Title: The Grand Vision
1The Grand Vision
2Overview of Scenarios
3Scenario ATrend
4Scenario ATrend
- Limited multi-family
- Most rural living
- Villages see little growth
- Traverse City and Cadillac continue to see new
buildings - Most auto-oriented
- Most land consumptive
5Scenario A - Grand Vision Region
6Scenario A Antrim County
7Scenario A Benzie County
8Scenario A Kalkaska County
9Scenario A - Grand Traverse County
10Scenario A Leelanau County
11Scenario A Wexford County
12Scenario BRuralbyDesign
13Scenario BRural byDesign
- Open space and agriculture preservation through
rural clustering - Less farm land lost than current trend
- Focused on life outside of cities and towns
14Scenario B - Grand Vision Region
15Scenario B Antrim County
16Scenario B - Benzie County
17Scenario B - Kalkaska County
18Scenario B - Grand Traverse County
19Scenario B - Leelanau County
20Scenario B - Wexford County
21Scenario CVillageFocused
22Scenario CVillageFocused
- Village and small town centered growth
- Requires investment in sewer systems
- Enhances small town feel
- Supports agri-tourism
- Less parks, more nearby nature
- Smaller buildings
- Limited multi-family
23Scenario C - Grand Vision Region
24Scenario C - Antrim County
25Scenario C - Benzie County
26Scenario C - Kalkaska County
27Scenario C - Grand Traverse County
28Scenario C - Leelanau County
29Scenario C - Wexford County
30Scenario DCity Focused
31Scenario DCityFocused
- Most new development in Traverse City and
Cadillac with some development in villages - Utilizes existing infrastructure
- Preserves farmland
- Up to 10 story buildings in Traverse City
- Includes more urban parks
32Scenario D - Grand Vision Region
33Scenario D - Antrim County
34Scenario D - Benzie County
35Scenario D - Kalkaska County
36Scenario D - Grand Traverse County
37Scenario D - Leelanau County
38Scenario D - Wexford County
39Transportation Overview
- Four development scenarios evaluated
- A, B, C, and D
- Each scenario was modeled and compared
- Unique Road network for each
- Unique transit network for each
41Scenario Descriptions
- A - Assumes that future growth and development
continues under existing trends. Transportation
investment is largely new or widened roadways,
includes some hike and bike trails, but minimal
transit and walking paths. - B - A rural development pattern will continue,
many of the new homes distributed in rural
cluster developments, minimal growth in existing
cities and villages. Rural cluster developments
generally result in longer work commutes
requiring new or widened roadways. This scenario
will have hike and bike trails but because
densities are minimal transit and walking is
limited. - C - New development occurs primarily in the
regions villages and small towns, with some
growth in the main cities of Traverse City and
Cadillac. This growth pattern, which concentrates
development in villages, makes better use of
regional bus, walking, biking, with limited
roadway widening. - D - Focuses on encouraging a larger share of
housing and employment growth in the regions two
main cities, Traverse City and Cadillac. Includes
investment in urban bus circulars, walking and
biking paths. This scenario has the least amount
of new or widened roadways.
42Determining Improvements
- Roads that observed Levels of Service at or below
D were evaluated for improvement. - Urban roads were widened only to four lanes.
- Rural Roads we widened to four lanes or given
additional capacity to reflect passing lanes. - Transit routes were based on development type,
development density, and dependency (college
43Scenario A Improvements
44Scenario B Improvements
45Scenario C Improvements
46Scenario D Improvements
47Additional Lane Miles (in each scenario)
48Estimated Lane Cost
49Vehicle Miles Traveled
50Vehicle Hours Traveled
- 4 minute difference per person (A versus D)
51Delay (hours spent in congestion)
52Alternative Modes
53Alternative Modes
54Alternative Modes
55Alternative Modes
56Preliminary Corridors
- Based on the scenarios, eight main corridors
within Traverse area require detailed analysis - North Shore Dr.
- Front St.
- Division St.
- Airport Rd.
- Garfield
- M 72 East
- US 31 West
- MI 37 South
57Preliminary Corridors
- Depending on the selected scenario additional
corridors may be added - Transit routes, lane configuration, access
requirements, and traffic operations should be
considered. - Model has provided choke points, the detailed
analysis will provide a list of recommended
58Land Use and Transportation Scenario Tradeoffs
59Scenario TradeoffsAnnual Tons of CO2 Emissions
- What does this mean?
- 172,000 tons of CO2 (the difference between
scenarios A and D) is equal to the CO2 in over
1.1million tanks of gasoline.
60Scenario Tradeoffs Annual Hours Spent driving
per Person
61Scenario Tradeoffs Annual Household Gas
62Scenario Tradeoffs New Homes Multifamily Units
63Scenario Tradeoffs Acres of Farm Forest Land
64Scenario Tradeoffs Total Cost of Lane Miles
65Scenario Tradeoffs New Housing Units in Walkable
- Walkable Areas mixed use and pedestrian
oriented design
66Scenario Tradeoffs Daily Transit Ridership
67Scenario Tradeoffs Value of Time Lost to
68Scenario Tradeoffs Acres of Infill