The Hubble Space Telescope - the first 10 years - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Hubble Space Telescope - the first 10 years


Thankfully Comet impacts are very rare. However: In 1995 a comet hit Jupiter ! ... Stars end their life-cycle by going Supernova or Nova depending on their initial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Hubble Space Telescope - the first 10 years

The Hubble Space Telescope - the first 10
  • Our only optical telescope in space
  • Why, when and how
  • Observations
  • Planets
  • Stars
  • Galaxies
  • Cosmology
  • The Next Generation Space Telescope

  • An Orbital
  • Launched
    April 24th 90
  • Serviced
    mid-Dec 93
  • Visible From
    Earth by Eye

The Launch .
  • April 24th 1990
  • Space Shuttle
    Mission ST-31
  • 10x faster than a
    rifle bullet !

Overview .
  • 2.4 metre
  • Solar Panels
    for energy
  • 4 instrument
  • Comms
  • Shutter
  • Gyros

The Benefits of Space
  • No atmosphere crystal sharp images
  • No sky glow very deep images

Hubble Trouble
  • But,to our horror we discovered Hubbles mirror
    was the wrong shape !
  • In 1993 a service mission (ST-62) was sent up to
    some of the
  • Since then
    its worked
  • Heres the
    difference gt

Hubble Trivia
  • Named after Edwin Hubble who discovered the
    expansion of the universe
  • Project conceived in 1971
  • Total cost around US 1 billion !
  • Now Operational for 10 years
  • Observed 14,000 objects
  • Orbited the Earth 58,400 times
  • Travelled 1.5 billion miles
  • Can see back to when the Universe was 10 of its
    current age (13 billion years ago)

Where HST has been looking
  • This shows the places on the sky where HST has
    looked. Milky-way across centre.

Our Solar System
  • In our Solar System are 9 planets Mercury,
    Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
    Neptune and Pluto plus an asteroid belt, Kuiper
    belt, moons and of course the sun.
  • HST cannot look at Mercury because it is too
    close to the sun and would damage the telescope.
  • It has looked at everything else though gtgtgt

Our Solar System with HST
  • Comets are gigantic icy rocks which whiz through
    the Solar System at v.high speeds.
  • It is believed a comet killed the dinosaurs and
    the impact created the gulf of Mexico
  • Thankfully Comet impacts are very rare.
  • However In 1995 a comet hit Jupiter !

The Impact of Fragment G
  • Provided
    on the
    rotation of
    and its

  • Stars form from giant gas clouds floating in
  • The cloud first starts to collapse due to gravity
  • When sub-clumps reach a sufficiently high density
    Nuclear fusion occurs bathing the region in
  • This radiation blows away any remaining dust
  • Finally were left with a star cluster
  • Eventually each star explodes (Supernovae)
  • All that remains is a black hole, neutron star or
    white dwarf
  • HST has looked at all stages of this process gtgtgt

Stars Gas Collapses
  • The Trifid Nebula
    A Stellar Nursery
  • Gas is collapsing
    due to gravity
    and where it
    becomes dense
    enough stars are
    formed and
    nuclear fusion

Stars Stars Ignite
  • The Eagle Nebula
  • Radiation from the
    newly formed stars
    moulds the gas
    remaining into
    the spectacular
    gaseous pillars
    we see

Stars The First Stars
  • An emerging star
    cluster NGC3603
  • As the gas is blown
    away the newly
    formed star cluster
    becomes visible
  • At this stage the
    light is dominated
    by the very hot but
    blue stars

Stars A Cluster is formed
  • A Star Cluster
  • As the hot blue stars
    burn out we are left
    with a star cluster.
    All remaining
    gas is now
    blown far away
    and this cluster will
    stay like this for
    many billions of

Stars Stellar Outflows
  • Eta Carinae
  • Many stars form as
    binary systems, during
    the course of their
    active phases mass is
    often transferred
    from one star
    to the other. If
    this matter is accreted
    too fast it squirts out
    of the poles
    of the secondary

Stars Supernova
  • Superova NGC6543
  • Stars end their life-cycle
    by going Supernova or
    Nova depending on their
    initial mass
  • The most massive go
    supernova and blow
    off their outer shell
    whilst the core collapses
    into a black hole

Stars Planetary Nebulae
  • The Spiral Nebula
  • The shell of material
    blow off settles down
    and the remaining core
    can often pulsate if it
    is not massive enough
    to form a
    black hole

  • Galaxies consist of about 1billion stars
  • Once called Island Universes(Kant)
  • 3 main types
  • Ellipticals (Smooth, Old and Red)
  • Spirals (Bulge plus spiral arms)
  • Irregulars (Newly formed or interacting)
  • HST allows us to look closely at the regions
    where stars form and to see their structure back
    to when the Universe was young

Galaxy Clusters
  • Here we see a
    typical example
    of an elliptical galaxy
    (centre) and a
    spiral galaxy
  • Galaxies often form
    in groups of clusters.
    Here we see the nearby
    core of the Coma
    cluster of

Galaxies and star-formation
  • The smaller panel shows NGC4314 as viewed from
    the ground. The larger panel shows the core as
    seen by HST. The purple and blue regions indicate
    where star clusters are forming

Peculiar Galaxies and mergers
  • Galaxies are believed start from small sub-clumps
    which through merging build themselves up to
    giant ellipticals and spirals. Here we see the
    merger of two giant spirals which will one day
    become a giant elliptical. The core of each
    galaxy is seen in red and
    most likely each
    contains a
    giant black hole.
  • Our galaxy is on
    collision course
    with Andromeda
    and one day
    look like this.

The Hubble Deep Field
  • The most famous single image is
    The Hubble Deep Field (150 orbits of data)
  • It only covers 1millionth of the sky but
  • Its the deepest image ever taken of the Universe
    looking back to when the Universe was
    1 billion years old (I.e., 10 of its
    current age)
  • In it we see that the most distant galaxies are
    very irregular unlike the spirals and ellipticals
  • With HST we finally see the main epoch of
    GALAXY FORMATION 8billion years ago

The Hubble Deep Field
  • The Deepest image ever taken of our Universe

Galaxy Evolution
  • From the Hubble Deep Field we see that galaxies
    look normal back until 30 of the age of the
    Universe at which point the number of Peculiars
    and mergers increases. This panel shows samples
    of galaxies at different ages
  • starting from
  • today and
  • stretching back
  • until the Universe
  • was 10 of its
  • current age.

  • There are 4 numbers that define our universe
  • 1) The Expansion Rate (Hubble Constant)
  • 2) The Density of Matter
  • 3) The Density of Radiation
  • 4) The Density of Space-time
  • The Hubble Space Telescope is measuring (1) the
    expansion rate of the universe today !
  • The other parameters are being measured from
    other satellites which are looking at the Cosmic
    Microwave Background

An Analogy (CarUniverse)
  • Think of a car heading down the street out of
    control with the brake, hand brake and
    accelerator all jammed on !
  • We want to know whether its going to stop, get
    faster or stay at a constant speed !
  • Whether this happens is determined by its current
    speed, and the battle between the brakes and the
    accelerator !

The Car and the Universe
  • The car is the Universe and we want to know
    whether the Universe is going to stop expanding
    and recollapse or continue to expand for ever.
  • The Hubble constant is the cars speed right now
  • The density of matter is the footbrake
  • The density of radiation is the handbrake
  • The density of Spacetime is the accelerator (also
    known as the Cosmological Constant)
  • Measuring the Hubble Constant is a crucial step

The HST Key Program
  • Aim, to measure the expansion rate of the
    Universe gt the age of the universe!
  • To do this we need a very accurate distance
    measurement, the velocity we already know
  • But how do we measure distances ?
  • Well some stars are known to pulsate at a rate
    which depends on their brightness.
  • We can use this to calculate the distances to
    nearby galaxies.
  • In the case M100 in the Virgo cluster

The Age of the Universe
  • All galaxies are moving away from us
  • The furthest galaxies move away faster
  • Hubbles law gt Universal Expansion
  • If we measure a galaxies speed and its distance
    we can calculate how long its been travelling
    for (I.e., timedistance/velocity).
  • All galaxies gives us the same answer !
  • This is an approximate age of the Universe, the
    point in space-time from which all matter
  • (as this ignores any braking and accelerating)

Calculating Distances
  • If you move an object away it gets fainter
  • Once its 10x further away it is 100x fainter
  • Hence if we know how bright a star SHOULD be and
    we measure how bright it ACTUALLY is we can
    estimate the distance
  • This relies on finding stars with KNOWN
    brightness and luckily their exist a class of
    star known as Cepheids which pulsate according to
    their brightness
  • We can use these to measure distances

The Galaxy M100
  • The galaxy M100
  • lies in the nearby
  • Virgo cluster, we
  • know how fast
  • Virgo is moving
  • so now all we need
  • is its distance to get
  • the age of the
  • Universe

Finding the Cephieds
  • To measure the distance we need to find Cepheids,
    variable stars which pulsate according their
    brigthness. To do this we need to
  • observe M100 many
  • times and look for
  • stars whose
  • brightness varies
  • periodically. Heres a
  • Cepheid found on the
  • outskirts of the galaxy

Monitoring their Brightness
  • Once a Cepheid has been found we must measure its
    brightness frequently to determine the period
    (which tells us its INTRINSIC brightness) and by
  • this to its
  • brightness we can
  • estimate the
  • distance to M100.
  • Even with HST
  • this is very hard

Distance to M100
  • Heres the equation that we use
  • m-M5log(d)-5
  • mThe APPARENT Brightness in logarithmic units
  • MThe INTRINSIC Brightness in logarithmic units
  • d The distance in parsecs (1parsec3.3 light
  • The APPARENT brightness we measure from the
    image, the INTRINSIC brightness we calculate from
    the PERIOD of the Cephied
  • Eventually we get the crucial distance to M100

The Hubble Constant
  • HST provides a distance to M100 of
    16 Mpc 50 million light years !
  • From the ground we can measure the speed with
    which this galaxy is moving away 1250 km/s I.e.,
    Every day M100 gets 108 million km further away !
  • The ratio gives us the Expansion Rate of the
    Universe 78 km/s/Mpc
  • It also gives an approximate age of the
    universe, remember t d/v which gives about 10
    billion years

The Universe Today
  • Thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope we have a
    picture in which our universe formed 10 billion
    years ago and 2 billion years into this the
    galaxies formed through mergers of smaller
    building blocks into the large and well ordered
    galaxies we see around us today - this new
    perspective into our Universe has only been
    possible by looking through the eye of the Hubble
    Space Telescope.
  • So what is the next big question ?

The Fate of the Universe
  • Remember the Car hurtling our of control ?
  • HST has measured its speed today
  • We still have three more parameters to find
  • The Density of Matter the footbrake
  • The Density of Radiation the handbrake
  • The Density of Space-Time the accelerator
  • To measure these requires a combination of even
    more sophisticated telescopes and satellittes

The Next Generation Space Telescope
  • NASA is planning an 8-metre telescope, a
    collecting area 11x large the the HST. To be
    launched in 2015. This will see even further and
    over larger chunks of sky. It will also see in
    other wavelengths and in particular the Infrared.
  • This telescope will
  • be sent into deep
  • space and a solar
  • shield will keep it
  • protected from the
  • sun

Finally my favourite image
  • Gravitational Lensing by a Galaxy Cluster

  • Cosmology and Astronomy is an exciting science
    entering a golden era of discovery. Soon we will
    know either the fate of the Universe or well
    overturn the Big Bang model. Either way its an
    exciting time and an exciting place to be.
  • HST Websites
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
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