Infancy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... showed more positive affective tone, less withdrawal, and more ... From about twelve to twenty months of age, most children speak only one word at a time. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Infancy

Lecture 4
  • Infancy

  • They are automatic and beyond the newborns
    control built-in reactions to stimuli.
  • In these reflexes, infants have responses to
    their environment before theyve had the
    opportunity to learn.

Survival reflexes
  • Example The Sucking Reflex
  • Occurs when newborns automatically suck an object
    placed in their mouth.
  • Adaptive value Enables newborns to get
  • Present at birth later disappears at 3-4 months.

Survival reflexes
  • Example The Rooting Reflex
  • The rooting reflex occurs when the infants cheek
    is stroked or the side of the mouth is touched.
  • In response, the infant turns its head toward the
    side that was touched in an apparent effort to
    find something to suck.
  • The rooting reflex disappears when the infant is
    3-4 months old, as it is replaced by the infants
    voluntary eating.

Primitive reflexes
  • Remnants of our evolutionary history?
  • Example The Moro reflex is a neonatal startle
    response that occurs in response to a sudden,
    intense noise or movement.
  • When startled, a newborn arches its back, throws
    back its head, and flings out its arms and legs.
  • The newborn then rapidly closes its arms and legs
    to the center of its body.
  • Tends to disappear around 3-4 months of age.

Primitive reflexes
  • Example The Grasping Reflex
  • Occurs when something touches the infants palms.
  • Infant responds by grasping tightly.
  • Replaced around the end of the third month by
    voluntary grasps.

A Classification Scheme for Infant States
  • No REM sleep
  • Active sleep without REM
  • REM sleep
  • Indeterminate sleep
  • Drowsy
  • Inactive alert
  • Active awake
  • Crying

  • Newborns sleep 16-17 hours a day with individual
  • Most 1-month-olds begin sleeping longer at night.
  • Researchers have found cultural variations in
    infant sleeping patterns.

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
  • A recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams
    commonly occur.
  • Most adults spend about one-fifth of their night
    in REM sleep.
  • Newborns spend about one-half of their sleep in
    REM sleep and it begins their sleep cycle.
  • By 3 months the percentage of REM sleep falls to
    40, and it no longer starts their sleep cycle.
  • REM sleep is thought to promote the brains
    development in infancy.

  • Crying is the most important mechanism newborns
    have for communicating with their world.
  • Babies have at least three types of cries
  • The hunger cry.
  • The anger cry.
  • The pain cry.

Responding to Infant Cries
  • Most parents can determine whether an infants
    cries signify hunger, anger or pain.
  • Parents can distinguish the cries of their own
    baby better than those of a strange baby.
  • There exists controversy as to whether parents
    should respond to an infants cries or not.
  • Consensus Parents should soothe a crying infant
    rather than be unresponsive.
  • Infants will thus develop a sense of trust and
    secure attachment to the caregiver.

Motor development
  • Growth is highly canalized
  • Interindividual variations can be quite large
  • Intraindividual development is uneven
  • The average North American newborn is 51 cm long.
  • Infants grow about 2.5 cm per month during the
    first year.
  • Infants rate of growth is considerably slower in
    the second year of life.

Gross Motor Skills
  • Gross motor skills involve large muscle
    activities, such as moving ones arms and
  • The actual month at which gross motor milestones
    occur varies by as much as 2 to 4 months.
  • The sequence of accomplishments is quite uniform.

Gross Motor Milestones
  • 3-4 months - roll over
  • 6 months - sit without support
  • 12-13 months - walk without assistance
  • 13-18 months - climb some steps
  • 18-24 months - walk quickly, run stiffly, kick,

Sensation and Perception
  • Sensation occurs when information interacts with
    sensory receptorsthe eyes, ears, tongue,
    nostrils, and skin.
  • Perception is the interpretation of what is
  • Nativists - Empiricists - Interactionists

  • (a) Preference Method
  • In 1963 Robert Fantz discovered that infants look
    at different things for different lengths of
  • He found that infants preferred to look at
    patterns rather than at color or brightness.
  • Fantz also found that 2-day-old infants look
    longer at patterned stimuli than at
    single-colored discs.

  • (b) Habituation Method
  • Habituation is the process by which infants
    become uninterested in a stimulus and respond
    less to it after it is repeatedly presented to
  • Habituation can be used to tell us much about
    infants perception, such as the extent to which
    they can see, hear, smell, taste, and experience

Visual Acuity and Color
  • The newborns acuity is limited.
  • By the first birthday, the infants vision
    approximates that of an adult.
  • At birth, babies can distinguish green and red.

  • In the last few months of pregnancy, a fetus can
    hear sounds (the mothers voice, music, etc.)
  • Infants can hear immediately after birth, but a
    sound must be louder to be heard by a newborn
    than an adult.
  • Infants are responsive to speech

Touch and Pain
  • Newborns respond to touch -gt reflex.
  • It used to be believed that newborns were
    impervious to pain, but it is now known that it
    is not true.

Smell and Taste
  • Newborns can differentiate odors.
  • They appear to like vanilla and strawberry
    scents, but not those of rotten eggs and fish.
  • Two-hour-old newborns made different facial
    expressions when they tasted sweet, sour, and
    bitter solutions.
  • At 4 months of age, infants prefer salty tastes,
    which newborns found aversive.

Depth Perception
  • Gibson and Walk conducted the classic visual
    cliff experiment in 1960 to assess how early
    infants could perceive depth.
  • They placed a piece of glass over a drop-off
    patterned the same as the table next to it.
  • Mothers asked their infants from across the
    cliff to see if they would crawl on the glass
    over the drop-off.
  • Most infants would not crawl out onto the glass,
    choosing instead to remain on the shallow
    sideindicating they could perceive depth.
  • Problems with drawing a conclusions.

Langlois, J. H., Roggman, L. A., Rieser-Danner,
L. A. (1990)
  • Infants' differential social responses to
    attractive and unattractive faces. Developmental
    Psychology. 26,153-159.
  • Two studies were conducted to examine infants'
    social responses to attractive and unattractive
    faces. In Study 1, 60 12-month-olds interacted
    with a stranger who wore a professionally
    constructed attractive or unattractive mask. The
    infants showed more positive affective tone, less
    withdrawal, and more play involvement with the
    stranger in the attractive condition. In Study 2,
    43 12-month-olds played with an attractive and an
    unattractive doll. The infants played
    significantly longer with the attractive doll.
    These results extend and amplify earlier findings
    showing that young infants exhibit visual
    preferences for attractive over unattractive
    faces. Both visual and behavioral preferences for
    attractiveness are evidently exhibited much
    earlier in life than was previously supposed.

Piagets Theory of Infant Cognitive Development
  • Piaget believed that the child passes through a
    series of stages of thought from infancy to

The Stage of Sensorimotor Development
  • According to Piaget, this stage lasts from birth
    to about 2 years of age.
  • Mental development Progression in the infants
    ability to organize and coordinate sensations
    with physical movements and actions.
  • Children progress from having little more than
    reflexive patterns to work with to complex
    sensorimotor patterns and a primitive system of

1. Modification of Reflexes
  • Stage corresponds to the first month after birth.
  • The basic means of coordinating sensation and
    action is through reflexive behaviors.

2. Primary Circular Reactions
  • This stage develops between 1-4 months of age.
  • A primary circular reaction is a scheme based on
    the infants attempt to reproduce an interesting
    or pleasurable event that initially occurred by

3. Secondary Circular Reactions
  • This stage develops between 4-8 months of age.
  • The infant becomes more object-oriented or
    focused on the world, moving beyond preoccupation
    with the self in sensorimotor interactions.

4. Coordination of Secondary Circular Reactions
  • This stage develops between 8-12 months of age.
  • Intentionality.
  • Infants readily combine and recombine previously
    learned schemes in a coordinated way.
  • Actions are even more outwardly directed.

5. Tertiary Circular Reactions.
  • This stage develops between 12-18 months of age.
  • Tertiary circular reactions are schemes in which
    the infant purposely explores new possibilities
    with objects, continually changing what is done
    to them and exploring the results.
  • Piaget believed this marks the developmental
    starting point for curiosity and interest in

6. Internalization of Schemes
  • This stage develops between 18-24 months.
  • The infants mental functioning shifts from a
    purely sensorimotor plane to a symbolic plane.
  • The infant develops the ability to use symbols
    (internalized sensory images or words that
    represent events).

Object Permanence
  • Object permanence is the Piagetian term for
    understanding that objects and events continue to
    exist, even when they cannot directly be seen,
    heard, or touched.

  • Andrew Meltzoff believes infants imitative
    abilities to be biologically based because they
    can imitate a facial expression within the first
    few days after birth.

Language Development
  • Phonology
  • Semantics
  • Syntax
  • Pragmatics
  • During much of the infant's first year the
    emphasis is on phonological development.

How Language Develops
  • Newborns Preference for human voice.
  • 6-8 weeks - cooing.
  • 6-9 months - babbling begins (goo-goo).
  • 10-15 months - the infant utters his/her first

The First Words
  • The holophrase hypothesis states that a single
    word can be used to imply a complete sentence,
    and that infants first words characteristically
    are holophrastic.

The One-Word Stage
  • From about twelve to twenty months of age, most
    children speak only one word at a time.
  • From about age eighteen months onward vocabulary
  • Errors underextension and overextension.
  • Language comprehension exceeds language
  • Children show significant individual differences
    in the rates of language production.

The Two-Word Stage
  • At 18-24 months, children begin to utter two-word
  • Telegraphic speech is the use of short and
    precise words to communicate. Young childrens
    two- and three-word utterances are
    characteristically telegraphic.

Biological Prewiring
  • Linguist Noam Chomsky believes humans are
    biologically prewired to learn language at a
    certain time, in a certain way.
  • He states children are born with a language
    acquisition device (LAD)a biological endowment
    that enables them to detect certain language
    categories, such as phonology, syntax, and

Behavioral and Environmental Influences
  • Behaviorists view language as just another
    behavior involving chains of responses or
  • We do not learn language in a social vacuum most
    children are bathed in language from a very early

Defining and Classifying Temperament
  • Temperament is an individuals behavioral style
    and characteristic way of emotional response.
  • Many scholars conceive of temperament as a stable
    characteristic of newborns, which comes to be
    shaped and modified by later experiences.

Temperament Classifications of Chess and Thomas
  • Psychiatrists Alexander Chess and Stella Thomas
    believe there are three basic types of
  • An easy child is generally in a positive mood,
    quickly establishes regular routines in infancy,
    and adapts easily to new experiences.
  • A difficult child tends to react negatively and
    cry frequently, engages in irregular daily
    routines, and is slow to accept new experiences.
  • A slow-to-warm-up child has a low activity level,
    is somewhat negative, shows low adaptability, and
    displays a low intensity of mood.

Parenting and the Childs Temperament
  • Parents often dont discover the importance of
    temperament until the birth of their second
  • Management strategies that worked with the first
    child might not be as effective with the second
    child, and new problems might arise.
  • Parents need to be sensitive and flexible.

The Difficult Child
  • Some books and programs for parents focus
    specifically on temperament, particularly
    difficult temperaments.
  • There is a problem, however, identifying a child
    as difficult implying that the problem rests
    solely with him or her, rather than being on the
    particular fit between characteristics and

What Is Attachment?
  • Attachment is a close emotional bond between the
    infant and the caregiver.
  • Harlow and Zimmerman study found that feeding is
    not the crucial element in the attachment process
    and that contact comfort is very important.
  • John Bowlby believes that the newborn is
    biologically equipped to elicit the attachment
    behavior from the primary caregiver.

The Development of Attachment
  • Phase 1 Birth to 2 months - Infants
    instinctively direct their attachment to human
  • Phase 2 2-7 months - Attachment becomes
    focused on one figure, usually a primary
  • Phase 3 7-24 months - Specific attachments
  • Phase 4 24 months on - A goal-directed
    partnership is formed in which children become
    aware of others feelings, goals, and plans.

Studying Attachment
  • Mary Ainsworth believes that some babies have a
    more positive attachment experience than others.
  • She created the Strange Situationan
    observational measure of infant attachment that
    requires the infant to move through a series of
    introductions, separations, and reunions with the
    caregiver and an adult stranger in a prescribed

Individual Differences
  • Secure babies use their caregiver as a secure
    base from which to explore the environment.
  • Insecure avoidant babies show insecurity by
    avoiding their caregiver.
  • Insecure resistant babies may cling to the
    caregiver then resist her by fighting against the
    closeness, by kicking or pushing away.
  • Disorganized babies are disorganized and
    disoriented, appearing dazed, confused, and

Caregiving Styles and Attachment Classification
  • Caregivers of securely attached babies are
    sensitive to their signals and are consistently
    available to respond to their infants needs.
  • Caregivers of avoidant babies tend to be
    unavailable or rejecting, tending not to respond
    to their babies signals and having little
    physical contact with them.
  • Caregivers of resistant babies sometimes respond
    to their babies need and sometimes do not.
  • Caregivers of disorganized babies often neglect
    or physically abuse their babies, and sometimes
    these caregivers suffer from depression.

Day Care
  • The type of day care that young children receive
    varies extensively.
  • Quality of care is typically based on group size,
    child-adult ratio, physical environment,
    caregiver characteristics, and caregiver behavior.

Findings of Day Care Research
  • It has been discovered that children in
    low-quality day care as infants were least
    likely to be socially competent in early
  • Children who come from families with few
    resources are more likely to experience
    poor-quality day care than more advantaged
  • High-quality child care, especially sensitive and
    responsive attention, was linked with fewer child
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