Web Application Design Using UML - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Web Application Design Using UML


Page scripts (JavaScript and VBScript) ... VBScript functions and subs in the page are class operations. ... Language='VBScript' % Dim SearchChar '(String) Dim ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Web Application Design Using UML

Web Application Design Using UML
  • How to model ASP applications with the Unified
    Modeling Language
  • jim conallen, Rational Software Corporation

Who are you?
  • Architects
  • Learn how to express all the business logic of a
    system even if some of it is implemented in web
    specific components.
  • Designers
  • Learn how to express detailed web application
    designs with UML notation.
  • Implementers
  • Learn how to map these UML models into ASP code.
  • Analyst and Project Managers
  • Have time to fetch the rest of us coffee and
    snacks during the presentation.

  • Familiar with object oriented principles.
  • Familiar with the Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Understand the architecture of page based web
    applications (ASP, JSP, CF, etc.)

Why were here.
  • Web applications are becoming more complex and
    mission critical.
  • Modeling helps us manage complexity.
  • We are using (or considering the use of) UML to
    model are existing systems.
  • It is cheaper to extend and modify an existing
    site than re-create it.

Web Applications
  • A web application is a web site where user input
    (navigation through the site and data input)
    effects the state of the business.
  • This definition defines the focus for our
    modeling efforts.
  • Sophisticated user interfaces can be represented
    by their own and separate models. This allows
    the presentation and business logic to evolve at
    their own separate paces.

  • Models are abstractions that simplify our
    understanding of systems.
  • The choice of what to model has an enormous
    effect on the understanding of the problem and
    the shape of the solution.
  • There are many different types of models that can
    be used to express a software system (Use Case,
    Deployment, Implementation, Security, User
    Interface, etc.)
  • One model unique to web systems is the site map.

Modeling Goals
  • Make the system easier to understand.
  • Express the appropriate level of abstraction and
    detail suitable to the users of the model (for
    the design model this means the architects,
    designers, and implementers).
  • Have a single model and notation express the
    entirety of the business logic of a web

What to Model
  • Web pages
  • Hyperlinks
  • Page scripts (JavaScript and VBScript)
  • Relationships between pages and other components
    of the system.
  • Applets, ActiveX controls, plug-ins, etc.

What Not To Model
  • Internals of the web server or browser. If the
    designers dont design it, or the implementers
    implement it doesnt need to be modeled. The
    Analysis and Design Models need to remain focused
    on the expression of the business logic in the
  • Presentation constructs (fly over hints, animated
    buttons, etc.). These belong in a separate UI
    model (which may or may not be expressed with

A First Attempt
  • Hyperlinks map to associations well.
  • Scripted pages can map to classes.
  • Filename is the class name.
  • VBScript functions and subs in the page are class
  • Where do client side scripts get modeled?
  • Relationships to this class are with
  • Server side resources (databases, TPMs, middle
    tier components, etc.).
  • Client side resources (Applets, ActiveX controls,
    DOM, etc.)

UML Falls Short, But Comes Back
  • UML, out of the box, does not have the
    appropriate semantics to represent scripted web
    pages at the level of abstraction appropriate to
    web application designers.
  • UML can be extended to allow us to add new
    semantics to the notation.
  • Stereotypes allow us to define new semantics to
    specific modeling elements
  • Tagged Values allow us to tag additional
    information to modeling elements.
  • Constraints define rules for working with
    stereotyped elements.

The Web Application Extension for UML
  • A set of stereotypes, tagged values and
    constraints that allow us to model the design of
    page based web applications.
  • Principal class stereotypes
  • ltltServer Pagegtgt The logical abstraction of a web
    page as it is recognized by the server. Server
    pages contain scripts or executable code that
    runs on the server.
  • ltltClient Pagegtgt The logical abstraction of a web
    page as seen by the client. Client pages are
    formatted with HTML and contain scripts that run
    on the client (JavaScript).
  • ltltFormgtgt The representation of an HTML form. Its
    attributes are the forms elements (ltinputgt,
    lttextareagt, ltselectgt ).

Stereotyped Associations
  • ltltbuildgtgt A relationship between a client page
    and the server page that builds it.
  • ltltlinkgtgt A hyperlink relationship from a client
    page to another page in the system.
  • ltltsubmitgtgt A relationship between a form and the
    server page that processes it.

Stereotype Icons
Component Stereotypes
  • Components map one to one to web pages in the
  • ltltHTML Pagegtgt A static web page in the system.
    This page is not dynamically prepared by the
    server, but may contain a form field.
  • ltltASP Pagegtgt A dynamic web page that contains
    scripts interpreted by the ASP engine.

Components Realize Classes
  • HTML pages realize only client pages, and forms.
  • ASP pages realize server pages, client pages and

Glossary Application Example
  • Glossary is a simple ASP based web application
    that acts as a simple software project glossary.
  • Use Case Model

Browse Glossary Sequence Diagram
Analysis Objects Map to Design Objects
  • Boundary objects tend to evolve into client pages
  • Controller objects tend to evolve into server
  • Entity objects become middle tier components

Overview Class Diagrams
Detail Class Diagram
Client Events
  • Tagged values on ltltclient pagesgtgt are used to
    define event handlers.

Server Page Implementation
lt _at_Language"VBScript" gt Dim SearchChar
'(String) Dim nl '(String ' Sub GetEntries '
Description ' Uses the Glossary server API to
find ' all entries find all entries ... Sub
GetEntries Dim entries ' as variant Dim id '
as long Dim word ' as string Dim description
' as string Dim bgColor ' as color
Response.Write( "lttable width""80""gt")
Response.Write( " lttrgt" ) ...
Client Page Implementation
lthtmlgt ltscript language"JavaScript"gtlt!-- var
itemCount // (integer) no. items in the cart var
subTotal // (currency) sub total of the
items var tax // (currency) taxes for items in
the cart var total // (currency) total cost for
the items var taxRate // (currency) The tax rate
to be applied //////////////////////////////////
/////////////////// // Function
recalculateTotals // Description // Recompute
the totals, based on the current qty // values
for the items in the cart. function
recalculateTotals() //TODO insert your code
here ltbody onLoad"bodyOnLoad()"gt ...
Form Implementation
ltform name"SearchForm" method"POST"
action"ProcessSearch.asp"gt ltinput name"Word"
type"text" size"30"gt ltinput
name"Description" type"text" size"30"gt
ltinput name"Search" type"submit"
value"Search"gt lt/formgt
An Example
  • Rational Rose 98i
  • Manages the UML Model
  • Scripts create components in the model from the
    logical classes.
  • Scripts can forward engineer ASP pages.
  • Visual Interdev 6
  • Establishes the ASP Framework
  • ASP Page Editor
  • Deployment Tool

  • Web pages are architecturally significant
    elements that belong in the Design Model.
  • UML can be extended to model web specific
    components like pages, hyperlinks, client scripts
    and forms at the level of abstraction and detail
    suitable for web application designers and
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