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Calculus AB Notes


Power Rule (if r and s are integers, s is not zero, and Lr/s is a real ... Then there exists at least one point c in (a,b) where ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Calculus AB Notes

Calculus AB Notes
  • F has limit L as x approaches c if for any
    positive z there is a positive k so that
  • for all x, where c and L are real numbers
  • Notation
  • It is known that

Properties of Limits
  • (these are still true if x ? c is replaced by x ?
    /- infinity)
  • If L, M, c, k are real s and lim(x?c) f(x) L
    and lim(x?c) g(x) M, Then
  • Sum rule lim(x?c)(f(x) g(x)) L M
  • Difference Rule lim(x?c)(f(x) g(x)) L - M
  • Product Rule lim(x?c)(f(x) g(x)) L M
  • ? constant multiple rule lim(x?c)(k f(x))
    k L
  • Quotient Rule lim(x?c)(f(x) / g(x)) L / M, M ?
  • Power Rule (if r and s are integers, s is not
    zero, and Lr/s is a real
  • lim(x?c) (f(x))r/s Lr/s
  • Polynomial functions
  • if f(x) anxn an-1xn-1 a0 is a
    polynomial function and c is a real , then
  • lim(x?c) f(x) f(c) ancn an-1cn-1 a0
    (i.e. plug in c for x)

  • A function is continuous if, for every x in the
    domain, there is a real value of f(x)
  • A function can be continuous on an interval
  • Function y f(x) is continuous at an interior
    point c of its domain if lim(x?c)f(x) f(c)
  • Function y f(x) is continuous at
  • A left endpoint a of its domain if lim(x?a)f(x)
  • A right endpoint b of its domain if lim(x?b-)f(x)
  • If f is not continuous at xc, then c is a point
    of discontinuity

Properties of Continuity
  • If functions f and g are continuous at c, then
    fg, f-g, fg, kf for any k, f/g if g(c) ?
    0, are all continuous at c
  • Composites if f is continuous at c and g is
    continuous at f(c), then composite g o f is
    continuous at c

Derivative of a Function
  • Derivative of a function f with respect to
  • limh?0
  • Derivative at a point xa (instantaneous rate of
    change at xa)
  • limx?a
  • Right-hand derivative at a limh?0
  • Left-hand derivative at b limh?0-
  • Many calculators use a different formula

  • Differentiable function derivative exists at
    every point of the functions domain
  • A function is differentiable on a closed interval
    if it has
  • A derivative at every interior point of the
  • A right-hand derivative at the left endpoint of
    the interval
  • A left-hand derivative at the right endpoint of
    the interval
  • Differentiability implies
  • Local linearity f resembles its own tangent
    line when close to the point of differentiation
  • continuity

How Derivatives May Fail to Exist at a Point
  • Corner one-sided derivatives differ
  • Ex.) at x 0
  • Cusp slopes of secant lines approach infinity
    from one side and negative infinity from the
  • Ex.) at x 0
  • Vertical tangent slopes of secant lines
    approach either infinity or negative infinity
    from both sides
  • Ex.) at x 0
  • Discontinuity (removable, jump, etc.)

Extreme Value Theorem?
  • If f is continuous on a closed interval a,b,
  • then there is a maximum and a minimum value of f
    for the interval
  • (open endpoints and unbound ends are not included)

Mean Value Theorem
  • If f is continuous on the closed interval a,b
    and differentiable on interior (a,b),
  • Then there exists at least one point c in (a,b)
  • i.e. instantaneous rate average rate of change
    somewhere in a,b

Rules for Differentiation
  • Derivative of a constant (c) function
  • Power rule n constant , and if nlt0 the
    derivative does not exist at x 0
  • Constant multiple rule
  • Sum and difference rule if u and v are
    differentiable with respect to x, then their sum
    and difference are differentiable when v and u
    are, and

Rules for Differentiation (continued)
  • Product rule
  • Quotient rule provided v ? 0

Extreme Values (Extrema)
  • (ffunction, Ddomain of f)
  • Absolute extreme values (these are also local
  • Absolute (global) maximum value on D at c,if and
    only if f(c) f(x) for all x in D
  • Absolute (global) minimum value on D at c if and
    only if f(c) f(x) for all x in D
  • Relative extrema (local extreme values)
    (c interior point in f in D)
  • Local maximum value at c iff f(c) f(x) for all
    x in open interval containing c
  • Local minimum value at c iff f(c) f(x) for all
    x in an open interval containing c
  • 83211

  • Relations to the derivative f, if f is
    continuous on a, b, and differentiable on (a,
  • Increasing
  • if fgt0 at every point in (a, b), then f
    increases on a, b
  • Decreasing
  • if flt0 at every point in (a, b), then f
    decreases on a, b
  • Constant
  • if f0 for each point in an interval, then there
    is a k for which f(x)k for all x in the interval
  • If f(x)g(x) for each point in an interval,
    then there is a k where f(x) g(x) k for all
    x in the interval

First Derivative Test for Local Extrema
  • For continuous function f(x)
  • At a crtical point c
  • If f changes from to -, then f(x) has a local
    maximum at c
  • If f changes from to , then f(x) has a local
    minimum at c
  • If f does not change sign, then f(x) has no
    local extreme value at c
  • At a left endpoint a
  • If flt0 for xgta, f has a local maximum value at
  • If fgt0 for xgta, f has a local minimum value at
  • At a right endpoint b
  • If flt0 for xltb, f has a local minimum value at
  • If fgt0 for xgtb, f has a local maximum value at b

Second Derivative Tests, Concavity
  • On an open interval I, the graph of a
    differentiable function yf(x) is
  • concave up
  • if y is increasing on I
  • if y gt 0 on I
  • concave down
  • if y is decreasing on I
  • if y lt 0 on I
  • Point of inflection where the graph of a
    function has a tangent and concavity changes
  • ? a point where the second derivative is zero

Second Derivative Test for Local Extrema
  • If f(c) 0 and f(c) lt 0, then f has a local
    maximum at x c
  • If f(c) 0 and f(c) gt 0, then f has a local
    minimum at x c

End Behavior Models
  • g(x) is a right end behavior model for f if and
    only if lim(x?8)
  • g(x) is a left end behavior model for f if and
    only if lim(x?8)
  • g(x) is an end behavior model for f(x) if it is
    both a right and a left end behavior model
  • The term containing the highest power of x in a
    polynomial function is the end behavior model for
    that function
  • In a function that is the quotient of two
    polynomials, the end behavior model is given by
    the term containing the highest power in the
    numerator, divided by the term containing the
    highest power in the denominator

Chain rule
  • If f is differentiable at the value g(x) and g is
    differentiable at x,
  • Then the composite function (f o g)(x) f(g(x))
    is differentiable at x and
  • (f o g)(x) f(g(x)) (g(x))

Differentiating Parametrized Curves
  • Parametrized curve (x(t), y(t))
  • differentiable at t if x and y are both
    differentiable at t
  • if all three derivatives exist and
    , then

Implicit Differentiation
  • Differentiate a function (with x only) with
    respect to x, using
  • Then solve for by collecting terms on
    one side, factoring out and isolating it on
    one side

Separable Differential Equations
  • Separable differential equation a differential
    equation that can be expressed as the product of
    a function of x and a function of y
  • If and
    , then
  • Each side can then be evaluated seperately, to
    find an equation with x and y

Integrate with respect to x
Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
Functions that begin with c have a negative
Derivatives of Inverse Functions
  • Derivatives of inverse functions
  • if f is differentiable on every point in an
    interval I, and on I (i.e.
    interval cannot have extrema other than
  • then f has an inverse f -1 and is
    differentiable on every point on I
  • The derivative of a functions invers is the
    reciprocal of the original functions derivative
  • Ex if f(1) 2 and f(1) 4
  • then f-1(2) 1 and f(2) 1/4

Inverse Trigonometric Functions
  • Inverse function inverse cofunction identities
  • Calculator conversion identities

Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Domain all real s
Domain all real s
Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic
If u is a differentiable function of x
If a gt 0 and a ? 1
If u is a differentiable function of x and ugt0
If a gt 0 and a ? 1
Power Rule for Arbitrary Real Powers
  • If u is a differentiable function of x and n is
  • Then un is a differentiable function of x and

Solving Optimization Problems
  • Optimize to maximize or minimize some aspect
  • Pick a variable for the quantity to be maximized
    or minimized
  • Write a function for the variable, whose extreme
    value is the information sought
  • Graph / determine reasonable domain
  • Use derivative to find critical points and
    endpoints, apply to problem

Optimization with Economic Applications
  • r(x) revenue from selling x items, dr/dx
    marginal revenue
  • c(x) cost of producing x items, dc/dx
    marginal cost
  • p(x) r(x) c(x) profit from selling x items,
    dp/dx marginal profit
  • Maximum profit if any exist, it occurs at a
    production level where marginal revenue
    marginal cost
  • Minimum average cost if any exist, it occurs at
    a production level where average cost marginal
  • When only whole values of the variable are
    reasonable, the possible values directly above
    and below the non-whole answer should be checked

Related Rates
  • Relationships between rates of change problem
  • If using t for time, assume all variables are
    differentiable functions of t
  • Restate given information in terms of chosen
  • Find an equation relating the variables
  • Differentiate with respect to t
  • Substitute known values into the differential
    equation obtained and evaluate

Linearization and Newtons Method
  • Linearization of f at a (if f is differentiable
    at a)
  • L(x) f(a) f(a) (x-a), an approximation
  • (standard linear approximation of f at a)
  • L(x) is the equation of the tangent to the curve
    at a
  • Center of the approximation is the point x a
  • Newtons Method
  • Guess a first approximate solution of the
    equation f(x) 0 (using graph, etc.)
  • Use first approximation to get successive
    approximations with

Slope Fields(also called Direction Fields)
  • For , a slope field is a
    plot of short line segments with slopes f(x,y) on
    a lattice of points (x,y) in a plane
  • Each segment shows the original functions slope
    at that point
  • Slope fields of differential equations can reveal
    the family of functions that has that derivative
  • When using slope fields
  • Horizontal lines show where the derivative 0
    the relationship between x and y at such points
    can be useful
  • Where the derivative (segment pattern) is
    positive or negative can be important

  • Antiderivative (sometimes represented by F)
    g(x) antiderivative of f(x) if g(x) f(x) for
    all x in the domain
  • There are an infinite number of antiderivatives
    for a given function
  • These possible antiderivatives, which differ by a
    constant, are the only antiderivatives of a the
  • Substitution of a point of the antiderivative may
    be necessary to find the antiderivative asked for
    in a problem

Riemann Sums - Explanation
  • Let f(x) be a continuous function defined on
  • Partition a,b into n subintervals by choosing
    n-1 points such that a lt x1 lt x2 lt lt xn-1 lt b
    (x is a point)
  • a x0 and b xn a partition of a,b P
    x0, x1, x2, xn
  • Lengths of intervals are ?x1, ?x2, ?xn
    therefore the kth subinterval has a length ?xk
  • A number is chosen from each interval ck is the
    number from the kth interval
  • Each subinterval has area f(ck) ?xk so
    f(ck) determines if it is , -, or 0
  • Sum of products a Riemann sum for f on the
    interval a,b
  • Value depends on partition and the numbers chosen
    for ck

Riemann Sums
  • All Riemann sums for a given interval on a given
    function converge to a common value if lengths of
    subintervals tend to zero
  • Norm of a partition P longest subinterval
  • If this tends to zero, then lengths of all
    subintervals tend to zero

Types of Riemann Sums
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Indeterminate Forms
Indeterminate Forms and LHôpitals Rule
  • LHôpitals Rule
  • (for dealing with 0/0) if f(a) g(a) 0, f and
    g are differentiable on an open interval I
    containing a and g(x) ? 0 on I if x ? a (for
    dealing with 0/0)
  • Or, (for dealing with 8 / 8 , 8 0, 8 8) if
    f(x) and g(x) both approach 8 as x?a
  • then
  • This can be used for one-sided intervals as well
    by choosing I as an open interval with a as an

Other Indeterminate Forms
  • For the indeterminate forms 18, 00, 80, the
    logarithm of the function can be evaluated using
    LHopitals Rule and the result can be
    exponentiated to find the limit of the function
  • Because
  • (additionally, a can be finite or infinite)

  • Volume of a solid with known integrable cross
    section area
  • If A(x) the area of cross sections
    perpendicular to the x-axis, for a solid from a
    to b, then the volume from xa to xb is
  • Can integrate with respect to y if equations are
    in the form x f(y), integrating from y a to y
  • Cavalieris volume theorem solids of equal
    height with identical cross sections at each
    height have equal volume
  • Solids of revolution are formed by revolving a
    function around a given line cross sections can
    be circular
  • Solids with holes can be calculated by finding
    volume without holes, then subtracting the volume
    of the hole

Volume by Cylindrical Shells
  • Can be used on bundt cake shapes
  • Cut cylindrical shells from the inner hole out
    (vertical cuts perpendicular to base of cake)
  • Cylindrical shells can be rolled out to become
    rectangular slabs
  • Thickness of each slab is ?x, height is f(x),
    length is 2 r
  • Region of integration is between the
    intersections of f(x) with the cake base, so from
    xa to xb
  • Can be done with respect to y from y a to y b
    if the function is in the form x f(y)
  • The variable with respect to which it is
    integrated is the variable of the axis along
    which the radius changes (base of bundt cake)

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