Title: Social Networking: Who Do You Know Who
1Social Networking Who Do You Know Who?
- I-Hsien Ting (???)
- Ph.D. in Department of Computer Science
- The University of York, United Kingdom
- 12/April/2007
- 1. Introduction
- The definition of Social Networking
- 2. Social Network Analysis
- 3. Social Networking Systems
- Off-line Social Networking Systems
- On-line Social Networking Websites
- 4. Social Network Extraction Construction
- 5. Social Networking Applications
- 6. Dynamic and Task-Oriented Social Networking
- 7. Conclusion
3Introduction (1)
- What is Social Network?
- A social network is a social structure to
describe social relations (wikipedia) - The history of Social Network is older than
everybody who is here - 100 years history (Cooley 1909, Durkheim 1893)
- Focusing on small group
- Information Techniques give it a new life
- From Sociology to Computer Science
4Introduction (2)
- From Virtual Community to Social Network
- From Close (Virtual Community) to Open (Social
Network) - Virtual Community
- Virtual Community is topic-oriented
- Community of Practices (Cop)
- Sharing Learning from Virtual Community
- Social Network
- You can search, add, remove any member from your
social network - Cross-community
- Sharing is the main object
- Blog, Online Album, YouTube, online social
networking (Myspace, Facebook...etc.)
5Introduction (3)
- Topics about Social Networking
- Social Networking Analyzing and Constructing
Social Network (Churchill Halverson 2005) - Social Network Analysis
- Online Social Networking
- Social Network Extraction and Construction
- Applications of Social Networking
- Dynamic Social Networking
6Social Network Analysis (1)
- Social Network Analysis
- A simple social network diagram (Scott 1991)
- Roles
- Relationships
- One way
- Two way
- Positive Negative
- Self-defined relationships
- Visualization
- Providing as much information as possible in a
social network - Human can easily and roughly analyze a social
7Social Network Analysis (2)
- Measurement
- Betweenness
- Centrality Closeness Degree
- Clustering Coefficient
- Density
- Path Length
- Reach
- Structural Hole
8Social Network Analysis (3)
- Sociologists only focus on small social networks
- 50100 nodes in a social network
- The advent of Internet communications has greatly
increased SNAs popularity - Computer Information Technologies become
essential tools for SNA (Churchill Halverson
9Can You Analyze and Construct this Social Network
Diagram by hand??
10Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(1)
- Most off-line social networking software are
focusing on - Visualization
- Social Network Analysis
- The best known off-line social networking
software(Borgatti et al. 2002) - Visualization
- Social Network Analysis
- Centrality
- Structural Holes
11Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(2)
Data Input Editor
Centrality Analysis
12Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(3)
Tree Diagram for the Single Hierarchical
13Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(4)
- NetMiner II
- Strong Visualization Function (Cyram 2003)
A Visualized Social Network
14Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(5)
Closeness Index and Centrality Map
15Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(6)
Cluster Map
16Social Networking Systems Off-line social
networking software(2)
- A summary table of off-line social networking
software (Huisman and Duiju 2003)
17Social Networking Systems On-line social
networking websites(1)
- On-line social networking website is an
evaluation from on-line community - Sharing is the main object
- Two main categories of on-line social networking
website - Portal-based
- Integrating multi-functions
- Function-based
- For a specific function
- Albums sharing (Flickr)
- Videos sharing (YouTube)
- Bookmarks sharing (delicious)
- Map Sharing (Googlemap, Platial)
18Social Networking Systems On-line Social
Networking Website (2)
- Classmates.com
- The first on-line social networking website
- Created in 1995
- MySpace
- The worlds busiest website (more accesses than
Google) - Facebook
- Originally designer to mirror a college community
- Orkut
- The social networking website owned by Google
- Wallop
- The next generation online-social networking
website ,owned by Microsoft
19Social Networking Systems On-line Social
Networking Websites (3)
- A Comparison of On-line Social Networking Websites
20Social Networking Systems On-line Social
Networking Websites (4)
- Social Network Computer Network
- Next Target Mobile Phone
- Facebook is collaborating with Cingular Wireless,
Sprint Nextel Verizon Wireless - Kill Applications are Needed
- E-commerce?Wallop
- Job Finder?Linkedin
- On-line Social Networking Websites
- Using people to find content
21Social Network Extraction Construction (1)
- Extracting Constructing Social Networks from
Contents - Using Content to find people
- Contents
- Web
- E-mail
- Event-logs
- On-line Chat
- Papers
- Mobile Phone Communication
- and much more
22Social Network Extraction Construction (2)
- Extracting Social Networks from Web
- Extracting from web contents (Personal Homepage)
- Semantic Analysis (Ontology) NLP (Natural
Language Processing) (Jin et al. 2007) - Contacting information is the focus (Culotta et
al. 2005) - E-mail address
- Phone Number
- Names
- Network Analysis
- Appearance
- Connectivity
- URLs Similarity
23Social Network Extraction Construction (3)
- Extracting Social Networks from E-mail
- A most used on-line communication application
- E-mail is a semi-structured document (Bird et al
2006) - Header for sender identification
- Form Bill Stoddard ltreddrum_at_attglobal.netgt
- Subject
- Receiver
- Date Time
- E-mail body is an unstructured format
- Ontology NLP is necessary
24Social Network Extraction Construction (4)
- Extracting Social Networks from Chat
- Internet Relay Chat (Chat Room) (Muttons 2006)
- Instant Messenger
- MSN Messenger, ICQ, Yahoo! Messenger,
- MSN messenger provides a XML based and structured
communication logs - Date Time
- Sender
- Receiver
- Messages
- Network Analysis
- Communication Frequency Closeness
- Contact Sharing (Who may also your friends)
- Automatic Grouping and Blocking
25Social Networking Applications (1)
- Marketing E-commerce
- Target Marketing
- Collaborative Recommendation
- Terrorist Crime detection
- Ipswichs Jack the Ripper, England
- Medical Network
- Finding Blood
- Organ
- Knowledge Management
- Sharing (Finding Knowledge)
- Innovation
26Social Networking Applications (2)
- Learning
- Politic Election
- Academic Social Networking
- Game AI
- On-line Game
- And Much More
27Dynamic and Task-Oriented Social Networking (1)
- Tow Main Challenges and Future Research
Directions Dynamic and Task-Oriented - Dynamic Social Networking
- Social Network is a dynamic structural
- Updating and Adding entities
- Different Views (Pathak et al. 2005)
- Task-Oriented Social Networking
- Different Social Networks for Different Tasks
28Dynamic and Task-Oriented Social Networking (2)
- Dynamic and Task-Oriented Social Networking
- An Example
- Task BBQ
- Principle Contributions
- Old Fashion
- The future of on-line social networking websites
- Portal or Function based
- Social Network Extracting Constructing
- Multi-Sources
- Web-based
- Dynamic Task-oriented Social Networking
- Social Networking Applications
30Thanks for Your AttentionAny Question?
- I-Hsien Ting
- derrickting_at_gmail.com
- Ph.D. in Department of Computer Science
- The University of York, UK