Title: Unavailability
2What are the Six Categories
- Privilege
- Intransigent
- Forgetful
- Death or Disability
- Absence
- Other things not listed (list is not exclusive)
P rivileged A bsence I ntransigent D ead or
Disabled For getful
4Three Elements of the Misconduct Proviso
- Proponent caused the absence
- By wrongdoing
- For the purpose of making declarant unavailable
5Category 1 Privilege Three Elements
- W refuses to testify
- Based on privilege
- Court rules that privilege exists
6Category 2 Intransigence Two Elements
- Witness refuses to testify
- After being ordered to do so
7Category 3 Forgetful 1 Element, 3 Warnings,
and 1 Question
- Witness testifies to lack of memory of events
- Not lack of memory of prior statement
- Not enough that witness
- Testifies to opposite of prior statement or that
it was false - Testifies that he never knew
- What do you do in those situations?
8Category 4 Death or Disability2 Alternatives
(or Maybe 3)
- Dead dead
- Disabled too disabled to
- Testify without risk to witnesss health
- Testify at all
9Category 5 Absence Two Elements
- Declarant is absent
- Proponent cannot procure
- Attendance, or
- Either
- Attendance or
- Testimony
10Category 5 Absence Attendance vs. Attendance
or TestimonyWhats the Difference
- Attendance Attendance at Trial
- Attendance or Testimony
- Attendance at Trial, or
- Deposition
11Category 5 Absence Attendance vs. Attendance
or TestimonyWhen Do We Require Which?
- Attendance
- (b)(1) Former Testimony
- (b)(6) Forfeiture by Wrongdoing
- Attendance or Testimony
- (b)(2) Dying Declaration
- (b)(3) Statement Against Interest
- (b)(5) Personal/Family History
12Do Problem 39