Title: Global Requisition System GRS
1Global Requisition System (GRS)
- Introduction
- Setting Up GRS
- Creating Requisitions
- The Approval Process
- Building POs from Approved Requisitions
3Functions of GRS
- Enable Multi-Line Requisitions/Purchase Orders to
be routed through an on-line user defined
approval process - The system determines (based on parameters set)
who can authorize POs based on PO Type, Cost,
and requestors dept. - Optionally, generate e-mails throughout the cycle
to advise PO status and required actions
4Functions of GRS
- Authorized users can modify, approve, deny,
cancel and re-route Reqns POs as appropriate. - Approvers can be established
- vertically - entities, sub-accounts, or cost
centers - Horizontally based on categories of items
- Job for project approval
- Product Line for inventory replenishment
5GRS Set-up Tasks
Plan Approval Process
Set-up Categories
Set-up defaults for Requisitions
Set-up Jobs
Set-up e-mail definitions And e-mail users
Set-up Buyers
Set-up Approvers
Set-up review and approver levels
6Introduction to GRS
7Requisition Process
Requirements forManual Requisitions
Requestor Complete Requisition and Route to
First Approver
Approvers Approve, Deny, Reroute, or Route to
Higher Approval Level
Buyer Auto-Generate Purchase Order
Approved MRPPlanned Orders
8The Requestor
- Builds requisition in Requisition Maintenance
- Modifies or issues requisition automatically
created from approved MRP planned orders - Routes completed requisition to first approver
9The Approver
- Set up as horizontal, vertical, job, product line
- Determined by GRS based on account data
- Informed by E-mail that requisition is waiting
for approval - Can be policy reviewer
- If final approver, routes requisition to
10The Buyer
- Receives approved requisitions
- Builds purchase orders from approved requisition
lines - Reroutes out-of-tolerance requisitions
- Issues purchase order to supplier
11Setup Considerations
- Approver types
- Related to structure of General Ledger
- Business model--how do you want the process to
work? - E-mail
- To use or not to use
- Default mode--Regular or Extended?
12Approver Types
- Horizontal Approvals based on category
- Vertical Approvals based on account/cost center
combination - Job Approvals based on limited set of tasks,
such as a project - Product Line Approvals based on direct material
13Horizontal vs Vertical
Vertical Approver 200 Department Head approves
all requisitions regardless of account for
sub-account/cost center combination
General Ledger Account Finance IT RD HR Material
s Sub Account or Cost Center
1000 Rent 2000 Utilities 3000 Telephone 4000
Hardware 5000 Software 6000 Insurance 7000
Indirect Matls 8000 Outside Serv. 9000 etc.
100 200 300 400 500
x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x
Horizontal Approver Computer category
reviewer/approver approves all requisitions
regardless of sub-account/cost center combination
for these account number ranges
14System-Generated E-Mail
- Control file setting to establish mode
- None
- I already get enough E-mail
- Regular
- Monitor because its important
- Extended
- Only the Lonely
15GRS Generates e-Mail Messages
To Originator Reqn Is complete
16GRS Generates e-Mail Messages
To Originator PO has Been placed for
Reqn. requirements
17GRS Menus
18GRS Menus
19Setting Up GRS
20Setup Overview
21Requisition Control File
- Using GRS flag activates system
- Some settings are defaults can be changed on
reqs - Others (tolerance, for instance) cant be changed
22Approval Level Maintenance
- Maximum amount when used with an approver
minimum when used with a reviewer - Currency set in Requisition Control File
- View current table with Approval Level Browse
23Category Maintenance
- Optional needed only if your company uses
horizontal approvals - Use to set up a policy reviewer or approver
- Get information with Category Report
24Job Maintenance
- Optional needed only if your company uses job
approvals - Useful for projects or other limited-duration
sets of related tasks - View current Jobs with Job Browse
25Approver Types
- Four setup programs--one for each approver type
- Similar data for all setup programs--only a few
fields are different - Built using approval level, category, job, and
account data - A single approver can have several approver
records - Use Approver Report to view approver profiles
26Horizontal Approver Maint.
- Approvals based mainly on category (accounts)
27Vertical Approver Maint.
- Approvals based on organization (sub-account)
28Job Approver Maint.
- Approvals based mainly on job
29Product Line Approver Maint.
- Approvals based on product line and site
- Approves requisitions for direct materials
30Approver Report
31Creating a Requisition
32Two Sources for Requisitions
- Manually created in Requisition Maintenance
- Automatically created by approving MRP planned
orders modify as needed in Requisition
33Parts of the Requisition
- Defaults for line items
- Some can be modified on each line
- Single- or multiple-line entry mode
- Multi-line shows more items
- To review or change requisition data, exit to the
line item screens
- Also used in Approval Maintenance
34Requisitions from Approved MRP Planned Orders
- Enter selection criteria
- Approve lines as needed
- System assigns new GRS requisition number and
creates single requisition with all approved lines
35Requisition Inquiry
- Cycle through requisition in view-only mode
- Select line number to view details
36Requisition Report
- Enter selection criteria
- Set flags to customize report contents
37Requisition History Log
- Use selection criteria to establish range
- Display data on date, action, and user
38The Approval Process
39Requisition Approval
- Notified by E-mail (optional)
- Select a requisition from your queue
- View and modify as required changes may require
40Requisition Approval
- Approve, deny, or reverse a previous approval
action - Add approval comments if desired
- Route the requisition to another approver or to
Purchasing if approvals are complete
41Requisition Approval Maintenance
42Approval Status Inquiry
- Shows previous approval actions, required
approvals, and eligible approvers - Includes approval comments, if any
43Building a PO from Requisitions
44PO Build Process
Set CriteriaFor Selection of Requisition Lines
Select Lines To Be Copied onto Purchase Order
Open PO Create New Purchase Order or Add to
Existing PO
Generate Report To Display Copied Lines and Show
Modify New PO Use PO Maintenance to Make Required
45Build PO from Requisitions
1. Set selection criteria
2. Select requisition lines
3. Create or append to PO
4. Generate report
46Out-of-Tolerance Conditions
- Set with flags and percent or amount in
Requisition Control File - Created when buyer increases PO cost beyond req
Maximum Unit Cost - Buyer can mark line out of tolerance or adjust PO
cost to bring back into tolerance - Option to reroute to an approver or requestor to
modify requisition line - OOT line will be removed from PO
47PO and Req. Cross Reference
- Enter requisition number to find PO referencing
it - Enter PO number to find referenced requisitions
48Functions of GRS
- Enable Multi-Line Requisitions/Purchase Orders to
be routed through an on-line user defined
approval process - The system determines (based on parameters set)
who can authorize POs based on PO Type, Cost,
and requestors dept. - Optionally, generate e-mails throughout the cycle
to advise PO status and required actions
49Functions of GRS
- Authorized users can modify, approve, deny,
cancel and re-route Reqns POs as appropriate. - Approvers can be established
- vertically - entities, sub-accounts, or cost
centers - Horizontally based on categories of items
- Job for project approval
- Product Line for inventory replenishment
50Global Requisition System (GRS)