- Guy Kortsarz
- Rutgers University
- Camden
2Approximation Ratios
- NP-Hard problems
- Coping with the difficulty approximation
- Minimization or maximization.
- Approximation ratio (for minimization)
3A Generic Problem Set-Cover
4Frequent Approximation Ratios
- Constants. Example
- Max-3-SAT Tight 8/7 ratio
- Logarithmic for minimization problems
- Set-cover
- PTAS (1 ?) for all ? gt 0
- Example Euclidean TSP
5Frequent Ratios continued
- Polynomial Ratios
- sqrt (n), n 1 - ?
- Example
- Clique n 1 - ? lower bound
- Upper bound
- ?(n/log3n) (Halldorsson, Feige)
6Example Constrained Satisfaction Problems
- Given a collection of Boolean formulas, satisfy
all constrains. Maximize true variables. - Possible ratios
- 1) Solvable in polynomial time
- 2) n?
- 3) Constant
- 4) Unbounded
- Due to Khanna, Sudan, Williamson
7"Natural" Problems
- It is possible to artificially design problems to
get any desired ratio - See for example the NP-complete column of D.
Johnson The many limits of approximation - If in set-cover we take the objective function to
be sqrt(S) then the ratio is sqrt(ln n) - I discuss rare ratios that appeared as a natural
consequence of the problem/techniques - This sheds light on special problems/techniques
8Rare Ratios Example I
- Until 2000 there was no
- with log n threshold
- Example Domatic Number
- Input G (V, E)
- Dominating set U U ? N(U) V
9The Domatic Number Problem
- Given G (V, E)
- Find VV1 ? V2 ? . ? Vk
- so that Vi dominating set (in G).
- Goal Maximize k
- Example A maximal independent set
- and its complement is dominating. k 2
10A Simple Algorithm
- Create bins
- Throw every vertex into a bin at random
- The expected number of neighbors of every v in
bin i is 3 ln n - The probability that bin i has no neighbor of v
11Domatic Number Continued
- The number of bad events is n2 or less.
- Each one has probability 1/n3 to hold
- By the union bound size partition
exists - Remark ? 1 is a trivial upper bound
- This implies O(ln n) ratio
12Large Minimum Degree opt 2
13More Lower and Upper Bounds
- Feige, Halldorsson, Kortsarz, Srinivasan
- The approximation is improved to O (log ?) (LLL)
- There is always ?/ln ? solution (complex proof)
- Can not be approximated within (1 - ?) ? ln n
for any constant ? gt 0 -
14Remarks on the Lower Bound
- Lower Bound Method 1R2P
- Generalizes (or improves) the paper of Feige
from 1996, (1 - ?) ? ln n , lower bound for
set-cover - Recycling solutions One Set Cover implies many
set-cover exist - Uses Zero-Knowledge techniques
15Perhaps log n for Maximization Unique Set Cover
16Special Case Every Element in B has Degree d
- Choose every a ? A with probability 1/d
- Hence, expected number of uniquely covered
elements of B, a constant fraction - Hence, there always is a subset A? A that
uniquely covers a fraction
17General Case
- Cluster the degrees into powers of 2
- There exists a cluster with ? (B / log A )
vertices - Corollary There always exists A? A that
uniquely covers a 1 / log n fraction of B
18Lower Bounds
- Demaine, Feige, Hajiaghayi, Salvatipour
- Hard to find complete bipartite graphs, Implies
log n best possible - NP has no algorithm implies (log n)? hard
to approximate - Hard to refute random 3-sat instances, implies (
log n ) 1/3 hard
19Polylogarithmic for Minimization
- Group Steiner problem on trees
20Integrality Gap
- Halperin, Kortsarz, Krauthgamer, Srinivasan,Wang
g1,g2 g3,g4
- The costs need to decrease by constant factor
HST - The fractional value is the same at every level
- Thus, if the height is H then the fractional is
O(H) - The integral H2 ? log k (k is groups)
- (log k)2 gap
- The same paper HKKSW gives O ( (log k)2 ) upper
22More Upper Bounds
- Garg, Ravi, Konjevod
- O( (log n)2) using Linear Programming
- Randomized rounding plus Jansen inequalities
- Halperin, Krauthgamer
- Lower bound (log k)2-?
- (log n / log log n)2
- Hiding a trapdor in the integrality gap
23Directed Steiner and Below
- Directed Steiner O( (log n)3) quasi-polynomial
time and n ? for every ? polynomial time
Charikar etal - Special case Group Steiner on general graphs
- O( (log n)3) polynomial (reduction to trees
using Bartal Trees) - In quasi-polynomial tine O( (log n)2) for general
graphs Chekuri, Pal - Group Steiner trees log2 n / log log n,
quasi-polynomial time Chekuri, Even, Kortsarz
24The Asymmetric k-Center Problem
- Given Directed graph G(V, E) and length l(e) on
edges and a number k - Required choose a subset U, U k of the
vertices - Optimization criteria Minimize
25A log n Approximation
26Lower Bound log n
- Due to Chuzhoy, Guha, Halperin, Khanna,
Kortsarz, Krauthgamer, J. Naor - Based on hardness for d-set-cover
27Simple Algorithm for d-Set-Cover
- Choose all the neighbors of some b? B and add
them to the solution - The algorithm adds d elements to the solution
- The optimum is reduced by 1
- An inductive proof gives d ratio
28Hardness Based on d-Set Cover Hardness d 1 - ?
- Dinur, Guruswami, Khot, Regev
- Gap Reduction for d Set - Cover
3/d ? A enough to cover
Yes instance
Any (1-2/d)A subset covers at most (1-f(d))
fraction of B. f(d)(1/2) poly d
No instance
29A Hardness Result for Directed k-Center
- Compose the d-set-cover construction
- di1 exp (di)
- Choose k (V1/d1) - 1
- For a YES instance get dist 1
- For a NO instance
- We may assume all centers are at V1
- But the number of uncovered vertices remains
larger than 0 - Approaches 0 at log (previous) speed
- Gives log n gap
31 Complete partitions of graphs
32Approximation for d - Regular Graphs
- sqrt(m/2) is an upper bound
- Partition to sqrt(m/2) classes at random
- There is an expected O(1) edges per sets
- Merge randomly to groups of 3 ?
sets - Prove that with high probability its complete
33Complete Partitions Continued
- For non-regular graphs complex algorithm and
proof. - However possible
- Lower bound
- Uses the domatic number lower bound
- Complex analysis
- Gives lower bound for
achromatic number
34More Between log n and O(1)
- Minimum congestion routing
- Given a collection of pairs (undirected graph)
choose a path for each pair. Minimize the
congestion - Upper bound O(log n / loglog n) . Raghavan ,
Thompson - Lower bound ?(log log n) . Chuzhoy, Naor
- Maximum cycle packing.
- upper bound M. Krivelevich, Z.
Nutov, M. -
Salavatipour, R. Yuster. - lower bound. Salavatipour (private
35More Between log n and O(1)
- Directed congestion minimization
- O(log n / loglog n) upper bound Raghavan and
Thompson - (log n) 1-? lower bound.
- Andrews and Zhang
- Min 2CNF deletion.
- upper bound Agrawal etal.
- Under the UNIQUE GAME CONJECTURE no constant
ratio Khot
36More Between log n and O(1)
- Sparsest cut
- upper bound Arora, Rao and
Vazirani - Under UGC no c ? loglog n ratio, constant c
- Chawla etal
- Point set width.
- upper bound Varadarajan etal
- (log n)? lower bound Varadarajan etal
37Additive Approximation Ratios
- The cost of the solution returned is
- opt?
- ? is called the additive approximation ratio
- Much less common (or studied(?)) than
- multiplicative ratios
38New Result
- Let G (V,E,c) be a graph that admits a spanning
tree of cost at most c and maximum degree at
most d - Then, there exists a polynomial time algorithm
that finds a spanning tree of cost at most c and
maximum degree d2. Additive ratio 2 Goemans,
FOCS 2006
39The Ultimate Approximation
- Some problems admit 1 approximation
- Known examples
- Coloring a planar graph
- Chromatic index coloring edges Hoyler
- Find spanning tree with minimum maximum degree
Furer Ragavachari - Some less known 1 approximation
40Achromatic Number
41Achromatic Number of Trees
- The problem is hard on trees
- Thus opt is bounded by roughly sqrt n
- This bound is achievable within 1 (in polynomial
time) - Similarly Minimum Harmonious coloring of trees
1 approximation
42Poly-log Additive (tight) Radio Broadcast
43Upper and Lower Bounds
- Since one can cover 1/log n uniquely, in
- O( (log n)2) rounds the other side of a
Bipartite graph can be informed - Thus, in a BFS fashion Radius ? (log n)2
- Best known Kowalski, Pelc
- Radius O(log n)2
- Lower bound Elkin, Kortsarz For some constant
c, opt c ? (log n)2 not possible unless - NP ? DTIME (n poly-log n)
44A graph with radius 1, opt ? (log n)2
- A construction by Alon, Bar-Noy, Lineal, Peleg
P(1/2)0.4?log n
P(1/2) 0.6?log n
- If we choose any subset of size 2j then the set
of probability (½)j will be informed in log n
rounds - Since there are 0.2? ln n sets, it will take
O( (log n)2) - The difficulty A size 2j does not affect the
sets of p (½)k, k gt j - However, if k lt j, size 2j causes collisions for
k, hence is of little help
- No real conclusion
- The NPC problem seems to admit little order if at
all regarding approximation - The problems are unstable
- There does not seem to be a deep reason these
ratios are rare (because of techniques(?)) - Very good advances.
- Still much we dont understand in approximations