are
    uncertainties associated with every decision that
    need to be weighed, evaluated, and communicated
    to affected parties. Imperfect knowledge must
    not become an excuse for not making a decision.

Remedy Selection
  • In the two statements (on the previous slide)
    from the National Research Councils (NRCs) A
    Risk Management Strategy for PCB-Contaminated
    Sediments report (NRC 2001), the NRC identifies
    some of the key challenges faced by many project
    managers at the remedy selection stage.
  • The goal of the Superfund remedy selection
    process is to select remedies that 1) are
    protective of human health and the environment
    2) that maintain protection over time and 3)
    that minimize untreated waste.
  • Superfund remedies must also be cost-effective
    and use permanent solutions to the maximum extent

Remedial Action and Long-Term Monitoring
  • A monitoring program is recommended for all
    types of sediment remedies, both during and after
    remedial action to ensure that all sediment risk
    and exposure pathways at a site have been and
    continue to be adequately managed by the remedy.
  • Monitoring data are also needed to complete the
    five-year review process at sites where they are

Remedial Action and Long-Term Monitoring
  • Monitoring should include the collection of
    field data (i.e., chemical, physical, and/or
    biological) over a sufficient period of time and
    frequency to determine the status at a particular
    point in time and/or trend over a period of time
    in a particular environmental parameter or
    characteristic, relative to clearly defined
    management objectives.
  • The data, methods, and endpoints should be
    directly related to the management objectives for
    the site.

Although this work was reviewed by EPA and
approved for presentation, it may not necessarily
reflect official Agency policy. Mention of trade
names or commercial products does not constitute
endorsement or recommendation for use.
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