Building Web Services
Matthew J. Graham CACR/Caltech
- Attachments
- Security
- State
- Asynchrony
- Message orientation
3Design styles
- Contract-last development
- Implement service
- java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL ltinterfacegt
- ? contract coupled to service implemenations
interface - Contract-first development
- Write XSD and WSDL
- java org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java -s ltwsdlgt
- Fill in business logic
4What is WSDL?
- Web Services Description Language
- An XML grammar for describing a web service as a
collection of endpoints capable of exchanging
messages in a particular fashion - W3C specification (http//www.w3.org/TR/wsdl)
- Use WSDL 1.1
- http//www.xmethods.net
5Anatomy of a WSDL file
ltdefinitionsgt lt/definitionsgt
ltimportgt - include other WSDLs lttypesgt -
define datatypes used in ltmessagegt ltschemagtlt/sch
emagt lt/typesgt
ltmessagegt - model data exchanged ltpartgtlt/par
tgt lt/messagegt
ltporttypegt - describe interfaces supported
for ltoperationgt an endpoint ltinputgtlt/inpu
tgt - define input and output parameters ltoutput
gtlt/outputgt ltfaultgtlt/faultgt lt/operationgt lt/p
ltbindinggt - formatting and representation of
SOAP ltoperationgt message on the
wire ltinputgtlt/inputgt ltoutputgtlt/outputgt lt/o
perationgt lt/bindinggt
ltservicegt - identifies actual endpoint for
WS ltportgtlt/portgt lt/servicegt
6WSDL example
ltdefinitions xmlnshttphttp//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/wsdl/http/ xmlnssoap"http//schemas.xmls
oap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlnsshttp//www.w3.org/2001
/XMLSchema xmlnss0http//skyservice.pha.jhu
.edu xmlnssoapenchttp//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap
/encoding/ targetNamespace"http//skyservic
e.pha.jhu.edu" xmlns"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/w
sdl/"gt lttypesgtltsschema
elementFormDefault"qualified" targetNamespace"ht
ltselement name"ComovingLineOfSight"gt
ltselement minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1" name"z" type"sfloat" /gt
ltselement minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1" name"hubble" type"sfloat" /gt
ltselement minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1" name"omega" type"sfloat" /gt
ltselement minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1" name"lambda" type"sfloat" /gt
ltselement name"ComovingLineOfSightResponsegt
ltselement minOccurs"1"
maxOccurs"1" name"ComovingLineOfSightResult"
type"sfloat" /gt lt/selementgt
lt/sschemagtlt/typesgt ltmessage
ltpart name"parameters" element"s0ComovingLi
neOfSight" /gt lt/messagegt
ltmessage name"ComovingLineOfSightSoapOut"gt
ltpart name"parameters"
element"s0ComovingLineOfSightResponse" /gt
lt/messagegt ltportType
ltoperation name"ComovingLineOfSight"gt
ltdocumentationgtReturn the
comoving line of sight distance...lt/documentationgt
ltinput message"s0ComovingLineOfSigh
tSoapIn" /gt ltoutput
message"s0ComovingLineOfSightSoapOut" /gt
lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt
ltservice name"Distance"gt ltport
name"DistanceSoap" binding"s0DistanceSoap"gt ltso
apaddress location"http//voservices.net/Cosmolo
gy/ws_v1_0/Distance.asmx" /gt lt/portgt
lt/servicegt lt/definitionsgt
7What about the binding?
- ltbinding name"DistanceSoap" type"s0DistanceSoap
"gt - ltsoapbinding transport"http//schemas.xmlsoap.or
g/soap/http" style"document" /gt - ltoperation name"ComovingLineOfSightgt
- ltsoapoperation soapAction"http//skyservice.pha.
jhu.edu/ComovingLineOfSight" style"document" /gt - ltinputgt
- ltsoapbody use"literal" /gt
- lt/inputgt
- ltoutputgt
- ltsoapbody use"literal" /gt
- lt/outputgt
- lt/operationgt
- lt/bindinggt
8Binding attributes
- Style (representation on the wire)
- rpc the endpoint treats child elements in the
body as XML representation of method call (SOAP
1.1, sec. 7) - document the body can contain arbitrary XML
- Use (how data is serialized across the wire)
- encoded rules in a URL specified by
encodingStyle attribute - literal rules specified by XML schema
9WSDL binding flavours (I)
ltmessage nameRequestgt ltpart namex
typexsint/gt lt/messagegt ltmessage
nameempty/gt ltportType namefoogt ltoperation
namemethodgt ltinput messageRequest/gt ltoutput
messageempty/gt lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt
lttypesgt ltschemagt ltelement namexElement
typexsint/gt lt/schemagt lt/typesgt ltmessage
nameRequestgt ltpart namex elementxElement/
gt lt/messagegt ltmessage nameempty/gt ltportType
namefoogt ltoperation namemethodgt ltinput
messageRequest/gt ltoutput messageempty/gt lt/op
erationgt lt/portTypegt
ltmessage nameRequestgt ltpart namex
typexsint/gt lt/messagegt ltmessage
nameempty/gt ltportType namefoogt ltoperation
namemethodgt ltinput messageRequest/gt ltoutput
messageempty/gt lt/operationgt lt/portTypegt
10WSDL binding flavours (II)
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltmethodgt ltxgt5lt/xgt lt/m
ethodgt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltxElementgt5lt/xElement
gt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltmethodgt ltx
xsitypexsintgt5lt/xgt lt/methodgt lt/soapbodygt lt/s
11WSDL binding flavours (III)
Document/literal wrapped
lttypesgt ltschemagt ltelement namemethodgt ltcomplexT
ypegt ltsequencegt ltelement namex
typexsint/gt lt/sequencegt lt/complexTypegt lt/eleme
ntgt lt/schemagt lt/typesgt ltmessage
nameRequestgt ltpart nameparameters
elementmethod/gt lt/messagegt ltmessage
nameempty/gt ltportType namefoogt ltoperation
namemethodgt ltinput messageRequest/gt ltoutput
messageempty/gt lt/operationgt lt/portType
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltmethodgt ltxgt5lt/xgt lt/m
ethodgtgt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
12Which flavour to use?
- Doc style can pass entire transaction as an XML
document (state) - Doc style not constrained by RPC-oriented
encoding - Doc style can be validated at call time
- Processing overhead in encoding payloads with RPC
- Doc style can use low memory parsers such as SAX
and StAX - RPCs natural tendency to expose programming
language object structures - ? doc/literal
wrapped (95)
13Why not doc/literal wrapped? - I
doc/literal wrapped
ltmessage nameRequestgt ltpart namex
typexsint/gt lt/messagegt
lttypesgt ltschemagt ltelement namexElement
typexsint/gt lt/schemagt lt/typesgt ltmessage
nameRequestgt ltpart namex elementxElement/
gt lt/messagegt
lttypesgt ltschemagt ltelement namemethodgt ltcomplexT
ypegt ltsequencegt ltelement namex
typexsint/gt lt/sequencegt lt/complexTypegt lt/eleme
ntgt lt/schemagt lt/typesgt ltmessage
nameRequestgt ltpart nameparameters
elementmethod/gt lt/messagegt
ltportType namefoogt ltoperation
namemethodgt ltinput messageRequest/gt lt/operat
iongt lt/portTypegt
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltmethodgt ltxgt5lt/xgt lt/m
ethodgt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltmethodgt ltxgt5lt/xgt lt/m
ethodgtgt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
ltsoapenvelopegt ltsoapbodygt ltxElementgt5lt/xElement
gt lt/soapbodygt lt/soapenvelopegt
14Why not doc/literal wrapped? - II
- Overloaded operations
- public void myMethod (int x, float y)
- public void myMethod (int x)
- Number of parameters
- public void someOtherMethod(int x, float y)
- Data graphs
- ltcomplexType nameNodegt
- ltsequencegt
- ltelement namename typestring/gt
- ltelement nameleft typeNode/gt
- ltelement nameright typeNode/gt
- lt/sequencegt
- lt/complexTypegt
- RPC/encoding ltAgt Literal ltAgt
- ltnamegtAlt/namegt ltnamegtAlt/namegt
- ltleft href9999/gt ltleftgt
- ltright href9999/gt ltnamegtBlt/namegt
A Left Right
B Left Right
- Suitable for and capable of being implemented in
a neutral manner on multiple operating systems
and in multiple programming languages - Not all web services are interoperable!
- Web Services Interoperability Organisation
(http//www.ws-i.org) - WS-I Testing Tools
- WS-Semantics
- WS-Topic
- WS-Transaction
- WS-Transaction Management
- WS-Transfer
- WS-Trust
- ebXML
- SwA
- XML Encryption
- XML Signature
- WS-I Basic Profile
- WS-I Basic Security Profile
- WS-Manageability
- WS-Management
- WS-MetadataExchange
- WS-Notification
- WS-Policy
- WS-PolicyAssertions
- WS-PolicyAttachment
- WS-PolicyFramework
- WS-Polling
- WS-Provisioning
- WS-Reliability
- WS-ReliableMessaging
- WS-RemotePortals
- WS-ResourceFramework
- WS-ResourceLifetime
- WS-ResourceProperties
- WS-Routing
- WS-Addressing
- WS-AtomicTransaction
- WS-Attachments
- WS-BaseNotification
- WS-BrokeredNotification
- WS-BusinessActivity
- WS-Choreography
- WS-Context
- WS-Coordination
- WS-CoordinationFramework
- WS-Discovery
- WS-DistributedManagement
- WS-Enumeration
- WS-Eventing
- WS-ExperienceLanguage
- WS-Federation
17Attachments opaque data
- By value
- XML representation
- or
- use xshexBinary or xsbase64Binary within the
body - data expansion by a factor of 1.33 - 4
- anything within SOAP body gets parsed
- processing costs of encoding/decoding
- By reference
- attach pure binary data as external unparsed
entity outside SOAP message - use reference URI within the body
18Reference solutions
- SwA (SOAP with Attachments)
- Multipart MIME message SOAP (0), data (1-n)
- Use Content-Id as reference in body
- Lack of length header on message sections
- No recommendation just W3C Note
- DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation)
- Uses faster and more efficient binary encoding
- No standard, disowned by Microsoft
- Both introduce a data structure outside realm of
XML data model no rules to specify how
attachment content related to SOAP envelope so
incompatible with WS-
- Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
- Uses MIME - backwards compatible with SwA
- Uses XOPInclude as reference mechanism (XOP
XML Binary Optimized Packaging) - Conceptually binary data is base64-encoded in
SOAP XML document ? compatible with WS- - Implementations
- Axis2 (http//ws.apache.org/axis2)
- Xfire (http//xfire.codehaus.org)
- WSE 3.0 (http//msdn.microsoft.com/library/default
- Transport level (https)
- Message level
- End-to-end allows for unlimited intermediaries
- Data origin authentication
- Different types of security tokens/credentials
- unsigned (username/password)
- binary (X.509 certificate)
- XML (SAML token)
- Multiple credentials
- OASIS standard
- (http//www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?
wg_abbrevwss)) - Security token validation (authentication)
- validate authentication assertions made by
principals - Message integrity (signing)
- verify message origin
- validate encryption keys
- confirm security token claims
- Message confidentiality (encryption)
- Introduces extra XML into SOAP header
22WSS Implementations
- Java
- WSS4J (http//ws.apache.org/wss4j) used by
Axis2/XFire - C
- WSE 2.0 (http//msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/web
services/building/wse/default.aspx) - WSRF.Net (http//www.cs.virginia.edu/gsw2c/wsrf.n
et.html) - Perl
- WSRFLite (http//www.sve.man.ac.uk/Research/AtoZ
/ILCT) - Python
- pyGridWare (http//dsd.lbl.gov/gtg/projects/pyGrid
- Stateless is good
- In case of failure, just restart without concern
of previous interactions (reliability) - New service instances can be created/destroyed in
response to system load (scalability) - How to handle state?
- Separate web service and state information
(resource) - Identify resource with a unique key
- Use message exchanges with the service to
interact with the resource (manipulate state)
- An entity composed of a web service and a
stateful resource - The address is called an endpoint reference
(WS-Addressing) - ACID
- Updates made in all-or-nothing fashion
(atomicity) - Consistent state even after failure (consistency)
- Updates isolated within a given work unit
(isolation) - Permanence of updates (durability)
25WS-RF the nuts and bolts
- WSDL for a stateful service
- ltdefinitionsgt
- ltimportgt
- lttypesgt
- ltxsschemagt
- ltxselement nameStatefulResourcePropertiesgtlt
/xselementgt - ltxsschemagt
- lttypesgt
- ltporttype wsdlppextends
- wsrpResourcePropertiestnsStatefulResourcePrope
rtiesgt - Implementations
- Java GT4 (htttp//www.globus.org) Apache WSRF
(http//ws.apache.org/wsrf) - .NET WSRF.Net (http//www.cs.virginia.edu/gsw2c/
wsrf.net.html) - Python pyGridWare (http//dsd.lbl.gov/gtg/project
s/pyGridWare/) - Perl WSRFLite (http//www.sve.man.ac.uk/Researc
- Real world is asynchronous
- No current standards for asynchronous services
but most promising is OASIS ASAP - (http//www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php
?wg_abbrevasap) - Toolkits exist which facilitate asynchronous
activities - WS-RF (see above)
- Axis2 (http//ws.apache.org/axis2)
- JMS (http//java.sun.com/products/jms) /
- Caffeine (http//caffeine.berlios.de/site/)
- WSIF (http//www.apache.org/wsif)
27Messaging operations
- WSDL 1.1 defines four types of messaging
operation that an endpoint can support - One-way endpoint receives a message
- Request/response endpoint receives a message and
sends a correlated message - Solicit/response endpoint sends a message and
receives a correlated message - Notification endpoint sends a message
- One-way/two-way transport behaviour
28Patterns for asynchrony (I)
- Fire and Forget
- Request/response (Transport timeout)
29Patterns for asynchrony (II)
- No standard SOAP way to specify
- where a message is going
- how to return a response
- where to report an error
- WS-Addressing provides
- To
- ReplyTo
- FaultsTo
- Anonymous
- MessageId / RelatesTo
- Standard for including service-specific attributes
31Whats wrong with WSDL (for SOAP)?
- Focuses on interface abstraction to describe
services (RPC mindset) - Limited modelling of interaction patterns (no
more than 2 message exchanges) - No choreographical information (x ? y ? z)
- Difficult to describe infrastructure protocols
that use SOAP headers - Technologies that use WSDL as a basis tend to be
more verbose and complex than necessary
32MEST (MESsage Transfer)
- Messaging
- No notion of client/server just peers
- Largely time independent messages delivered when
peer is available - Messages can be duplicated and delivered to
multiple peers - Messages and services are first class
abstractions (no interfaces, data and operations) - SSDL (http//www.ssdl.org)
- Indigo dual contracts are beyond WSDL
- SOAP is the messaging vector over arbitrary
transport (and transfer) protocols - WS-Addressing used for embedding addressing
information within SOAP envelopes and binding
those addresses onto underlying transport
protocols - XML Infoset is the underlying component model
- Use Xinclude for contract modularization
- Promotes protocol framework extensibility
34SSDL structure
- Schemas
- XML Schemas
- Messages
- SOAP documents
- Protocols (how messages relate to each other)
- MEP (WSDL 2.0)
- Communicating Sequential Processes
- Rules (uses preconditions on send and receive
events) - Sequential Constraints
- Endpoints
- WS-Addressing Endpoint Reference