Title: Optimal integrated design procedure for ASAC
1Optimal integrated design procedure for ASAC
Leopoldo de Oliveria, Maíra da Silva, Gregory
Pinte, Wim Desmet, P.Sas K.U.Leuven, division PMA
- Leuven, Belgium Peter Mas, Herman Van der
Auweraer LMS International - Leuven, Belgium
Always increasing demands for Noise Reduction and
Sound Quality improvement Promising results
from research on Active Control and Intelligent
There has to be a systematic way of including
Integrated Active Solutions during Product
Development Eventually, this procedure should be
suitable for concurrent optimization
- Develop a methodology to simulate a fully
coupled vibro-acoustic system with sensors and
actuators. - Stick as much as possible to standard simulation
tools (FEM, BEM, Simulink) - The method should allow further reduction and
simulation of fully coupled closed loop systems - Foresee the possibility to run Optimization
- Realise an Integrated Optimization of Structure
and Controller Concurrently - automate communication between different purpose
software (Structural / Acoustic / Control)
4Objectives (cont.)
In some practical cases, where the structural
vibrations are not significantly affected by the
presence of the fluid, the vibro-acoustic problem
can be treated as an uncoupled problem. In this
way the structural vibrations are just input to
the acoustic system.
However, the present objective is to minimize
noise transmitted between two cavities through a
flexible structure. Thus, the structure needs not
only to excite a cavity, but also to be
acoustically excited.
5Study Case LMS Sound-brick
- Simplified car cavity in concrete
- Flexible firewall between Passenger and Engine
6Study Case LMS Sound-brick
- The LMS Sound-brick setup allows a relatively
simple modelling, without loosing the generality - The flexible Firewall between the Engine and
Passenger Cavity is the only structural element
affecting the system dynamics. It is also the
only system subject to control actuation. - It suits perfectly as an example of how the
active control system design could be realized
concurrently with the structure design, in order
to get the better out of both.
7Modelling Procedure Overview
8Modelling Procedure Adding Sensors/Actuators
- Sensors as accelerometers can be added as
concentrated mass - An inertia shaker can be modelled as
concentrated mass connected by a spring/damper
element - If those effects are neglectable, they can be
represented as idealised input forces and output
accelerations (velocities or displacements)
9Modelling Procedure Vibro-Acoustics
LMS.Sysnoise procedure
The computation of a coupled FE/FE model with
Sysnoise furnishes a coupled modal base for both
models, which allows the calculation of forced
vibro-accoustic response.
10Modelling Procedure Structural FEM
- The flexible structure consists of the steel
firewall - 920 x 545 x 1.5 mm / Clamped edges
FEM (quad4) nodes 231 elem 200
11Modelling Procedure Acoustic FEM
- The acoustic mesh consists of the two empty
cavities - PC 3400 x 1560 x 1270 mm / EC 900 x 1100 x
750 mm
FEM (hexa8) nodes 29 763 elem 26
098 MaxFreq (6) 100 lt 514 Hz 20 lt
1069 Hz
12Modelling Procedure State Space
Import to MatLab the coupled Modal Base include
the electrical DoFs and convert to State Space
13Modelling Procedure State Space
State Space model allows time domains simulation
for open and close-loop
14Control Strategy
- Collocated Velocity Feedback
We want to minimize the resultant pressure at the
passenger heads, by acting and sensing only on
the structure Stability may become an
issue Moreover, the main objective is do
demonstrate a general methodology, in principle
since the modes is in Simulink, the user is free
to choose the control strategy
15Optimization Procedure Overview
Concurrently Optimization (structure and
controller simultaneously)
General Scheme
16Optimization Procedure Cost Function
Concurrently Optimization (structure and
controller simultaneously)
This integrated approach should lead to the
global optimum solution, since structural and
controller parameters are considered
Cost Function
Acoustic Performance
Effort Penalty
Weight Penalty
17Optimization Procedure Open Loop Performance
18Optimization Procedure Features
- 1 Collocated Sensor Actuator Pair (SAP)
- Control type Velocity feedback
- Optimization concerning the thickness of the
firewall and the feedback gain - Cost function considering Performance, Effort
and Weight - MSC.Nastran used for structural calculations
- LMS.Sysnoise used for acoustic and
vibro-acoustic calculation - Matlab/Simulink used for state-space simulation
- LMS.Optimus used as simulation management and
optimal search engine
19Optimization Procedure (cont.)
Structural Analysis - MSC.Nastran
Coupled Model - Sysnoise
State Space Model SDT/Matlab
closed-loop results
20Optimization Procedure Two Cases
Concurrently Optimization
Discrete Extensive Search
Fixed Position
Optimizing Thickness and Feedback Gain and
Optimizing Thickness and Feedback Gain
21Optimization Results Fixed Position
Arbitrary position (node 171)
Design Table Several Discrete Data
Response Surface Model (RSM) Continuous Data
Optimization using the fitted model
22Optimization Results
Optimization Results Discrete Extensive Search
- Fixed number of possible thicknesses0.5, 1.0,
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0mm
- Extensive Search for every possible location for
the SAP
Optimum Solution
Best Points for each thickness
23Optimization Results Discrete Extensive Search
Comparison of various local Optima for each
24Concurrent Design X Classical Design
The Optimum Solution has better performance than
all the open loop.
A lighter Active Solution can perform better than
any heavier Passive System
Classical design would lead to a thicker
firewall (2.6mm control system) However with
worse Cost Function value
25Summary and Conclusions
- Methodology using MSC.Nastran LMS.Sysnoise to
obtain a fully coupled model - This fully coupled model can be reduced and
converted to a MIMO State Space model - Automatic communication between FEM software and
Matlab allows the use of a Optimization Engine
- As far as the amount of design parameters
increase, a systematic methodology is needed,
since experience and insight may not be
sufficient - The reduced SS models (quick simulation) allows
optimization procedures - Concurrent design leads to lighter and better
solution than conventional design
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