Title: HSNO and Transport
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2HSNO and TransportTransfer Process Transit
Depots Tracking CustomsGeoff MayesMay 2004
- Transfer programme
- Transit Depots
- Approved handler requirements transport
- Tracking
- Staged implementation
- Customs
- Communications
4The Transition Period
HSNO Commencement 2 July 2001
HSNO Act framework
Approval of new hazardous substances
Various Acts and Regs
Existing hazardous substances
Transition Period (5 years)
5Transfer Dates
- Transferred
- Explosives - Class 1
- Dangerous Goods - Classes 2,3,4 and 5
- Scheduled toxic substances Classes 6 and 8
- July 2004
- Pesticides - Classes 3, 6 9
- Fumigants - Classes 2,3,6 9
- Timber treatment Class 6
- August 2004
- Vertebrate poisons.
- July 2005
- Licensed animal remedies
- Up to July 2006
- Mixtures and formulated products
6Whats different with HSNO
- Person in Charge
- Test Certificates
- Locations
- Approved Handlers
- Transit depots
- Tracking
7How it works in the future
8Transit Depot
- Does not need a location certificate
- Providing store HS for less than 3 days, but
- More than 2 hours for tracked substances
- More than 18 hours for other HS
- Will probably need an approved handler
9Approved Handler Approval Process
10Approved Handler EquivalentsTransport
- Road D endorsement
- Sea Maritime Rules
- Air CAA Rules
- Does not include
- Explosives
- Tank Wagons
- Loading aircraft for spraying or dropping
- Only required for high hazard substances
- Responsibility with person in charge
- Records at each stage of lifecycle
- Manufacture / import through to disposal / use
- May only transfer if
- To an Approved Handler
- To an approved location (for storage)
- In transit complies with Emergency Management
Regs and Transit Depot requirements
12Packaging and Labelling
- UN transport packaging and labelling acceptable
as far as the importers premises - If repackaged must comply with HSNO
- Importer is responsible for compliance with HSNO
13Staged Implementation for Class 2 to 5(excluding
Gases, Tank Wagon Regs Bulk Containers)
14Customs and HSNO
- Pesticides, explosives and PCBs have alerts
- These will remain under HSNO
- Power to order export of unapproved substances
- The Stockholm Convention
- substances banned 90 days after ratification
15CBAFF Code of Practice
- Covers safe practice in handling UN classified
Dangerous Goods - Where relevant will be approved as a Code of
Practice under HSNO - Will then form a defence in law
- Various publications available from our website.
- Step by step guides for industry sectors
- Pan industry guides for common issues
- Eg Approved Handlers
17Further information
- ERMA New Zealand web site www.ermanz.govt.nz
- ERMA New Zealand publications (from web or hard
copies) - By email info_at_ermanz.govt.nz
- By phone 0800 ERMADG
- By fax 64 4 914 0433
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