Title: Draw an ERD
1Draw an ERD
- JoeCos car insurance company issues insurance
policies to car owners. - Each policy holder has a unique ID as well as a
name, address, and phone number. - Each vehicle owned by a policy holder requires
its own separate policy. Each policy has a
unique ID. - Some other important information kept on file
about policies includes the starting date of the
policy, the monthly premium, and a description of
the terms and conditions of the policy.
2JoeCos ERD
Policy Holder P_ID(PK) P_Name P_Address P_Phone
Vehicle V_ID(PK) V_Desc
insured by
Policy PolicyNo(PK) Start_date Pol_Desc Premium
3JoeCos ERD (with cardinalities)
Policy Holder P_ID(PK) P_Name P_Address P_Phone
Vehicle V_ID(PK) V_Desc
insured by
Policy PolicyNo(PK) Start_date Pol_Desc Premium
4Sporting Event Tickets
- Each student may buy two sets of tickets.
- Each ticket contains information for the section,
row and seat, as well as date. - Each game can have many tickets.
- Some sports have womens and mens teams.
5Sporting Event Tickets
Ticket TicketNo(PK) Section Row Seat Date
Student SSN(PK) LName FName
Game Opponent(PK) Sport(PK) W/M(PK)
6Sporting Event Tickets (with cardinalities)
Ticket TicketNo(PK) Section Row Seat Date
Student SSN(PK) LName FName
Game Opponent(PK) Sport W/M