Title: Evaluating Students in CS Courses
1Evaluating Students in CS Courses
John C. Ramirez University of Pittsburgh Departmen
t of CS TA Training Lecture
- Why is evaluation necessary?
- What do we need to evaluate?
- Evaluation via assignments
- Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Dealing with cheating
- Some of the material for this talk was taken
from - The online TA Handbook, Chapter 8 Evaluating
Students, by Dr. Carol E. Baker - For the complete handbook, please see
- http//www.pitt.edu/ciddeweb/FACULTY-DEVELOPMENT/
4Why is evaluation necessary?
- In an idealistic sense, grades should not matter
- It is the learning that counts
- Grades only create pressure and competition for
the students - Practically speaking, grades DO matter
- Used by prospective employers
- Used by graduate admissions committees
- Help students assess themselves
5Why is evaluation necessary?
- To assign valid grades, teachers must evaluate
the students - The evaluation must be fair
- The evaluation must reflect the students'
performance in an absolute or relative way - If an absolute scale is used, students are
evaluated based on some goals or objectives for
the course - Grade depends on how many objectives they meet or
on how well they meet them - There is the potential for all students to get As
or for all students to fail - This technique is good because you know all
students who pass the course have a certain
consistent amount of knowledge and/or ability
6Why is evaluation necessary?
- If a relative scale is used, students are
evaluated with respect to each other - Grades are not so much dependent upon what the
student knows/does but rather on how much more or
less that student knows/does than the other
students - One way of using a relative scale is the "normal
curve" (breaking the curve into 5 groups
containing 3.6 As and Fs, 23.8 Bs and Ds,
and 45.2 Cs) - But this is NOT required and probably not
generally a good way to do it - A relative scale is good because
assignments/exams and even teaching vary from
term to term. - A more difficult assignment or exam for one class
will not necessarily lower all of their grades - This is also good because it shows students how
they compare to their classmates - Prepares them for competition after college
- The University does not specify which technique
to use it is up to the instructor
7Why is evaluation necessary?
- My evaluation process is more or less a hybrid of
the two - I start with an absolute grade scale (90, 80, 70,
60) - I adjust that scale somewhat based of the scores
of the students for the current term - Cutoffs should be clearly defined
- Of the utmost importance is making it clear to
the students how you grade early in the term,
especially if it is "unconventional" - If you are a grader or recitation TA, you will
not be assigning the final grades - If you are the course instructor, talk with
someone on the GREAT committee if you want some
guidance with assigning grades
8What do we need to evaluate?
- What needs to be evaluated depends on the course
goals and content - Many CS courses have a programming component that
is evaluated through programming assignments - Many CS courses have a theoretical component that
is evaluated through problem sets - Most CS courses also require examinations and/or
quizzes - Evaluation in a more regulated environment
9Evaluation via assignments
- Programming Assignments
- Purposes
- Demonstrate knowledge/ability with some newly
learned programming language - Demonstrate logical reasoning and problem-solving
- Ex CS 0004, CS 0007, CS 0132, CS 0401, CS 0445
- Demonstrate knowledge/ability of some new
algorithm/concept pertinent to the course - Demonstrate advanced problem solving abilities by
solving difficult tasks via programs - Ex CS 1501, CS 1520, CS 1541, CS 1550, CS 1555,
10Evaluation via assignments
- Design
- Programming assignments should be carefully
thought out by the instructor - Keep in mind that most classes contain students
with a range of abilities - Assignments should not be so easy that the better
students will be bored/uninterested - Assignments should not be so hard that the
majority of the class is unable to finish them - Always realize what is being covered currently in
class - Assignments should be pertinent in some way to
the current course material - Often you can find good ideas in textbooks (don't
limit yourself to the text for the course) - Don't necessarily take the assignments exactly as
they appear you may modify them to more
specifically fit your class
11Evaluation via assignments
- Try to make the assignments interesting to the
students - Students will be more likely to try them and to
learn if it is something fun/interesting - Be as specific as necessary for the assignment
requirements - More specific requirements are usually necessary
for introductory courses - More advanced courses typically allow more
flexibility - Also clearly state what you expect the students
to submit, how they are to submit it, and when it
is due - For example, from CS 0445 (C), after covering
dynamic memory and linked-lists, and from CS
1520, after covering Graphics and Threads
12Evaluation via assignments
- Grading
- Grading of assignments should be precise and
unambiguous - Establish grading criteria in advance and grade
all assignments consistently using those criteria - It is a good idea to make a grading sheet with
each of the program requirements and points for
each - It is also a good idea to have students submit an
"information sheet" to help you grade - When taking off points, indicate the reason on
the grading sheet (or perhaps on a hard copy of
the code) - If grading must be divided between 2 or more
people, you should discuss the grading policies
in detail to grade as consistently as possible - Email or talk about unforeseen problems and/or
issues so that everyone handles them in the same
13Evaluation via assignments
- Written Assignments/Problem Sets
- Purposes
- Enable students to demonstrate their knowledge
and problem-solving abilities in courses that are
not oriented toward programming or that contain a
theoretical component - Ex CS 0441, CS 1502, CS 1511
- Some courses may have both programming and
written assignments - Design
- The design of these assignments will vary greatly
depending upon the course - Some may be highly mathematical, some may be more
14Evaluation via assignments
- These can sometimes be quite difficult to "make
up" - Most textbooks provide Instructors' copies that
provide problem sets - Many faculty who teach these courses also have
old assignments that can be partially reused - Grading
- The grading for written assignments should follow
the same guidelines as programming assignments - The key is to grade fairly and consistently and
to clearly and indicate what the students have
done incorrectly
15Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Exams
- Exams have become a standard part of most college
courses - Exams allow instructors to evaluate students in a
(somewhat) standard way - They also allow instructors to compare students
to one another in a more structured way than
assignments - For CS courses, they also have a lower
probability of students' cheating - See next section for cheating discussion
16Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Frequency
- Exam frequency depends a lot on the amount of
material covered and the nature of the material
covered - If a lot of material is covered quickly, or if
the material covered is not inter-related, more
exams are desirable - If material is covered more slowly (perhaps due
to it being more difficult) or if it builds upon
the same foundation, fewer exams are required - As a TA, you should follow the exam guidelines
for the course - See Course Gatekeeper if you are unsure
17Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Design
- CS Exam structures can vary widely depending upon
the content of the course - A good idea is to get some old exams from the
course you are teaching to get an idea of the
types of questions to ask - See faculty and/or TAs who taught the course
previously - If you eventually make up an exam from scratch,
put a lot of thought and care into it. See TA
Handbook for ideas and also consider the
following issues - Is the length of the exam appropriate?
- Different question types take different amounts
of time - Sometimes it is good to have someone else look at
it or you can "take it" yourself to determine
this - If most of the class is still there at the end,
it was probably too long
18Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- What exactly is each question trying to test?
- Are you testing knowledge, analytical thinking,
programming skill, memorization skill? - Does the student need to know the material to
answer the question correctly? - Can the questions be graded easily and
effectively? - If a question is ambiguous it may have more than
one "correct" answer. In this case you may end
up giving most people credit or throwing it out
altogether. - If a question is very difficult to grade (ex.
some programming problems, long technical essays
and proofs) it gets frustrating to grade and you
end up either grading very easily (don't have to
read it too closely) or very harshly (no partial
credit just right or wrong). - Does the exam have the appropriate depth and
breadth? - Depth Are the topics covered in appropriate
detail? - Breadth Is the course content covered
appropriately? - Clearly you should devote more of the exam to the
topics you covered most in class. A common
student complaint "Nothing he told us to study
was on the exam!".
19Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Avoid giving multiple versions (with different
questions) of exams to the same class - You may think they are equivalent, but one
version may be more difficult than the other, and
this is not fair to the students with the more
difficult version. - If you are afraid of cheating within a class
during the exam, create different "versions" by
simply mixing up the pages and by printing the
exams on different color paper. - Giving different exams to different sections of
the same course is ok, as long as you grade each
section independently - Avoid giving optional questions (ex answer any 3
out of the following questions) - Again it is an issue of fairness. Students who
pick the "more difficult" questions will be at a
disadvantage - Avoid giving extra credit questions
- Students take exams at different paces. Giving
extra credit questions rewards the students who
are "faster" in taking exams - If you want to give students extra credit, make
it in an assignment or extra project that gives
all students an equal opportunity to complete it
20Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Grading
- As with assignments, you should determine a
points breakdown for each exam question before
you begin to grade - Follow the breakdown consistently for all exams
- Some questions are, by nature, more difficult to
grade than others - For example, programming questions, proofs and
essays can be difficult to grade - Determine in advance what if any partial credit
applies to these questions, and be consistent
with it - Try to grade each question across all of the
exams so you can be more consistent in the
grading - After grading, go back and re-examine some
(especially the first few) exams to make sure
your grading did not change as you progressed
through the exams
21Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Take breaks while grading the exams
- When you are tired and/or frustrated you tend to
make more grading mistakes - Double-check point totals when adding final
scores - Here is my technique For each incorrect answer
or part of an answer I indicate how many points
are lost and why. I also indicate the total
points achieved for each question. I then add
all of the points achieved together for the
overall score. Finally, I subtract all of the
points lost from 100 to get the overall score
again. If the results do not match, I know I
have made a mistake somewhere - Either correct students' exams or make up a
solution key for the exam - Students need to know the correct answers so they
can learn from their mistakes - If Final Exam is cumulative, they can use
previous exams' answer keys as study aides
22Evaluation via exams and quizzes
- Quizzes
- Purpose
- Quizzes are "mini" exams typically used to keep
the students current with material and/or to
reduce the number of exams required - Typically given in just a few minutes at the
beginning or end of a class - Guidelines
- Design and grading of quizzes will be similar to
that of exams, but on a smaller scale - Not all courses will have quizzes
- Check with the course Gatekeeper to see if you
should give them or not
23Dealing with cheating
- Clearly state your policy
- Have a written policy on cheating (give it out
and keep it online) - Clearly explain it in the first class
- Remind students of it when pertinent
- Follow it consistently
- If you are a TA for a course, check with the
instructor for the policy - Finding violations
- This is often difficult to do
24Dealing with cheating
- If you worry too much about finding cheating
violators, you will never finish grading an
assignment - Don't feel guilty if you don't catch every
incident - Most violations are caught "by accident"
- Look for incorrect submissions that are the same
- Same logic error or run-time error
- These tend to catch your attention
- With programming assignments, the "global
replace" is a common way of cheating - But the structure of the code is still clearly
the same - Output and logic errors (if any) will be the same
25Dealing with cheating
- Handling violations
- If you are a TA, talk with the course instructor
about violations - Show offending work(s) to the instructor and let
him/her make the decision - If students complain or want to argue about it,
send them to the course instructor - If you are teaching a course, you must make the
decision - However, you can stop in to see anyone on the
GREAT committee if you want some guidance - Any questions?