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Utilities % comes_before(X,Y,[X|T] ... favorite sport (basketball, tennis, cricket). The ... the list is of the form 'Name::Nationality::Sport'. :- op(100,xfy, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: logic

Dave Reed
  • constraint-based problem solving
  • constraint-based problems
  • GenerateTest approach
  • generate candidate solution, then test
  • TestGenerate approach
  • apply constraints first, then fill in blanks in
  • timing code time, doReps

Constraint-based problems
  • some problems are not perfectly suited to search
    space representation
  • not really interested in a sequence of
    transitions from one state to another
  • instead, know the basic form of a solution, plus
    constraints on that solution
  • Consider 4 people Bob, Karen, Dan, Sue
  • Constraints Bob is older than Karen.
  • Dan is the youngest.
  • Sue is not the oldest.
  • Problem Given these constraints, find the
    relative ages of the 4 people.

In fact, this problem is under-constrained Soluti
on 1 (by increasing ages) Dan, Sue, Karen,
Bob Solution 2 (by increasing ages) Dan Karen,
Sue, Bob
  • constraint-based problems can still be reduced to
    search using a GenerateTest approach
  • generate a candidate solution (based on the known
    solution form)
  • test the candidate solution to see if it meets
    the constraints
  • if not, BACKTRACK to try a new candidate solution

Age problem GenerateTest

ages1.pro Dave Reed
2/24/02 Test and Generate solution
to ages problem Bob is older than Karen.
Dan is the youngest. Sue is not the
oldest. This program represents the solution
as a list, ordered by age.
e(X) - candidate(X), constraints(X).
candidate(Candidate) - permutation(Candidate
,bob,karen,dan,sue). constraints(Candidate)
- Candidate P1,P2,P3,P4,
comes_before(karen,bob,Candidate), P1
dan, member(sue,P1,P2,P3).
Utilities comes_before(X,Y,XT) -
member(Y,T). comes_before(X,Y,_T) -
comes_before(X,Y,T). permutation(,). permutat
ion(HT,Perm) - permutation(T,P), select(H,
Perm, P).
  • will represent a solution as a list of people,
    ordered by age
  • solve predicate
  • generates a candidate solution (i.e., permutation
    of the names)
  • tests to see if that candidate solution meets the
    problem constraints

?- solve(X). X dan, karen, sue, bob X
dan, sue, karen, bob
GenerateTest vs. TestGenerate
  • if the solution space is large, GenerateTest can
    be infeasible
  • worst case would have to generate every
    potential solution test
  • for ages problem
  • 4! 24 possible arrangements of the people ?
    exhausting solution space is doable
  • if there were 8 people, 8! 40,320 possible
  • if there were 10 people, 10! 3,628,800 possible
  • instead, use a TestGenerate approach
  • first apply constraints to a solution template
  • then generate permutations to fill in the
    remaining blanks
  • for ages problem
  • the constraint that Dan is the youngest
    eliminates 18 possibilities
  • the constraint that Sue in not the oldest
    eliminates another 2 possibilities
  • . . .

Age problem TestGenerate

ages2.pro Dave Reed
2/24/02 Test and Generate solution
to ages problem Bob is older than Karen.
Dan is the youngest. Sue is not the
oldest. This program represents the solution
as a list, ordered by age.
e(X) - constraints(X),
candidate(X). candidate(Candidate) -
permutation(Candidate,bob,karen,dan,sue). const
raints(Candidate) - Candidate
P1,P2,P3,P4, comes_before(karen,bob,Candidat
e), P1 dan, member(sue,P1,P2,P3).
Utilities comes_before(X,Y,
XT) - member(Y,T). comes_before(X,Y,_T) -
comes_before(X,Y,T). permutation(,). permutat
ion(HT,Perm) - permutation(T,P), select(H,
Perm, P).
  • again, represent solution as a list of people,
    ordered by age
  • solve predicate
  • apply constraints to an abstract solution (i.e.,
    a list of variables)
  • fill in the remaining blanks using the candidate

?- solve(X). X dan, karen, sue, bob X
dan, sue, karen, bob No
time predicate
to quantify how much better TestGenerate is, can
make use of the built-in time predicate time(Goal
) solves Goal and reports the of inferences
and cpu time required note time does not allow
backtracking to see alternate answers
?- consult(ages1). ages1 compiled 0.06 sec, 0
bytes Yes ?- time(solve(X)). 239 inferences
in 0.00 seconds (Infinite Lips) X dan, karen,
sue, bob Yes
?- consult(ages2). ages2 compiled 0.06 sec, 0
bytes Yes ?- time(solve(X)). 44 inferences in
0.00 seconds (Infinite Lips) X dan, karen,
sue, bob Yes
Better timings

doreps.pro Dave Reed
2/24/02 A predicate for repeatedly
solving a goal.
doReps(Goal, 1) - Goal.
doReps(Goal, Reps) - not(not(Goal)),
NewReps is Reps-1, doReps(Goal, NewReps).
  • since time rounds to nearest 100th of a second,
    quick goals appear as 0
  • can define our own predicate for repeating a goal
    some of repetitions
  • note use of double negation to discard bindings
    -- makes sure each call to Goal uses the initial
  • by doing 1000 reps each, see that TestGenerate
    is 4-5 times faster

?- consult(ages1). ages1 compiled 0.06 sec, 0
bytes Yes ?- time(doReps(solve(X), 1000)).
242,997 inferences in 0.27 seconds (899989
Lips) X dan, karen, sue, bob Yes
?- consult(ages2). ages2 compiled 0.06 sec, 0
bytes Yes ?- time(doReps(solve(X), 1000)).
47,997 inferences in 0.06 seconds (799950
Lips) X dan, karen, sue, bob Yes
Another example
  • Consider a more complex example
  • Three friends came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a
    programming contest.
  • Each has a different name (Michael, Simon,
  • nationality (American, Australian, Israeli),
  • favorite sport (basketball, tennis, cricket).
  • The following is known
  • Michael likes basketball, and did better than the
  • Simon, the Israeli, did better than the tennis
  • The cricket player came in first.
  • Solution space
  • 6 ways to assign names to the 3 places
  • 6 ways to assign nationalities to the 3 places
  • 6 ways to assign sports to the 3 places
  • ? 666 216 possible arrangements

Competition problem TestGenerate

compete.pro Dave
Reed 2/24/02 Test and Generate
solution to the competition problem. This
program represents the solution as a list,
ordered by finish. Each element of the list
is of the form "NameNationalitySport".

- op(100,xfy,''). solve(X)
- constraints(X), candidate(X). candidate(P1
N1S1, P2N2S2, P3N3S3)
- permutation(P1,P2,P3,michael,richard,simon
), permutation(N1,N2,N3,american,australian,is
raeli), permutation(S1,S2,S3,basketball,crick
et,tennis). constraints(Candidate)
- Candidate X1,X2,X3, member(michael_ba
sketball,Candidate), comes_before(michael__,_
american_,Candidate), member(simonisraeli
_,Candidate), comes_before(simon__,__ten
nis,Candidate), X1 __cricket.
Utilities permutation(,). permut
ation(HT,Perm) - permutation(T,P), select(H,
Perm, P).
represent solution as a list of competitors,
ordered by finish (1st place at HEAD) use ''
operator to combine info about each competitor
Timing the TestGenerate solution
?- solve(X). X simonisraelicricket,
richardamericantennis No ?-
time(solve(X)). 97 inferences in 0.00 seconds
(Infinite Lips) X simonisraelicricket,
richardamericantennis Yes ?-
time(doReps(solve(X), 1000)). 100,997
inferences in 0.11 seconds (918155 Lips) X
simonisraelicricket, michaelaustralianbas
ketball, richardamericantennis Yes
code finds the unique solution GenerateTest
would require 1,191 inferences GenerateTest
would take 1.54 seconds for 1000 repetitions
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