Title: Conceptual Framework for Profitable Business
1Conceptual Framework for Profitable Business
- Mutually beneficial relationships with customers
- Profit objective
- Cost to acquire customers
- Repeat customers provide profit
- Service encounters
- Relationships built and nurtured one encounter at
a time - Promises
- A way to think about managing relationships
- Customers - motivations, benefits, rewards
2Business Overview(Customer Information Centric)
3Service Encounters Form Relationships
- Service experience - typically multiple
encounters - Sales calls
- Ordering
- Delivery
- Installation
- Training
- Billing
- Repair
- Returns
- Disney - 74 encounters in a single visit
- Cumulative effect of a series of positive or
negative encounters - Momentous encounters
- Break or MAKE
- Marriott - early events - loyalty
- You never get a second chance to make a first
4Promises - Key to Customer Relationships
Promise includes explicit and implicit
5IS - Keeping Promises
- IS track record is poor
- Promises not kept
- Problems
- Over-promising by IS
- Customer unclear about promise
- Customer part of promise not clear, not kept
- Project requirements scope change over time
- Technology changes
- Technology over-hyped
- Not communicating changes
- Little attention to Making and Accepting promises
6Relationship Marketing for IS
- Target customers who want a mutually beneficial
relationship - IS Makes the Explicit Promise
- Time
- Resources
- Project Scope
- Roles responsibilities - Customer IS
- Contingencies for unanticipated events
- Customer Accepts Promise (implicit components)
- Critical to have clear understanding of the
promise in writing - Who Makes, Accepts, and Keeps Promises in IS?
- Initially
- Throughout the project
- How do we deal with changes?
- Agreement and understanding throughout the
7Views of Customers Motivations, Benefits,
- Service view of customers - satisfaction
- Returns, information, problem resolution
- Dissatisfaction non-linear with time
- Operations view of customers - deliver order
- On time, complete, reliable, as expected, quality
- Advertising view of customers - motivate
customer behavior - Communicate for awareness, knowledge, liking,
preference, action, reassurance - Marketing view of customers - build customer
relationships - Branding, bonding
- Market/product segmentation
- Technology adoption view of customers
- Innovators, Early adopters, Late adopters,
Laggards - Internet Status view of customers
- Time and familiarity
8How Customers Benefit from Service Relationships
- Direct value of each transaction
- Get what you pay for
- Extra value from mutually beneficial relationship
- Sense of well-being and overall quality of life
- Predictable relationship reduces customer stress,
provides comfort - Precludes need to change - switching costs
- Simplify ones life
- Service provider may become part of customers
social support system
9External marketing - Making Promises
- What customers can expect, how it will be
delivered - Employees, design decor, service process
- Service guarantees, two-way communication
- Set consistent and realistic expectations
- How does a Web Site fit into Making Promises
- Expectations of technology
10Internal marketing - Enabling Promises
- Employees must be enabled
- Employe skills, tools, abilities, motivation
- Recruiting, training, rewards
11Interactive marketing - Keeping Promises
- Promises most often kept or broken by employees
and/or technology - Moment of truth - customer interacts with
organization - Tested EVERY TIME customer interacts
- Service relationships built in moments of truth